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Nothing, it just triggers meat eaters
People dont like dealing with the fact that theyre shoveling shit food down their throats every day, so theyd rather call the vegans crazy. Theres nothing wrong with being vegan.
Nothing, there's also nothing wrong with eating meat, people are just autistic.
Nothing. Veganism on Veeky Forums is like OSX on /g/. Everybody shits on it with no clear reason why.
It's an unnecessaily prohibitive diet.
I can see vegetarians' point. But there is LITERALLY nothing wrong with eating an egg from a chicken that lives comfortably in your backyard. Vegans are crazy.
It contributes to heart disease and cancer. It's also a major cause of pollution and environmental degradation. Strike the second one out when they start making test tube meat available in grocery stores.
Who just lives on Chicken eggs from their backyard? Most of the commercial meat available comes from disgusting factory farms.
Your bait threads are so fucking annoying you someone managed to ruin the reputation of a diet.
That's what's wrong with veganism.
It's the only diet people try to force on me.
>It's also a major cause of pollution and environmental degradation.
that is irrelevant, it wont really make a difference in your life time
Youre right to an extent. It has more to do with the vast amount of meat were eating now. Its not sustainable, and its also unhealthy. The science behind that is not arguable.
Its like saying "1 shot wont hurt", then complaining about the liver issues you have after 40 years of hard drinking. Its not a fair comparison but the point is the same. The health risks that come from consistent animal consumption(even minimal) are very apparent.
So does shitposting on Veeky Forums.
No one is forcing it on you. My experience as a vegan is that its the opposite. At holidays, etc. I won't say a word to people about what they should
shouldn't do, but it grinds my gears when people say I'm preaching when I defend why I'm not eating meat.
Not every vegan acts like you friend.
>possible deficiencies if you arent careful
>many people turn to oil/soy to get there calories which is arguably just as bad as omnivores
>can eat to little if you suck at meal planning
>fags will feverishly defend consuming animal flesh and cow tit goo if you explain to them your eating habits
IS there a guide on high cal high protein cheap vegan diets?
I've considered veganism but I don't want to live off lentils and let beans soak in my sink every night.
>It contributes to heart disease
No, it doesn't.
>and cancer.
Doesn't do that either.
>mens fitness
>breaking muscle
Into the fucking garbage it goes
Utter shit sources
High protein is a myth promoted by the supplement industry. 50g a day is adequate and pretty much any vegan diet will get you there.
If you want high cal, just eat lots of starch.
Vegans are Omega tier males thats why they are so inferior when it comes to sport
>caring about what other people eat
Try to preach to me why I should be a vegan and then we have a problem.
Nobody said you have to "live on them" dumbshit. I said there's nothing wrong with eating backyard eggs, something vegans would disagree with. Try to stay on topic.
Do you throw everything into the trash you can't read?
Utter shit reading comprehension skills
Yes, and?
Anyone who thinks that animals don't deserve to die and be eaten has never lived on a farm.
pretty much.
>citation needed
Heeee has an eating disorder *smacks lip*, an yur nat qualified to deeal with eet.
Morally, if you give a shit about treating animals better than they treat each other, then veganism fits in a kind of extremist branch of utilitarianism. These people will still buy iPhones from China and other hypocritical shit. They are mostly virtue signaling to people that can't see past their bullshit.
As far as health goes vegans live longer and have better vital stats than meat eaters when lumped into the same group. When you remove the obese section of meat eaters from these stats the difference all but disappears. It is just like talking about the wage gap without taking age, occupation, education, etc into account.
Most people, especially vegans, are deficient in micronutrients. Their diet makes it hard to come by certain micronutrients and lacks good sources of protein. This is why most of the ones that aren't roided up or following a perfect diet look like holocaust victims.
Plus phytoestrogens.
That's about it. It's basically an eating disorder. Rip refuses to train them as a result of it.
>When you remove the obese section of meat eaters from these stats the difference all but disappears
[citation needed]
0.66 to 0.83 g/kg of protein is widely regarded as the "rda".
Overconsumption for the purpose of bulding muscle is at best wasteful, and at worst dangerous according to the WHO in this article.
>284 pages
Where are athletes addressed?
Look at vegans and look at meat eaters. There's your answer.
Let me preface this by saying I'm not a vegan nor do I think it's healthy, However:
>These people will still buy iPhones from China and other hypocritical shit.
Those people voluntarily go work at foxconn and they make more money than they would at the rice farm they came from.
It's for fags
Im not going to spoonfeed you brainlet. There is a table of contents.
Yes, ofc. They try to bitch about worker rights still however. The entire argument is a big paradox.
I don't see them going to China to stop what they do to animals either. Asians don't give a flying fuck about animal rights and by buying a product that gives them money they are still supporting it. Just pointing out the hypocrisy that seems to be unobvious to most others.
>I can't support my argument because I'm talking out of my asshole
/g/ here, osx is disliked because it's closed source despite being based on free bsd, that's about that, you could cite the lack of programs but nobody on /g/ actually uses it know for sure, the real problem with Apple is their outdated, overexpensive hardware and their retarded fanbase, just like veganism really
>forgetting the highest tier of argument rebuttal.
ayy lmfao
>asks for a source
>i graciously retrieve
>complains when he cant decipher an easy to read document
See p.230-231
Rippletits says it's an eating disorder.
It's an eating disorder.
so we should achieve our remaining tdee with carbs and fats?
>Well judge it wasnt rape because I told her she can have sex and be killed by that guy or have sex and be get slapped by me
>It was her completly her decision
it makes more and more sense the further you go down the rabbit hole after taking the redpill regarding food production.
i think vegetarianism is good enough. meat if fine if you know it's not coming from a carcinogenic, corn and soy fed, fetid, tortured animal.
hitler was vegetarian. not sure why, but he knew the truth...that's for sure. u really dont need meat for siqq gainz either, but i still get the organic ground beef from costco.
good deal and good for you
That's discussing evidence pertinent to setting a tolerable upper limit to protein consumption. How is this supposed to support the claim that the RDA is optimal for athletes?
Preferably starches such as oats, potatoes or rice IMO. You are going to have a hard time going vegan and not consuming those at every meal.
What's wrong is that they no longer call it vegetarianism these days.
I am a vegan the supplements my diet with fish i catch, meat from animals I kill and eggs from my chickens.
I generally dont like dairy apart from occasionally treating myself to gourmet cheeses.
Vegans/vegetarians I have spoken to that were like "oh no I could never kill an animal, they are our friends" are the worst. You cannot exist as a human and not impact the environment and subsequently be responsible for the death of animals, to think that a restrictive diet makes the world a better place is utter delusion
The only way to actually make a change would be for these people to kill themselves.
> "...where protein intakes were increased to 200–300 g/day for 2 months. Such practices are almost certainly inef-
fective in terms of gain of muscle mass, even though substantial nitrogen
retention is often reported. "
Sounds pretty clear to me.
The single overfeeding study they're talking about involved putting six sedentary skinnyfats in a metabolic ward to sit on their ass all day and then measuring their nitrogen balance. The citation used to implicate no increase in muscle mass for this is a single study in noob gainers, not a meta-analysis, comparing 1.35g/kg to 2.62 g/kg, administered in the form of 1.5g/kg casein with 30g FAA as a single bolus, and concludes
>These data indicate that, during the early stages of intensive bodybuilding training, PRO needs are approximately 100% greater than current recommendations but that PROIN increases from 1.35 to 2.62 g.kg-1.day-1 do not enhance muscle mass/strength gains, at least during the 1st mo of training. Whether differential gains would occur with longer training remains to be determined.
Again, how is that supposed to support the RDA as optimal?