Getting so close to just fucking losing it and going insane. My life is so shit. How do I turn it around?
Getting so close to just fucking losing it and going insane. My life is so shit. How do I turn it around?
go outside. be normal
Get really lucky somehow idk
I've 'given up' and just enjoy being in my lane in life.
If you want to change lanes give new things a try: gym, travel, non-addictive drugs, change your music, do a new hobby
take up something constructive and fun ... exercise ... eat well... and remember it is not the situation but the way that you think about it that makes you unhappy
>non-addictive drugs
What would you recommend?
just be yourself
going to apply to a gym tomorrow, hopefully release some of this pent up anger and hatred in a positive and productive outlet.
LSD is a good drug to try. oxycodone can also ease the pain and make life better
any podcasts I should listen to? any crypto related advice? [spoiler]will hodling link make me rich[/spoiler]
this is good advice thanks for this
Salvia can be great.
low-med trips on psilocybin and other plant-based hallucinogens. nothing crazy but i find it can get me out of a mental rut
also if you feel like you are socially numb, doing mdma with a friend can be special, it's woken up my 'social brain' again more than once
always nice but it can make you even more NEET depending on user i feel
Awesome, just stick with it. hitting PBs is a fucking rush
Psychedelics. Specifically LSD and Mushrooms. Google MRI's of people's brains while tripping on LSD. It breaks down repetitive lines of thinking/viewpoints and essentially puts your brain into a state where there is no cognitive bias about anything.
I.e. you see the world for what it is and nothing more; an unbiased observer. Like if your eyes were a video camera essentially. You just see nature for what it is. No predispositions or bias.
I personally enjoy a psychedelic experience about once every 6 months or so. It is quite humbling and allows me to break unhealthy habits or lines of thinking that I may have developed.
I know this isn't OP but this goes to OP too, if you're life is seriously this shit why not just go for it? Under the guise that something is better than nothing. Rekindle the childlike wonder and desire to learn and maybe cultivate new skills or talents. I don't fucking know I'm just some guy but I highly recommend researching more about some of the clinical studies and trials done concerning LSD and mushrooms.
Meet someone at the gym
I was in this state a couple of times when I was really high on pot once. Was a huge eye-opener but I went back to my usual stupid thought processes right after. It fucking sucks desu. Can you make it so you're like that always? Or no?
Yeah don't do drugs that reduce thinking ability/ambition. I was a huge stoner in highschool but I have buckled down hard as fuck and am rocking a 3.85 GPA in Electrical Engineering at the moment as a sophomore.
Since I quit smoking dope, I became a sperm donor lol. I got approved and now just have to wait for their special doctor to come down from some other location or whatever on December 8th and I can start making $70 a donation at a max rate of once every 48 hours. I will be putting all my masturbation money into shit coins.
Obviously my example is really out there but there is always something that you could be doing in life to make yourself more successful than what you currently are doing. Like now I have successfully monetized my masturbation addiction all because I quit smoking weed. Think of what you could do!
Sophomore in college if that wasn't obvious.
if you go to gym - get muscles
if you get muscles - you get grill
get grill - have babies
have babies - have senpai
have senpai - no more alone
>Can you make it so you're like that always? Or no?
If you get a real breakthrough on a psychedelic (that hits a 'deeper' part of your consciousness) yeah you might bring it back to your normal state after
Don't do drugs, do shit you like idk
Hope it gets better
If you offer some random dude mdma at the gym and ask him to come over, he's going to think you're trying to bang him.
Muscles don't really do jack shit. They only make you acceptable if you have an ugly face.
It terms of male looks, low body fat unless twig and symmetrical face along with proper dress is king.
Also, dominant cool personality is the ultimate attractive quality of a guy. Most men are too stupid, brainwashed or gay to achieve this.
If you have a fag personality it wouldn't matter how good you look.
Where do you guys buy drugs from? Dark web?
That would actually help my thinking ability and ambition if I can see things the way they are instead of having cognitive bias about everyone and everything. I'd be way more happier and focused and creative if I were like that, always. And LOL, a fucking sperm donor? I wanna do that.
What do you mean by fag personality? So I can avoid being one?
He probably means being overly insecure and anxious in social situations
What do you think all these fucking privacy coins are for?