Weigh 210lbs in Feb 2017

>weigh 210lbs in Feb 2017
>down from 250lbs
>since I started, I've been eating 1400 calories a day for about four years
>weight stuck at 210 for the past few years, stick at it because I feel satiated
>increase my workouts to five times a week
>lift, cardio, cut calories to 1200
>no change in weight but lose four inches on waist and hips
>six months, lose 2lbs, only due to a short no carb fortnight
>someone suggests I've been eating too little for too long and to feed up for a while to jump start weight loss
>start increasing calories to 1800 a day (TDEE IS 2083, BMR is 1830) for four weeks
>gain 6lbs, 6 inches on my waist and 4 on my hips

Is the only way I can lose weight to either go low carb or eat under 1000 calories a day for the rest of my life?

I'm not unrealistic, I'm really hard working at the gym and I eat well. At the point where I was eating 1000-1200 calories, I could barely function and it still didn't result in any weight loss. Eating closer to a normal amount of calories just seems to make me pile on the weight and inches

I need advice. I'm feeling extremely low about myself as I don't know what else I can do to achieve my goals.

Starvation mode is an old wives tale. You're eating more than you think.

Or maybe you're just not tracking right... Yeaaah.. You're probably just not tracking right.

There's no way you're burning that many calories with that much consumed

Your body isn't immune to physics, you're not calculating right or lying on a boi pucci discussion board

I'm definitely not lying. It doesn't make any sense to me either. My TDEE as I said is 2063. To gain the weight I've gained, I would have to eat an extra 15000 calories above my TDEE which I would find really hard to do.

you've gone a long way, so good job!

are you still eating fast food and junk food even at 1000cal?

eat clean. go on keto (or paleo). supplement with intermittent fasting.

drink a tbsp ACV in a glass of water one hour before each meal.

cut out all processed food, pre-packaged ready-to-eat food, do not eat junk food or fast food (even if you think you're eating at a deficit). no table sugar, fructose, sucrose, corn syrup. no starch.

prepare your own meals.

it's easier than it sounds, i promise.


Thank you.

The annoying thing is, I don't eat shit. I eat meat and vegetables for the most part. I don't have take away, pizza, fried stuff, etc. If I go out for a meal, I make sure I take that into account in my calories for the day.

Fasting is my next option. I tried keto and it gave me the worst side effects - I don't think I could manage it long term which is what this is about for me. It's a lifestyle change. I want to lose weight but I also want to keep it off, which is why I thought six months of solid workouts and 1200 calories was a good thing. I feel incredibly disheartened right now.

maybe ur gaining muscle u retard

Google "Tibetan Rites"

Do it everyday. Every damn day. Do it on top of your regular workout. It takes only 15mins to finish. It's also been said to regulate hormones.

Does wonders in terms of weight loss, i swear.

Just keep going, user! We're gonna make it.

user has a point.

maybe you should use body fat percentage instead of weight as basis for determining progress

>I'm really hard working at the gym and I eat well.

Whats your height?

My TDEE is 3000 kcal

actually i also had horrible side effects from keto.

i lost a massive amount of hair, and i haven't stopped shedding. like, 200+ strands a day, everyday

I don't understand how someone who weighs 210 only has a TDEE of 2083.

I'm 5'9" in shoes and my TDEE is like 2300, with some meme calculators putting it as high as 2700 because I lift seven days a week.

Well that's it, i'm and i'm 6'3 204 lbs ~20% BF and my TDEE is 3000 kcal, and that's only going to the gym 3 times a week and really pushing myself and walking 2 miles a day.

Fuck counting calories. Most people suck at it.
Eat only when you're actually hungry and eat till your satisfied, not full.
Pro-tip: Start eating from smaller plates.
You'll be losing weight like never before.

I will do. Thank you user.

I did think this. But to not lose any weight at all over six months of deficit is not normal, regardless of how much muscle I gained.


Mine was just anger all the time, headaches and just feeling unwell. I thought about maybe just cutting my carbs down on days when I'm not at the gym (two days a week) And keeping it under 80g every other day.

are you:
>measuring everything you eat with a scale?
>eating your workouts?
i'm eating 1700 calories a day at around 155 lbs and losing weight, so i have no idea how you're 210 eating 1800 a day and GAINING weight. it makes literally no sense.

This is my point.

I don't weigh my food, but I portion it. For example, I use set bags of vegetables and standard size chicken breasts/steak/etc. I don't have sauces, spreads, or anything that doesn't come in a clear serving size.

I understand that mis-counting calories is a really common thing but I'm really quite accurate.

I increased my calories because I was told I could be eating too little, so was expecting some slight change in my weight due to the 400 extra calories. Just not an additional 6 inches on the waist.

Even if I was mis-counting, I wasn't losing on my original diet of what I perceived to be 1400, then 1200 calories. I cannot imagine lowering it any further than that and being able to function. I didn't re-eat calories burnt during a work out either.

m-maybe you should ride out the bad effects of keto until your body adjusts to it?

So, supposedly you were eating 1400 kcals a day, for 4 years. And your TDEE is 2083. Calculations:

2083 * 365 = 760.295
760.295 * 4 = 3.041.180
1400 * 365 * 4 = 2.044.000
3.041.180 - 2.044.000 = 997.180
3500 kcal = 1 pound of fat.
997.180 / 3500 = 284.9 pounds
In 4 years you should have lost 284.9 pounds according to your stats, something that did not happen.
You then say you were eating 1200 kcal.
1200 * 7 = 8400 kcals a week.
2083 * 7 = 14.581 kcals a week
14581 - 8400 = 6181
6181 / 3500 = 1.7 pounds
With 1200 kcals a week you should have lost 1.7 pounds each week.
Something that you say did not happen.

So, here are the possibilities:
1. You have a very weird medical condition.
2. You do not count your calories correctly.
3. You are lying or trolling.
4. You are retarded.

Then you say:
>start increasing calories to 1800 a day (TDEE IS 2083, BMR is 1830) for four weeks
>gain 6lbs, 6 inches on my waist and 4 on my hips

There's no way you are gaining that amount of fat below your TDEE, it doesn't make any sense.
So it's probably option 2 + 4.

>telling a fatty to eat only when they are actually hungry
If they knew when they are actually hungry they wouldn't be fat...

also, lack of electrolytes on keto = irritability, mood swings.

which is reparable.

I had a steady diet except weekends i kept fucking up.
I adjusted weekends and got to a good weightloss. I then upped it when I cut weekday foods from using whole milk to almond milk etc.
I'm down tremendously.
It sucks for a couple weeks then your stomach and appetite decreases.
As of now you're eating more than you say so cut something and keep going.

This advice works for normal people, not for whale people.

ECA + fasted jogging.

>stick at it because I feel satiated

There's 2 options:
1) You're eating more than you think. If you're in a significant enough deficit to lose weight, you're going to get hungry.
2) Your BMR sucks ass because even though you're 200+lbs, you have no appreciable muscle mass, and are skinny-fat, but fat-fat.

you are fucking liar fatty
I ate 1200 calories for 2 months lose like 10 kg with 4 days of cardio

Get a foodscale and stopp guesstimating foods. Only eat food that you can count and log. Eat less.

If you want to lose weight you need to be just a little hungry. Don't bother counting calories because you can't do it honestly. There is no reason you cant be down to 75kg in the next 6 months, your just making excuses. The hunger won't bother you at all in after a week or 2, and no cheat days. They will ruin your goals.

maybe you have a cancerous tumor inside your body? Go see your doctor and get a blood test/physical.

>ur not tracking right
>ur thyroid is fucked
only possible reasons