Looking for good headphones Veeky Forums
>android and ipod control essential
>for mostly metal music
>don't like over the ear designs
Looking for good headphones Veeky Forums
>android and ipod control essential
>for mostly metal music
>don't like over the ear designs
Sauce on this Asian chick?
Earbuds are pretty garbage for most stuff.
Try sennheiser's cheaper buds if you're a sweaty fuck.
Overear and and corded might restrict movements, but bluetooth has garbage quality (if you care about that type of stuff, but you're into metal so I doubt you do)
Dont buy apple or bose. Pure shit
Also for future reference, you don't buy headphones based on your music taste, you buy based on range, ability to produce vibrant tones, soundstage, and bass.
t. ex /moo/tant
>metal doesn't need good quality
You what m8
this. wtf.
I believe she is from Asia.
>looking for headphones
>don't like over the ear design
my sony mdr ex450 in ears are great... except the cables shit and that puts them into shit tear headphones.
Heard good things about jaybird x3s. Gonna make the change over the wireless. Haven't used them myself but they're my next purchase.
Yeah man I need that crisp quality, listen to periphery and tell me that you don't see a need for a wide range of tones, that shit my son is art
>vibrant tones, sound stage and bass
>just bass
Did you forget about mids and highs? Or do you like muddled scratchy bass blasted sound mr. "I'm too good for bluetooth headphones" ? What does a vibrant tone even mean, a proper frequency response? In what dynamic ranges then?
Kek audio plebs giving advice is hilarious.
A good pair of detailed earbuds is the brainwavs delta (the highs are a bit much, bass and mid are ok) and the senn cx 300s (good mid and bass, quiet highs). You're gonna want to stay in the 30 dollar range because these buds will get fucked one way or another if youre using them everyday.
>Implying vibrant tone isnt a thing
Nigger its a fucking adjective. Calm yourself you cunt
Chill mine negro. Its not like hes gonna be able to tell the differences.
>>B-but good call on the m-mids and h-highs. M-my bad dude I'm only h-human cut me some s-slack
Are you shitting me? Metal is literally trash. Only baby-men with no taste will try to defend it
>Inb4 manowar, burzum, the list could go on and on
Shiggity diggity
Jaybird X3s or Beats X
go bluetooth and neverlook back. best thing i ever did getting the Jaybirds
>not realizing on ear is superior in every way
Ill only give you a suggestion if the metal you listen to is good. Start naming names.
avenged sevenfold
My Sony mdr's are pretty great they usually last a few years for me. They dont fall out either like my audiotechnicas.
Epic fail
Probably listens to drake and Kanye West
Periphery, buried in verona, suicide silence, while she sleeps, architects
>inb4 hur it's not oldschool thrash metal so it's shit hur hur
consider suicide
So what about runners? Looking at those powerbeats 3 and seem very good
Nice """""""taste"""""""" user
only faggot betas dont listen to kanye/drake here and there
whatd you say bitch?
Jelly Ear Buds. About 10-15, usually found near checkout but always in the ear phone section. Great sound, bass, and very durable. I've accidentally washed and dried mine twice and they still work perfectly. 10/10 would recommend.
I said I'll shit your yeezys cunt and throw them at your whore wife
Now I understand why he did it
I have the mee m6 pro's. They're pretty great.
her name is Pei Pei
fucking liar
you don't really want anything with a cord while working out, unless you're a literal cardiobunny
Been doing it for years and it's fine, just want higher quality
>it's fine
and that's how I know you don't even lift
>being this triggered by headphones
Do you wear a back brace for curls by any chance?
Any KZ IEMs, ZS3 or ZS5 are two of the better choices imo
They also sell a Bluetooth cable for only $10, so you can potentially get an amazing bang for the buck BT IEM for only around $20.
cheapest skullcandy earbuds, i have weird ears, which i assume are normal ears, and they have never ever fell out doing any movement. i wear them at work all day long in the sun n sweat and they havnt failed. they also cancel out most exterior noise
unless you're doing olympic lifts i don't see how it can get in the way. tuck it down your shirt and you'll be fine.
hd 6xx on massdrop
There should be a music listening virgin vs chad
any bluetooth mpows, theyre cheap as fuck and durable as fuck.
You want NO CORD when performing OHP, Deadlift, Squat and Bench. You'd know if you weren't a curl+machinebro.
How is the little cord going from your ears to your neck going to affect any of these? TUCK IT UNDER YOUR SHIRT
>How is the little cord going from your ears to your neck going to affect any of these? TUCK IT UNDER YOUR SHIRT
And that's how I know you don't even lift AGAIN.
Being so beta you can't have even the slightest interest in anything but pretending you're Chad
>never gonna make it
I just don't lift like a retard i guess.
>I just don't lift
that was enough.
>want good headphones
>don't like the design that fundamentally determines the affordability of good music quality
I hope you have $250 to drop on pieces of shit ear buds.
Pic related all day every day. They stay cooler than biggies, have good bass and an unbeatable price for the sound quality.
They blow out after about 3 years of constant use though
>can't explain why cords are bad
>y-y-you dyel
Just squeezes my ear and gets annoying foe a snug fit, I know quality is less but thats alright
>can't guess why cords are bad
>b-b-b-but I-I lift! I swear!