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/fraud/ - I go to bed and no one makes a new thread for 5 hours
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Real talk, /fraud/. I'm a Britfag. Can we legally get test injections here or is that shit illegal?
I'm sure it used to be legal and you could just buy them from sketchy websites but now I can't find any info.
It's legal for personal use, just not legal to buy online or sell. Having said that, no one ever gets prosecuted for buying. Class C, Schedule 2, I believe Part III, of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. If it's prescribed, you're golden.
girl was like >holy shit wtf user thats a lot why do you cum so much?
Now I have a fetish to drown her in my semen, what can I take to increase it? (on gear its about the same as natty).
Drink lots of water, lecithin granules, HCG, Zinc and L-arginine. Or you could just straight inject saline.
I'm doing subq with trt dosages, after my second pin day the area I injected the test in was sore when pressed but otherwise seemed fine. Any recommendations for subq injections? Sites, techniques, etc? I'm using 27G slin pins for test and 32G slin for HCG.
I really want to run again. I haven't ran in 1.5 years. I don't want to lose all my muscle though just to run. But it felt so good when I was 150lbs a few years ago and could run indefinitely. I think I'll stop myself at 180lbs though so I don't look emaciated.
Money is tight, what's the essential bloodwork I should get for my first Test cycle? I was thinking:
- free Test;
- total Test;
- E2;
- LDL.
So you're fat?
You still runing Tren?
What dosage?
read the wiki
I did and it lists way too much stuff, I can't afford it
Can you get VLDL with LDL? Throw in blood pressure measurement (should be free at doctors, some pharmacies have machines set up for customers to use too.. at least here, I even got a portable one from a store).
Maybe consider not roiding
Bimbo's waiting room
Yes. I am fat. I am halfway through my weightless recovery from SS+GOMAD and a period of lmaodepression
Don't run gear yet, cut first.
I think high estrogen makes me happier. is this why dbol gives ppl euphoria?
I'm taking Super Male Vitality - when can I expect to look like Zangief?
I'm already running gear and I don't regret it. It helps melt off fat. No gyno. On a cruise. Really don't have any reason to blast since I am concerned about endurance more than size.
Placebo. what dosage of dbol u running
dbol makes me feel like shit
>using natural test boosters in 2k17
test is a natural test booster
Cant argue with that. U're still a dumbshit
Thats valuable information.
If everything is good, go for it.
I just lost my natty status
>roiding for this
What compounds will let me forget about the feels i feel?
None of them.
50iu insulin and keto
why do we have to suffer so much
okay faggot, just tell us whats up and if its not completely faggy we might help you out.
Obviously you want to talk about something so do it instead of posting faggot pics
Text me if yinz see this I lost my phone and shit L8r
500 oz bleach / wk
Lowish trt dose so not to raise estrogen high + non-aromatising compound (maybe not tren, I mean it'd work for that but not good for the unstable).
>take dbol
>Just 20mg makes me feel like shit
>Blood pressure
>Go off and recover before getting back on
>700mg test for a while until dropping it down to 200mg
>Take 100mg anadrol preworkout
>No issues
>Normal bp
>Feel preddy good not like euphoria but like negative anxiety, opposite of anxiety, like serenity
>Feel like everything is gonna be okay
>Smile and laugh at things
>Feel like I'm not getting bigger yet, but it's okay just keep working out ED and have patience not obsessing over it
>Check scale
>Up about 9 lbs
Why does anadrol just keep getting better and better?
Got my first endo appointment in a couple of days to investigate my elevated prolactin, but I'm going to ask them to check everything. How do I crash my test for it?
are you natty?
dont eat any fats, dont take any vitamin supplements.
Dont workout.
Dont sleep, like at all. Sleeping is prolly the biggest natty test booster out there.
You are gonna feel shit but your test is gonna be low
Yep, natty. I've had my test checked before and it was in range but I have suspicions because I'm low energy
how in range is "in range"? like exact levels?
you can probably crash them low enough for trt if your baseline is sub 450ish ng/dl, no hopes if you're around like 600+
I can't remember - I was just quickly shown it on a screen about 3 months ago. I think it was a little below the middle of range.
I'm not asking for sources or specifics, but if I want to get some test in the UK, where would be a good direction to start looking in? Is it all online now? Dealers at the gym?
actually I'm just aromatizing 500mg test pretty heavily. I am oily af and experiencing insomnia with 12.5mg aromasin E3.5D. but I do overall feel great.
all online.
go to reddit SST.
roids are legal for britbongs
dbol makes me feels tired (live stress I suppose) and gives me titties.
What scales can I get to measure 30mg amounts of powder in the uk? I don't mind it being -/+ a few mg.
Was looking at either amazon.co.uk
Reviews on the £20 one have said they have used it to measure out 20 mg fine etc.
when it comes to this stuff, all of them work just fine. I bhought the cheapest shit i could find on amazon for 8€ and it works good enough
you are always in range if you ask doctor
you would literally have to cut off your ballsack to convince him to put you on trt
What's up nerds? How goes your daily injections to maintain 800-1300? What's it like being biologically inferior?
we pin triple of that, faggot.
more like every 3 days.
thanks for the useless post
You mispelled superior there buddy
Can you pin your dick for massive kegel gains? Anyone genuinely try using rounds for stupid muscle growth for the lulz? Genuinely curious
Because anadrol is god tier.
do you really think your dick is a muscle?
Is Prop EOD good for TRT?
y doe
I just started 50mg prop EOD last night, I'll let you know how it goes in 3 weeks
you should pin prop ed
why in God's name would you want to pin ed/eod until the end of time? why do you people want to be pin cushions when it isn't necessary? also it's more expensive
Nigga you never go full retard. I said kegel.
Prop should be pinned ED. I'm doing 20mg ED for my cruise and it's unpleasant.
>gf texts me while training
no reaction
>other chick(s) texts me while lifting
should i feel bad?
i've forgot what it feels like to ejaculate ;_;
Respond to her you dick
ur a dick, be nice to her
Attention from your gf is expected, attention from other chicks is special. Welcome to relationships.
yeah, about what i thought.
makes me think i really shouldn't be in a relationship.
If you feel like that then split up, you might regret it. Thrill of the chase and all that.
Getting some extra attention is nice, but the best attention comes from the one you love the most.
This, try to work on your relationship before you break up to chase other chicks. Why are you more interested in other women? Is there something she's not doing for you?
Based on
>i've forgot what it feels like to ejaculate ;_;
I feel like its a lack of sex.
Which is a valid and bullshit reason at the same time.
Sex fueles our ego, more sex is the feeling of being wanted being fullfilled.
I've had some thoughts cross my mind when our relationship was in a rough spot, all for the lack of sex.
In the end no amount of sex makes up for missing out on real love.
what the fuck is this post
pinning quads doesn't make your quads bigger, it's just a pathway. if you could inject your dick (you can't really, it's not a muscle) it wouldn't make it any bigger than injecting in your glutes would
the fuck do you mean kegel gains from steroids injection?
yeah you're right i would regret it. my current gf is pretty much all i could ask for in a woman, at least from a logical standpoint. but my subconscious (or my dick) apparently isn't done with chasing yet and in the long run i won't be able to suppress that desire either without having it manifest negatively in some other area of my life. either way i'm damned.
mostly it's variety i'm missing, i don't know maybe i don't like the idea of only sleeping with the same person for the rest of my life.
lol no i have plenty of sex. it's just that i have tiny baby roid testes.
> get high on THC and drunk
> notice I can feel a draft in one tiny spot of the room
> as if my hand can feel a tiny fan in only one spot
> but it's impossible, feel around it with every limb possible and feel the draft in only that spot
> can't imagine any possible source of it
> then at last second, before posting, I realize it's the frozen beer can above my hand
it's not a bullshit reason at all, sexual incompatibility is by far the biggest reason for breakups and cheating.
If I'm diagnosed low test and get a T suppliment, what sort of gains can I expect compared to a full cycle?
thc and alcohol always works against me.
they have 2 opposite effects. weed makes me lazy and calms me down, while alcohol makes me loud and funny
you promised me to post a body pic many months ago, faggot.
shutdown doesn't affect ejaculation or even ejaculation volume. you've got other issues my dude
this is probably the least terrible post you've ever made, more or this and fewer batshit insane conspiracy theories please
Define "T supplement"
Can't really relate but I hope you can work it out.
I'm a fucking retard so all I ask for is a nice girl that manages to put up with all my shit, which I've got and will never let go.
It was more towards people chasing their dick/pussy in the moment and not thinking about the big picture.
until he finds out his gf is on the same game and he is on tren or other shit that makes you paranoid
That cheat paranoia is the worst shit that can happen to your relationship
Why's it unpleasant?
really relative. depends on what level androgel and the like would put you (probably close /slightly above regular natty gains) and what you would define as a full cycle. either way you'll probably see more gains that right now. unless you don't actually have low t.
>shutdown doesn't affect ejaculation or even ejaculation volume. you've got other issues my dude
none that i'm aware of at the moment, despite medical supervision. still keeping it in mind though.
don't even put that put there dude
I just realised I miscalculated my Tren dose and I've injected more then I wanted. Fuck.
Should I just roll with it?
>the moment that one little thought creeps into your mind and you spend the whole day obsessing over nothing.
Tren actually makes me apathetic about relationships. I thought my ex cheated on my during my first tren cycle and I was just like "meh, I can fuck hotter chicks."
The PIP is fairly rough and with ED pinning you're guaranteed to always have at least one area that hurts like a mofo. I'm only using it to try to fine-tune some blood values before my next blast.
He's still alive, i thought you killed yourself. Did you have you PHD yet? doing something useful with that brain instead of killing it
That's why i can never do tren, at least not in a relationship. Higher test or masteron does the same shit to me.
I was at a point that i was constantly searching for my gf's phone and reading her messages. I constantly needed to check everything BECAUSE MAYBE SOMEBODY IS FUCKING ME OVER
who's fucking me? WHOOO, fucking whoo. Man tho's were SHIT times
FCUKCING bithc is cheating on me, I KNOW IT, FUCKING WHORE
Sexual incompatibility is a another word for a skinny dick.
Sexually compatible use our girth to advantage. Girth over-rides all factors.
I posted enough of my ass on here, m8. If I get my shit together and have something worth posting; you'll see it.
The batshit insane conspiracy theories are usually to a dopamine flux or disruption. Unless you're referring to the Jews. I have a combination of 2 rare genes that reduce the cofactor of neurotransmitter synthesis and # of dopamine receptors by 80%.
So you introduce SDRIs to try and preserve normal dopamine levels but every drug has it's unique effects. Amphetamine makes me far crazier than Ritalin.
>If I get my shit together and have something worth posting; you'll see it.
thats exactly what you said last time i asked you.
am disapoint son, ill assume dyel unless proven otherwise
High Test does the same for me, I can supress it but it wrecks me emotionally.
No such thing on Tren. I'm a coldhearted bastard on Tren and only care about my goals and being efficient in everything.
I've got no time for fucking drama.
Then you're lucky. But i had to have a flaw otherwise you had nothing against me.
You can't have it all
I read the same shit about tren. What does cause that paranoia? Estrogen? Makes me worried about my next blast. That shit was too heavy.
I wanted to fucking strangle that bitch in her sleep for things she did in my mind
I made me the biggest beta on earth
Estrogen was a mistake.
Why not give it a test run on Ace? Inform your girl to let her put up with your shit.
It'll be kicked in as fast as it leaves your system. Gone in 3 days I believe.
For me it wasn't worth it at one point. I could not concentrate at work anymore and was only thinking about that.
I am mentally weak, prone to paranoid insane thoughts. And steroids express those feelings. It is what it is .
Also the tren cough, the insomnia etc seems all to crazy to me
Tren cough is the biggest fucking meme I've ever seen.
I've only had it once after nicking a vein, sure its not pleasent but its over quickly and just an annoyance.
Insomania is another fucking meme, you can funtion at 110% with just 4 hours of sleep. No wonder you get "insomnia", your body doesn't need more.
All the overblown sides are a big meme.
If I can run 720mg no problem you can at least try a baby's first 200-400mg.
Ive ran tren ace at 350mg/week before.
Sides: nightsweats from time to time, shorter fuse and it made me give less a shit about everything in life.
I expected it to be extremer, which it probably is at higher doses.
Side note: did not have a crazy strength boost like people love to claim... maybe there is something wrong with me idk.
>balls ache when I pump them up with hcg but not while they're pumped up and I'm cruising
>balls ache when I quit hcg and they shrink but not when they're raisins
worst meme
>Ive ran tren ace at 350mg/week before
Yeah try doubling that and you might see what people mean. Most folks run ace at 500-1000mg pw.