How do I get inner gains?
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Always the damn breath.
Here is my experience with meditation so far.
>sit down on the floor.
>an't do the lotus.
>try to relax.
>focus on the breathing, one, two, three
>how much should I count?
>isn't this thinkin? fuck, I'm supposed not to think while meditating.
>try to get a clear mind.
>fuck, my back
>fuck, I lost my breath
>fuck, now I lost my posture.
>fuck this.
It's not supposed to be easy when you first do it you idiot. It is literally biologically programmed for your mind to wander. You will have to practice meditation to get it to not do so. Even then, you will not be "having no thoughts", you will actually be thinking without experiencing words or even sound. You will literally be silencing your mind and learning to control what you see internally. At high levels, when you get control of your body, you can even simulate and control feeling, up to and including Unions with a Consort.
You also shouldn't count breaths at all. Just breathe and focus on how the air moves through you.
Aight, here's what's up: Observe the observer.
If a thought occurs, just let it occur. Don't pay it any attention -- Let that shit be like a piece of trash floating by on a breeze. Detach. You are not your mind, YOU observe the mind (Hence, observing the observer).
Mantra meditation works for me, personally. 9x mala rotations per session. If your mind is severely undisciplined, keeping it occupied with something will ease it in to discipline. Usually this is accomplished through koans (eg "What's the sound of one hand clapping"), mantras (eg "Om Shanti Shanti Shanti"), or pranayama (focusing entirely on manual breathing).
You're a legitimate idiot
Spend more time at the Iron chapel
>focus on breathing
>clear mind
>mfw because one can't see meditation gains beginners automatically assume they'll be able to meditate enlightenmentpl8x∞
You need to practice just like everything else. Good luck.
this is the reply that changes my life.
I don't lift.
I started using headspace. He explains all this in basics
>get baptised and chrismated
>confess your sins
>take the eucharist
>pray regularly
>get married to a nice, modest girl
>have as many children as her body can produce
>sacrifice yourself daily to make your children strong and wise
I used to do 40 mins everyday. Didn't really experience any noticeable changes in life. The only thing that changed was that I had 2-3 lucid dreams per week. Was pretty cool.
This isn't the bronze age. Make a real goal and give your life actual purpose.
you can meditate anywhere anytime, just bring your awareness. it is not even adviced to meditate eyes closed by tibetan monks
start lifting?
I lifted years ago, I don't want anymore. I'm on muay thai now.
it trains you to focus better
The goal of meditation is to clear your mind, dull your senses, so that demons can enter and possess your mind. Secular and Buddhist meditation will leave you spiritually defenseless to psychic attack.
True meditation is reflecting on the love of God. I suggest buying a rosary, but it's not necessary.
Beginner tips for meditating:
1. Slow do your breathing. Be mindful of a full inhale and exhale. You'll likely notice your breaths get shorter and shorter when your mind wanders.
2. Be mindful to relax your whole body as you exhale. Start from the top of your head and work your way down to your toes. Repeat. You'll likely notice tension in unlikely places like shoulders raise, jaw and fists clinched, and core tight.
3. Employ an anchor. Either imaginary or real locate an object, noise, smell, or feeling on which to focus your mind when you feel your conscious thoughts wandering too far. Most people use the sound of their breath but you can use prayer beads, cold climate, or even fresh cut grass.
The idea is to calm body and mind. Eventually, you will begin to notice avenues of thought you were blind to before and through meditation learn to explore them.
>spiritually defenseless to psychic attack.
Nigga you went full /x/
I've been using Headspace and that shit is great. Biggest thing it's helped me with is falling asleep at night. Always thought meditation was a meme but holy fuck it's great.
Memes are memes for a reason. You might as well at least try it out.
Nothing is more real than caring for a loving family in union with Christ, user.
I can do that without some creepy god who gets angry at me if I think of boobs, senpai
Zen meditation is an absolute meme
Try Mindfulness and Vipassana meditation OP
Well since Christ is a made up pretend deity, almost anything else is more real.
I guess you could also make the argument that union with Christ is acceptance of your own ignorance and that accord could be the basis of one's own happiness. What could be more real than self-acceptance?
OP here. Mindfulness is watery yoga with an academic stamp. utter bullshit.
>not reading Mindfulness in Plain English and Hardcore Zen
You're not gonna make it if you don't read these. Used to have angry outburst every day. Now my friends comment on how chill I am and how nothing seems to faze me.
It does, but that's not the point. The point is, be mindful of the faze. Read those fucking books bros.
see this
this mindfulness stuff only works on normies and low IQ people. is just shit thrown by the academia.
>t.angry mindlet
Stay mad you inferior pleb
The hippie dippy type mindfulness is crap yes. But genuine patient awareness of your own impulses and understanding of your desires, and the fact that desire is pain, allow you to make more calm choices in daily life.
Like any mental tool, this has been co opted by corporations. So has fucking optimism. Be aware that you can still use a tool that has been handled by people you dont like.
Developing mindfulness is an amazing skill in that way. No way to understand how useful it is until you experience it.
>Unions with a Consort
why are those both capitalized?
what dark magicks are you conjuring, boy?
>not just noticing the tickle of air around your nostrils.
>it's feels warm
>it's soft
>feeling the weight of your face
>feeling the weight of your head