This shit is exactly why crypto will never be seriously mass adopted...

This shit is exactly why crypto will never be seriously mass adopted. Developers are humans and humans ALWAYS make mistakes.

Creating a programmable system with MONEY involved that doesn't let you rollback was the most retarded idea in CS history.


This, crypto is beautiful because it's jew-proof

The flaws are well-worth it

The fuck you on about? At least the "centralized" systems didn't accidentally trigger PERMANENT money destruction.

Sure, but they do worse.


Nice /pol/-tier argument. Lucky it's only valid on Veeky Forums and not in the real world.

This is a thread about money handling and storing CS fundamentals. For failed investment schemes (which are currency independent) go somewhere else.

>Developers are humans and humans ALWAYS make mistakes.
So stop development
Gold developed bilions year agou and everebody happy

2008 resulted in the Fed printing a ton of money to bail out the Jee fuckers

>not even idiot proof
what makes you think that one guy wasnt a jew? not

>PERMANENT money destruction
wut, the central banks issuing the currency can do whatever they like, even tank the money supply by recalling debt

I think crypto is too early in development to be mass adopted but with advancements such as smart contracts we're probably going to get there eventually.

Please don't be mean. His hands are literally shaking.

>some dude just nuked 280M by sending a kill() command to a random smart contract

That's how everything works you make something new it sucks you make it better it still sucks repeat until it works.

Spot the jew

put STUPID amounts of money in a single wallet, expect STUPID results.


Correction. This is why Ethereum will never be adopted. Solidity is a meme and always will be. Ethereum by a 19 year old skeleton.

>put STUPID amounts of money in hands of a few devs that by design aren't allowed to make mistakes

No. This is the whole reason behind the creation of bitcoin.

He forked for $50m, but not $300m.
He played wow when other classes got nerfed, but quit when his own class got nerfed.

Vitalik only makes changes if he's personally affected, like during The DAO.

But ETH is more centralized than anything. Vitalik will hardfork away anything he doesnt like, and says he is pro-censorship.

That’s a lot of ETH permanently destroyed.

Who’s more deflationary now bitcoin?

Your physical paper cash dollars aren't destroyed but their value certainly can be. Bread can cost $5000 bud.


>millenial burger thinks the jews come from Veeky Forums
Anyone who's in business stays in business because they notice patterns.


What do you expected from a gay autistic russian commie skeleton?

money skelly is gay?

They destroy it everyday with inflation by printing money at will.

yeah! fiat is better! lets keep printing money backed by nothing

If they hard fork ETH to unlock the funds then the price will collapse back to $10.

this is why ETHEREUM will mever be taken seriously. Status ICO.... pathetic skelly infrastructure. I rest my case

purple velour tracksuit and cat handbag and pink shoes... straight as a tack!

that's just autism

This is why Bitcoin is king. The main core of it's algorithm has been tried and tested. Yeah, it's slow and has high fees but everyone knows how resilient it is.

bitcoin has been hacked several times in its early years

what a comeback


Bitcoin is a shitty currency
>just wait 2 hours for confirmation

and it's an excellent store of value, just like gold (shitty currency, excellent store of value)

ETH is shit and gets more and more exposed with every Solidity hack. It is run by SJWs and will inevitably fail.