"Lighting and angles"
>take steroids
>traps don't pop
get a refund kiddo
adobe gains
Let the debate begin
He's Natty!
yeah it's just genetics brah
you fucking idiots, its shooped
this is a screenshot from an instagram video. Nice try
more like photoroids
>implying it cant be photoshopped after screenshot
He's wearing a fucking Arm Blaster, so it's making his arms look huge
Its shopped. Look at the distortion.
Can we get a guide on how to become namekian?
I just watched the video. You can see the fucking thing 95% of the time, so OP really had to pick out a shot where you couldn't.
It's not shopped but his arms are pushing back against a solid object causing his triceps to push upwards into his medial and posterior deltoids, giving them the appearance of being larger
Thanks for the red circle and a half circle that are both red.
I now undersand.
Stay WOKE Brother!!!11!
OP here, go look at his last instagram post all i did was screenshot it lol its not shopped
no, it's an arm blaster. It's not shopped, it's lighting angles and an arm blaster (the edges of it is what i circled. >pic is arnold with one
just go to his post and go look at the comments, 60% of them are people calling him out on steroids
when you eat so many plants your skin turns green