I've been trying to get my gf to lose weight and get in shape, but she refuses to put the effort in. She says she exercises and eats healthy, but I don't believe it. She's made it clear that she *wants* to lose weight and she *wants* to get in better shape and I've told her that I can train with her and help her count calories, but she always comes up with excuses or "forgets" running shoes/ sports bra.
>how can I tell my girlfriend that I think she needs to lose weight without sounding like a dick?
>how else can I encourage her to work out?
The thing is, I've seen pictures of her before and she used to be skinny and in shape since she played soccer. I just want her back to that point
Feel free to post other girlfriend fitness related stuff
Owen Brown
Started seeing this girl who is complete skelly. Worse than cardio bunny tier, she's basically ano. Anybody have success with bulking a girl up and convincing her to lift?
Tyler Ross
I know a girl that lives in my building who is anorexic skelly tier and she runs a lot.
Girls like that are physically painful to have sex with
Josiah Stewart
Do the work for her.
What I mean by that is have everything written out. Plan a 2 week, full body program based around compound lifts and cardio, with each exercise listed for each day. Have an outline for a quality diet planned out and prepare as much of the food for her as possible.
Tell her all she has to do is show up. Women love when guys hand them programs and agendas all planned out. They fucking love organized lists and schedules. Why do you think they get their panties completely creamed when a guy plans a nice date? Bitches love this shit.
Do the lifts with her, explain what muscles are being worked as you're teaching her. Explain how the whole body will get worked according to the program. Explain why other women are doing dumb ass calisthenics while she's doing barbell and dumbell exercises. Explain how her diet isn't going to give her bodybuilding muscles, but instead tighten her figure and give her a more lean body mass.
Explain the fucking difference between fat loss and weight loss.
If you give her the starting point and show her how easy a full body program is, then you've done 75% of the work. She just wants to be placed into a program that she knows will yield results. She doesn't want to constantly doubt whether she's doing the right thing as she watches IG thots hitting 20 sets of tricep kickbacks with 5lb dumbells.
This is the most foolproof way to get a fit GF/wife. It worked on the first try with my Netflix addicted wife and the wives of three friends.
The men did the work and only asked that the women "showed up". Of the four women this has been tried on, none of them made it to the second week before obsessed with the program and routine. My wife hit the third day without even telling me she was going.
Cameron Cook
once you start her on it then she will be hooked unless she has no hope left for her
Angel Nguyen
bumping for interest. my gf has ballooned since i met her. She was thicc when we first hooked up and gained 40 lbs since. I wanna marry this chick but her lack of motivation is a massive deal breaker. sucks user. i know those feels
Zachary Smith
Honestly all a man can do is be an example. Get fit yourself. Or you could take up all the cooking and control her calorie intake that way but if she's not motivated for her own personal reasons she'll probably just snack away from you.
Post pic of yourself. You gotta be aiming to be fit yourself. So fit that she feels insecure being anything but a cute skinny girl next to you. Then with you having only healthy food available in the house around her, plus you happen to have a gym membership that allows you to let a guest visit, will motivate her to be on your level.
But I suspect you aren't fit yourself. Prob just some skinnyfat fagget that can't possibly do any better than some chubby chick.
Samuel Russell
Know a girl in Denver who went from "hospital bed dead in a month" anorexic to IFBB competition in about two years.
Dominic Scott
I am Veeky Forums myself faggot
we're both college students with access to the rec center and 24 hr access to a small gym in our apartment building
I have a higher body fat % now, but similar shape
Gavin Murphy
nice camel toe
Evan Lopez
also, your chest looks like shit
Grayson Foster
Bro start hitting up bitches lowkey, tame some other strange until that fucking piece of shit loses weight. I mean she isnt tryna satisfy your asthetic needs, so find someone who will.
Robert Reed
post a picture of yourself faggot
you claimed I was a skinny fat DYEL, and I proved I wasn't
Camden Martinez
This is the shit I'm talking about, how am I supposed to respond to this?
Juan Morales
>She's made it clear that she *wants* to lose weight
No, she doesn't. If she did, she'd have done it by now.
Jaxon Thomas
>Because I want to spend more time with you.
There you go.
Jaxson Foster
thats why I put the **** retard
Alexander Thompson
holy shit lmao get jelly my dude
Christopher Russell
the easiest way to get your girlfriend to lose weight is to bring a hot friend of yours who makes more money than you over who she'll feel attracted to and inspired to work out to leave you for. make sure he's in on the plot and can thoroughly reject her so that she'll need you for emotional support when her biologically imperative attempt to cheat on you is rebuffed.
Eli Bell
you should just get fat. you dont even look good fit.
Hunter Johnson
Asterisks are a form of text bolding. They're for emphasis, not sarcasm. What you were looking for were scare quotes.
Andrew Scott
It's almost impossible to get people to change unless they want it themselves, this goes even more so for women.
If she isn't into a healthy lifestyle by now, drop her. She will only get worse.
Carson Reyes
I have never, in my life, managed to get a girlfriend to start losing weight. I've tried about a half dozen times.
Honestly. You find a woman who is your weight range. You keep working out and get fit. You dump her for a woman who's now in your more fit range. Rinse and repeat.
Ayden Richardson
>I have never, in my life, managed to get a girlfriend
Stopped reading there.
John Cooper
Post a picture of yourself then if I look SO bad fit
Adrian Wright
can't. you'll commit suicide.
Grayson Parker
This meme would be funny if it was actually written by somebody who was funny. You should probably stop and go to bed, friend.
Hunter Adams
>It helps improve literally everything else in your life. I want you to be the absolute best person you can be.
Kayden Richardson
I've said something like that to her before and she's said "you don't like me how I am now?"
Andrew Martinez
I started dating a fatty because her face was basically 9/10 and her personality is amazing too. She noticed how fit i was compared to her and that actually started motivating her to get fit. Shes consistent too. She lost ten pounds last month and doesnt insta-whore her progress like crazy. Shes clingy but not to the point where I cant stand her. I just keep her motivated by showing my progress. In a way it pushes both of us to get better. Thankfully for her, all of her fat goes to her lower body/limbs/ass and not her face. She graduated with a degree in health so she really has no problem with trying to be healthier as she knows its important. Basically, just keep her motivated with your own progress. Thats what worked for me. She saw my body change for the better. >pic related is what she basically looks like
Carter Brooks
Ok buddy, I bet you have a 9" penis too
Benjamin Johnson
who told you? you're starting to scare me, user
Samuel Hill
she's very pretty for a Ryan, user.
Grayson Wilson
post pic
Aiden Bailey
What's a good program for someone who's never lifted before? I have tried to get her to squat/diddy but everytime I go to the gym with her all she does is machines and mostly sits around.
Matthew Wilson
okay. same problem. dating her for 2 and a half years. about a couple months ago, she went on the pill. she's gaining normal weight and eating alot more, and healthier. even though she was a twig, that bitch could eat and not gain weight. maybe ask her to go on the pill. i guess it produced more hormones and makes them thicker. she looks normal now. dubs and i'll post a pic ;)
Elijah Foster
maybe talk about it together and come up with a program with her. something not so intense at first. give her a taste of the gym. just sound like a bitch and make her feel good about working out. encourage her. then she'll want to get fit and try other, HARDER tings.
Ryder Scott
Get her to swim....she'll eat like Michael Phelps afterwards. Hopefully she'll enter caloric surplus mode.