Now might be a great time to discuss some ways you guys can save money to put more towards crypto since I feel the...

Now might be a great time to discuss some ways you guys can save money to put more towards crypto since I feel the general mood around Veeky Forums is that the clock is ticking to fill your bags.

I have personally embraced minimalism and sold off everything I don't need. You would be surprised how much people pay for used shoes and clothing on eBay. I was also sitting on a hoard of old electronics, a pair of wireless headphones I never used and an expensive dress watch i've worn once.
The majority of the money hadn't come from what I sold, but what i've saved from looking at pointless consumerism and advertising in a different light. Strangest part is that selling off everything I own like an ice addict at Cash Converters to buy crypto has made me oddly happier and clear headed.

Post your best money saving tips, extra income strategies and stories!

Also if you're a complete grub post your battlestations. Let's see how Veeky Forums lives

Good for you, user. I've done similar things: sold some guitars, my xbox, other shit I don't need... it definitely does feel good to get rid of stuff I never use or don't care about. Especially when I can just buy new things once I make it. I've always been pretty bad about saving money, but crypto has made it more fun in a way and now I do everything I can to keep moving in the right direction.

Oh and I stopped smoking pot and drinking. It's nothing but the Veeky Forumsbiz/ life now.

I've redpilled on advertising and consumerism and now I can't help but look down at people who fall for the scam. Shitty attitude I know but it's how it is.

As someone who doesn’t like owning objects, travel is my indulgence. Free trips around the world and free five star hotels by travel hacking and credit card churning.

Basic rules

1. Don’t spend more than you normally would.

2. Score those bonuses and maximize the monetary benefits of every card.

3. Pay off your CCs in full every month.

4. Make Flyertalk your best friend.

Been doing a bit of the same. Gather all the bullshit up dump it in a pile and just churn through creating listings. All that shit not worth the effort to sell has been adding up, maybe I'll throw the proceeds at a moon mission

Maybe even if we don't all become absolute millionaires crypto could be the key to making better choices. Definitely makes saving money a lot easier. Seems the bigger balance you see, the harder it gets to let that figure drop. Great to hear its helping.

It really is shoved down people's throats. I'm sure we all know some woman that blow every pay before the day's end and then wonder why they never have money. It doesn't make a difference if you try and give them tips, buying a new phone is more important so no point feeling bad about being smug when you've got a step ahead.
Also reminds me of a friend that has a ridiculous monthly phone plan and financed an iPad through the phone carrier.

I guess the credit card atmosphere is completely different in the US with the rewards incentives. Also heard its almost compulsory to build your credit score to even rent an apartment.
Would be awesome to gain a free holiday from simply paying bills and grocery shopping.

In Australia the cards are fairly high interest and offer basically nothing unless you're a real big spender. The main push here has been massive interest free periods (12-18months) for new customers.
The other consumer trap seems to be a real big push on AfterPay. A service that lets you pay off items that cost as little as $20 over 4 weeks and dodgy payday loans.

Sold all my old DS/PSP/PS3 games, all my DVDs, like 75% of all of my clothes and shoes, and pretty much anything else just lying around my room.

Now all I have is a bed, clothes drawers, a TV, and a fan, and I fucking love it. No clutter, I made about a grand to spend on crypto, there's no drawbacks at all.

Yeah, the US loves getting people hooked on CC debt however they can. It ties back to the consumerism. One big trap.

You should check out Flyertalk. I’m sure they have some Australia specific info.

I work with a girl who tried to sell her 10 month old iPhone 7 to buy the iPhone X. She sent the phone to a PO box and the guy promised to deposit the money into her bank account directly. Of course it never happened. She bought the new iPhone anyway. She had just been scammed out of almost a grand and her need to have the latest thing was so strong that she bought it anyway. As she's telling me I'm thinking "what the fuck is wrong with you?"

>She sent the phone to a PO box and the guy promised to deposit the money into her bank account directly.
Kek what's her email? I have some bags to sell her.

Awesome to know other people are embracing it.

Looks US specific. We have our own rewards sites. Have you ever gotten free seat upgrades? Economy sucks going long distance when you're super tall.


Kek. Considering it costs 50% more and only offers facial recognition and a slightly larger screen over the 8 makes me wonder whats wrong with people. Buying one regardless of her loss is just plain retarded.
My company gives us free iPhones every two years and our 8's feel identical to the prior 6S's.

Yeah I agree, it's great to be frugal. You can think of every dollar saved as $10 in the future, especially with the current lucrative crypto markets - just put it into Bitcoin.

Here are some of my favorite ways to save money:

>Dine and dash'ing
>When eating out with friends say you forgot your wallet and that you'll cover next time
>Sneaking into movies, theater-hopping after shows (i've spent whole days doing this)
>Taking people's chargers at the library and re-selling them (not much but people always need a charger, maybe like $5 a piece)
>Shoplifting candy bars from gas stations (gotta rotate every now and then though)
>Going to supermarkets and food stores and eating every sample (can get a few meals a week out of this tbqh)
>Going on Craigslist and finding people's free stuff and re-selling them
>Harvesting vegetables from people's backyard (not too many so they don't get suspicious)
>Sneaking into the apple orchards and farm at night

It feels good to be frugal bros, don't spend your money on useless shit.

nice you have some big balls to do petty theft user

Lol have you ever been caught?

I do agree with the reselling free stuff part. I’ve gotten some free dressers and coffee tables off Gumtree (Craigslist alt) and given them a sand and stain/varnish or Coated in Tung oil and made a bit in the past. Hipsters mainly bought it because it’s old and a lot more solid than the typical IKEA stuff.

>newfags will fall for this
>even with the farm at night part
turning the pajeet invasion into a positive, truly doing god's work user
post eth address if you're not a jew

I'm trying to get all my belongings to fit in one of pick related and once I make 50k in crypto I will quit my job and travel the world

good goal bud, i hope u succeed (kinda wanna do something similar).

lmao at the people falling for the frugal meme. Focus on income rather on being frugal. There's no limit to how much you can make, but there is a limit to how much you can cut down cost of living.
No, I´m not saying you need the iPhone X and the newest TV. However spending money at the right things will get you further in life

best way to save money is not to spend it you faggot. except you spend to make more

The way I achieve this is by living in Bulgaria.
I'm renting a luxury apt in the city centre, mostly eat out, and in fancy places too. I don't buy too many toys because I don't need them, and everything digital can be pirated.
Then I save the remaining 75% of my salary (after the 10% tax).

I'm thinking of living in my car to save money. It's time for me to get a new car anyway. If I get a hatchback there is enough room for me stretch out and go to sleep inside. There is also enough room to store a decent amount of food, water and clean clothes. I learned how to take baths using only one bucket of water so I can stay clean without having to sign up at a gym to take showers. I can just watch anime on my phone for entertainment and recharge my phone in my car. I think this can work.

bump because interesting thread


Don´t do it, it´s a really bad idea unless you are very, very poor.
>Air quality and temperature in the car will suck
>More time will be spend doing unnecessary shit, time you could have spent working and earning$
>Your sleep quality will decrease
>You won't be able to cook, so you either have to spend a lot on food, or eat very shitty food
>With worse sleep quality and nutrition, you will be more prone to getting depression
>Not feeling very well will impact every single thing in your life
>Unless you are very good looking, you won't be able to pull any women. Even if you're not pulling women right now, giving up on improving yourself is for sure not the answer
>People will expect you to have a place to live, so they will frown upon you not having a place to live. Less networking and therefore less chances of getting a good job/having a healthy social life

not sure if you're going to take my advice or even read it, but I would strongly advise you to sell your car, move to a city, get a job, and use public transportation instead. Get roommates if you can.

Instead of buying lunch, cook in bulk.

I cook 14 lunches (beef chilli with rice, beans, and avocado) every second Sunday, with each one costing around $4 AUD. Chuck em in the freezer and they're good to go.

If youre married user with a wifey who has a spending habit, weed her off it slowly. Women are easily manipulated and you can turn her into a cheapskate just like yourself. You only have to do it in small increments.

>and use public transportation instead.

Now I guess this heavily depends on where you live, but from my experience this sounds absolutely stupid, the amount of money you have to spend on public transport is absolute bullshit. Full of shitty people and unreliable in terms of getting where you need to go at specific times. Except of course you mean that he should not pay for that, then maybe.
But if he already has a license and a car theres absolutely no logical reason to give up the better thing.

>manipulating women
works for sure, until she leaves you for a more interesting person

>Unless you are very good looking, you won't be able to pull any women. Even if you're not pulling women right now, giving up on improving yourself is for sure not the answer

If men could get laid in cardboard boxes, nobody would own a home

Sure thing there
Women love to be manipulated, controlled, and dominated.
They are submissive by nature

For sure depends on where you live. Where I live public transportation works just as well (if not better) than driving your car, so I might be biased. Net cost is way lower as well. But if it´s possible to ride a bicycle, walk, or take public transportation to your job, it would be the easiest way to save large amounts of money without giving up a significant portion of your lifestyle.

I'd love to sell off all my useless stuff I've accumulated over the years. Ive got shelves full of stuff I haven't even looked at in ages, and some things still unopened completely.

I'm not sure what I would do though about things that they were given to me. I get huge sentimentality for gifts, Christmas or birthday or otherwise.

I also think I would get bored. I really like video games and technology and stuff.

Fuck. All that free space though..

I feel you on the sentimentality.

Got so many things I don't use that I received as gifts that I'm reluctant to sell.

>Women love to be manipulated, controlled, and dominated
So what makes you think she wont be manipulated by a guy that takes her shopping, takes her on dates, and makes her feel?
Manipulating your wife into a cheapskate will take a significant portion of her female nature away and you will end up with the shittiest wife ever, or she will just cheat on you.
If you can´t accept female nature, don't get married

Female nature is to spend money? Yourr either a nu-male or a dumb woman. She wont cheat or leave me because we have something called honesty and tradition. We buy stuff we need not stuff we want. Enjoy being cucked by a low-key escort if youre a nu-male and if youre a woman, your opinion desnt matter on this subject.

>getting married
lol get rekt

not married.

>we have something called honesty and tradition
in what way is your manipulation being honest though? Gradually denying her female nature will make her build up a strong desire to do just as she pleases. Just like a man in a midlife-crisis having spent his last two decades cucked.
Now, I'm not saying you go overboard and let her max out her credit card every month. But stop denying female energy. Embrace it. Take her to dates, let her buy something she wants every now and then. Spend some time and money and go to dancing lessons with her. A woman wants to feel, and by cutting down costs everywhere you can, you create very little room for her to express herself.

>>>>credit card churning

rest in peace user's credit score

>3. Pay off your CCs in full every month.

you don't understand what churning is, do you?

wise user


Having more credit cards that you pay in full monthly actually increases your credit score by bringing your utilization ratio down. Yes, it lowers your average account age which dings yiur credit a bit but since it’s a smaller part of your FICO score, the credit cards provide a net benefit.

There are other threads for this shit

Trying to keep it minimal.

What are you the thread police? Fuck off faggot

I have $700 worth of manga, a lot of console and vidya i don't use anymore. Yet i think that selling them would be a huge mistake.

Beside this i'm already minimalist

>2 screens

a double monitor setup is way too productive to get replaced

36" Ultrawide. Ur welcome

This thread has inspired my to set up an Amazon Sellers Account. Thanks anons.

What's all this shit about female nature? My mum is the second biggest cheapskate I know, right after my sister