>Never skip leg days
>gets laid
explain this to me Veeky Forums
>Never skip leg days
>gets laid
explain this to me Veeky Forums
I know this is hard for your 13 yr old mind to understand but women mostly care about your ability to have an enjoyable conversation as long as your in decent shape they dont care if one muscle group is lagging and you arent a perfect body builder
Thank you.
Op kys
Well on the brightside he can get some pretty slick looking jeans.
is that what you tell yourself everyday you skip leg day?
Ifs what i know everyday when i wake up next my gf
Dude hasn't even got a big upper body. Do you want him to be t-rex mode or something, shit nigga
what ive learned is:
girls dont really give a fuck about it.
also id have to put WAY too much work in to make my calves look halfway decent so i guess it works out
>your ability to have an enjoyable conversation
how do i get this ability? please respond
Just end everything you say with please respond. please respond
half of females are the opposite and skip upper body day. and they still get laid too.
Kek, please respond.
my forearms and calves pop the fuck out compared to pic related. when i wear shirts once in a while someone makes fun of me saying i must jerk off a lot.
you can keep a convo going like this
1. take what they say
2. comments on it
3. ask a question about it or something else
let your curiosity run wild and ask stuff, thats what i do in a pinch
>3. ask a question about it or something else
what if i can't think of a good question?
then leave it with just a comment. if no comment, give a one word response like "cool" or "nice"
>what if i can't think of a good question?
keep trying, itll come more easily with time
but if you cant think of anything and its dying, you can change the subject
What if they dint say anything or give one word answers like cool or nice
if a woman gives you one word answers you already fucked up or she's simply not down to talk atm so don't bother
it's about this whole "make yourself an interesting person an just be yourself"-BS everyone is spouting...
I'm a science teacher so talking comes naturally to me, but if I had to give you some tips regarding this problem:
Not even women but everyone will react positively to a story you're telling they feel you are passionate about.
I hope this will mostly be stories concerning your hobbies, job, family and so forth, ppl can even further relate to that and get sucked in if you are at least somewhat good with words.
Don't think about what people "could" think of you while telling stuff, mostly it will be far more positive than you expect if they are feeling you.
This holds also true if they wouldn't have thought they'd be interested in what you're telling, even if it's "stranger" hobbies (as long as you get to tell the gist of it and what it's about and not lose youself in tedious details only true hobbyists care about).
Make repetive and intermittent use of eye contact, neither look onto the ground nor stare them to death.
Once you feel the difference between "trying to make others like you" and "simply presenting yourself in a positive way and not caring if others don't like that", what these kind of conversations should lead to, you should be enjoying yourself much more and both speaking and actively listening (what said)
will become the easier the more often you do it (literally like lifting).
>a story you're telling
what if i have no stories?
how do i get them? it seems like all of my coworkers who have stories, have them about something funny that happened to them or a friend. usually these stories involve a party or drinking
>no friends
>spend time indoors, no significant hobbies
>have no stories
how do i get stories to tell?
i have broad shoulders from doing sports for years. im doing pushups every day because im lazy to go to the gym
how do i not end up becoming like pic related?
dude looks dyel regardless.
>>no friends
>>spend time indoors, no significant hobbies
>>have no stories
you won get any stories that way, get some hobbies and spend more time outdoors. youll have to make friends too if you want stories
bodyweight squats/progressions
Train legs and calves
Are you implying he has a disproportionately big upper body? His legs aren't big, but so is everything else. Also
>implying women care about physical appearance as much as men
>implying women aren't more impressed by status than anything else
>having literally nothing to say
Lmaoing at your life
Kys pls respond
>>no friends
>>spend time indoors, no significant hobbies
>>have no stories
Ypu have way bigger problems than tfw no gf. Sort yourself out before thinking of bringing someone else in your life or you'll regret it
>have decent shape
>be able to keep enjoyable convo
>have gotten a lot of women in the bed, but most of the just for this one time, after that get the "I am not ready for relationship", or "I have feelings for my ex"
existing is suffering guys
>t. leglet
>Manlet with a gf
is this real life?
Dude has a bigger upper body than his girlfriends keep it that way
desu, if you're going to waste the tie to work out and yet you look disproportionate (legs smaller than upper body) than it's pretty gross. Work your entire body.
But yeah, working out doesn't matter so much to every girl. Every girl is different though. Obviously a Veeky Forums girl will want a muscled out dude to some degree.
>t.gril. kek not really just a level headed person
The girl is short too, user. Yes, manlets can get girls if they stick with womenlets.
Girl: So yeah, that's how I was traumatically raped
Me: cool
Women love that triangle body shape wtf are you talking about? Once you hit 3pl8 squat there is no reason to go higher.
Good thing my dick is like 9 inches or else I would kill myself at this point
I don't have any stories either, really. Interesting stuff has happened to me, but I don't usually remember things during conversation. My friends remember stuff a lot better so I let them tell stories about me. Plus then I don't seem like I'm bragging, they like to hype me up for whatever reason. Maybe I have too low an opinion of myself.
Even with this problem, I can still talk with someone for several hours easily. Just ask questions, even if you don't really care about the answer. If you have nothing to say in response to their comment, just ask a question about any aspect of what they said. Or try to stockpile questions when they touch on something that does interest you, that way when the conversation flags, you can bring that topic back and keep things going.
The problem is that women aren't interested at all in the things I'm passionate about (politics, history, fitness)
talk about urself as much as possible, girls love hearing about other ppl
Isn't it supposed to be the opposite? Most people like talking about themselves
An ez curl bar is not a gf you curlbro
His legs are normal mate, I lift and my calves are tinier than that :'(
damn you like all the same things that I do
Man I don't get you guys. When you make it, you choose to be with a woman. They are there and not so much of a pursuit. In fact the need to have get laid, to have a girlfriend just makes you come off too strong.
Women are attracted to someone that confronts stress as if they are relaxed. That they want someone who lives in surplus, not scrapping by day by day. And if you are that way, a partner won't get you out of it. Have a goal that is not just having a decent lay, and something substantial will improve your chances that much more. Not to mention your own life and well being. As well as you will start to attract a higher caliber of people once you get your life together.
So embrace the Veeky Forums cocoon. Stop complaining, set a unrealistic goal, but take realistic steps to get there. As even if you aim for the stars, at least you can make it to the moon.
>Swear there are bots on here promoting negative mindsets to keep you fuckers down from enjoying your lives.
>Learn to ignore bullshit
Back to work myself
Tbh youre a delusional fatty who thinks his pig calves are all muscle. When youre actually low body fat, you won't grow huge calves unless you're at bodybuilder level where only 1% of the population doesn't think you look ridiculous.
Olympian athletes with high functional strength usually have a bit bigger calves than this guy but not by much.
>posting actual advice on Veeky Forums
fuck off
Do you honestly think a guy stupid enough to train long and hard enough to get himself into a top-heavy mess is the type of guy that would have enjoyable conversation?