$3690950 in volume on EtherDelta, only a $5mil market cap, and super undervalued ICO. WHAT ARE WAITING FOR BIZ, GET IN.
Number 2 in volume on EtherDelta.....CHECK!
New exchange announcement on Friday....CHECK!
5 million market cap......CHECK!
Only a moron would not see this will easily 3x in 24-36 hours.
confido is big ! they are going to be listen on a new exchange at the end of the week, everything about this coin spells MOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
First rule of Veeky Forums:
If you see a pump on Veeky Forums,
it's a dump and they're looking for bag holders.
it's like 2 dudes with 2 smart phones and 2 computers
What is the token distribution?
Nah Veeky Forums is usually great for spotting early pumps. Veeky Forums made me so much money on WTC, XLM, VTC.
It’s when you see 2 or 3 posts about it on the front page of reddit that you know the pump is over
300k Hardcap ICO
Circulating supply is ~9million
Still plenty of room to grow, exchange annoucement end of this week.
Buy the damn dip!
Buy high pol
Give it to me straight biz, how out of my league are large breasted nips?
This. Biz made me $$$ with Metaverse
Do you guys promise I can get dumped on from the 2 whales that are inflating the price? Can I become a giant bagholder of yet another shitcoin that will never go anywhere? Promise? Golly gee promise?
What is this from?
charlie in the tree, waiting for /biztard to buy in so they can dump this shit.
if any one get in to confido after 1 mill they deserve to loose money......confido developed 2 apis hardly 100 doller...in crypto u guys paying them few mill....if you wnt to fuck up y not fuck up with dovu which is also 7 mill....confido is absolute shit ...pajeet sceam....aftern one week ..you blame biz...retard fellows
Thanks for the advice Rakeesh
thanks pajeet....u fuck off.....uif u dont sell cnf now...u end up scam by pajeet
Yo wont get me to sell Pajeet. Gonna Hodl forever and get rich off the dividends.
Her name is Kaho Shibuya, I don't know the name of the video.
bought in, thanks op 10% already
This and EDO are both solid
This shit is already so overvalued. Disgusting.
When Bittrex?