>myth of the national rebirth
>class cooperation
>drained the swamp
>restructure the italian education system
>industrialize the country
>rejection of eternal peace
>BTFO of mafia
>fight against piedmontese aristocracy
all memes aside mussolini did nothing wrong (besides allying with shitler). fascism is the logical conclusion to the ideology debate
He kinda did all those things by beating to death anyone who disagreed with the system.
>Mussolini, whose government had banned trade unions and strikes, began to make increasingly populist appeals to the working class. He claimed to regret many of the decisions made earlier in supporting the interests of big business and promised a new beginning, if the Italian people would be willing to grant him a second chance. Mussolini claimed that he had never totally abandoned his left-wing influences, insisting he had attempted to nationalize property in 1939–1940
>Mussolini even reached out to ex communist Nicola Bombacci to help him in spreading the image that Fascism was a progressive movement
>The Italian labor force (large parts of which had remained leftist despite fascist rule) regarded socialization as a sham and responded with a massive strike on 1 March 1944.
Fascism failed in Italy, and when the South was controlled by the Allies Mussolini suddenly became a lot more left wing (I wonder if all the people who were communists and leftists realized Mussolini's time was running short so he tried to compromise with them) even going so far to say fascism is more socialistic and it's all the monarchies fault why he didn't nationalize property and destroy corporations. He also got btfo by Italian partisans and country boy.
Exact cases please and be specific.
After you find them, compare them to the cases in democracies or France.
Yes, persecution of political opponents did happen - as it did literally everywhere else. In Italy, it was done on quite a small scale and targeted specific individuals.
Considering we're talking about Italy in the 30's I don't think it could've gone any better.
Italy post-1938 stops being a case for ideological standpoints - from the point of allying with Hitler, everything went to a garbage can. Persecution of Jews, racial laws, joining the war... that's like trying to make case for the US based on the internation camps for the Japanese during the war - yes it did happen, but under spectacular circumstances and it can hardly be considered a norm or an intention of the ideology.
You're talking about the year 1944 for fuck's sake, Italy has lost the war then and was desperate for anything to help them.
>Exact cases please and be specific.
Giacomo Matteotti. Publicly denounced Mussolini. Mussolini was not pleased and had him bundled into a car, beaten up by blackshirts and then stabbed several times with a sharpened file. This incident put the country in an uproar, complete with people burning their Fascist membership cards. To add insult to injury, the Duce, although denying his involvement with the murder, said that he was the one who encouraged Fascist violence against opponents in front of the whole Parliament.
Autarky is a fucking meme, you literally learn this in first-year macroecon classes.
>myth of national rebirth
Yeah, that's a myth. Mussolini was an idiot and his ideology is just based on populism.
Some non-fascist dictators (like Mustafa Kemal) did far better than him.
>just a myth
what are you trying to say?
Yes, exactly. In Italy, you have one politician that actively undermined the regime and got killed by a violent mob, encouraged by the leader.
You have some others that got beaten up and stuff, but that's about it.
Now, let's have a look at... well literally any revolutionary movement anywhere ever. Germany? Oh boi. Soviet Union? Let's not even start. Spain? Good lord. etc. etc.
Not saying it was just and right to do it, just trying to put it in context.
The Squadrismo (Italian Freikorps basically) murdered thousands of people between 1920 and 1924.
So you mean to tell me that there were uncontrolled groups of self-appointed protectors against communism that fought the same groups on the other side of the spectrum because they felt it necessary?
And that those uncontrolled groups with no real connection to the fascist party are somehow representative of the fascist regime, which actively tried to subdue them?
This except that is in a bubble and the stick is being held by *REDACTED*
Economy unironically is an ideological field which LARPs as a science because muh math and statistics, that's why given the same situation two different economist give different causes and solutions and can back them up with muh math.
Not a good thing
>Class cooperation
>Rejection of eternal peace
Not a good thing
The Squardisti were were sanctioned and controlled by the government though you fucking retard.
They carried out heinous acts of terror.
Huge portions of the Italian populace fled in the 1920's and 30's, especially from the poorer classes (cafoni), because of the extreme economic mismanagement of the Italian economy and the frequent abuse of the market carried out by the Fascist Regime.
This happened so much so that Mussolini had to heavily restrict emigration outside of Italy due to the rate that the peasantry were leaving at to Australia or America.
Yeah. Italians had the highest emigration rate in Europe during this period.
Mussolini risked the most when Matteotti was killed. He didn't want him dead, but he took his responsibilities and declared he was guilty (jan 3rd 1925 speech)
This is just bad economics
>rejection of eternal peace
No one said peace had to be eternal, but if you start fights without thinking of the consequences you're going to end up like Mussolini and Hitler.
mafia scum, they would not be missed
sounds almost like what Huns did when they sent Lenin with train full of gold to Russia
This. Mussolini was a boob and fascism is a meme cuck ideology.
Why are the genders reversed?
Why did this give me a boner?
>if italy stayed neutral we could have had decades of ultra fashionable Duce led Fascism
It hurts lads
>muh orthodox neoliberal brainwashing course is scientific truth, look! watch me plug numbers into this equation
>>drained the swamp
>class collaboration
zero days without bourgeois tricks
It's inception tier.
Facism is still an ideology that aims to destroy virture and morals.
>After you find them, compare them to the cases in democracies or France.
>If others do it, it's okay for us
Is this the power of fascist historiography?
>authoritarianism is good
I was gonna make this you fuck