
>"Oregon State University will offer a spring course on “fat studies” in order to teach students how “weight-based oppression” is a “social justice issue.”"
>"Students will examine “body weight, shape, and size as an area of human difference subject to privilege and discrimination that intersects with other systems of oppression based on gender, race, class, age, sexual orientation, and ability.”"


Why is the war on obesity considered a bad thing now? Do we not want our society to have healthy and happy individuals? They talk about the psychological consequences of losing weight but don't mention all of the psychological consequences of being obese.

Why can't you just let fatties be happy?

They aren't happy, and given the chance they would inflict their misery and joint pain on everyone else.

>going to OSU instead of UoO

ahahahahahhahahahahha fucking beavercucks.

Why the fuck is it always Oregon?

And nothing of value was lost

Good news is the norks will nuke them into Oblivion. Hopefully right after San Francisco.

Because they demand that I pay for their healthcare when they need their 5th heart transplant, subsize their shitty fast food jobs, and pay for their "education" to learn lies about being fat, and then they still have the audacity to hate me for being a white guy who works out and eats right

They're ugly and stink up everything in their vicinity.

women from warmer climates migrate to colder climates so that it's never too warm to wear that sweater that hides their fupa so well.

Because they're killing themselves, deluding themselves, turning into unlikable and bitter people, making other people uncomfortable with their size and smell in public, making me pay for their healthcare, tainting liberals even further, and promoting a culture that thinks obesity is healthy with zero scientific support.





It's a war on consumption.
It's a war on people who're easily manipulated slaves of gluttony and lust.
It's also a way to give fat fucks a way to make money and manipulate other fat fucks into becoming an easily controlled base of political power. Duh.

Because those pieces of shit are trying to force their shitty unhealthy lifestyle on me, telling me I need to accept it.

What you have to realize is that universities exist only for the purpose of making money
There is no goal other than that and there is no oversight to make sure they're not fucking everything up.

"Fat studies" would draw in students. And all it takes is 1 to pay for the 50k a year salary a "fat studies" professor would need.

Given the obesity epidemic, I feel there should "Fat Studies," but not in this context. We should be studying how to control the problem, not accept it & let it run, nay, roll rampant.

This is society's form of natural selection.

The people who are so lazy or stupid to believe that being fat is ok will die off much faster than someone who's at a healthier weight.
By very definition, this fat acceptance movement will not last forever, much like the people who follow it.
It may take a few generations since some people on "My 600lb Life" are still able to procreate, but eventually fatties' children will be so morbidly obese before puberty that they will never get a chance to carry on their shitty habits.

It's just a matter of waiting for extinction of fatties.

Let them go user. Let them develop a fucking doctorates program in fat studies for all I care. It'll just go on to solidify how much of a joke academia is. The best thing you can do for the left is give them a louder microphone to spew their retardation. I have faith the majority of people will see the insanity for what it is which will all but guarantee right wing politicians at every level of governance.

postmodernism is what happened

hur durr nothing is true and everything is based on my fee fees instead of science and logical thinking

That's literally the opposite of post-modernism

>While encompassing a broad range of ideas, postmodernism is typically defined by an attitude of skepticism, irony or rejection toward grand narratives, ideologies and various tenets of universalism, including objective notions of reason, human nature, social progress, moral universalism, absolute truth, and objective reality.[4] Instead, it asserts to varying degrees that claims to knowledge and truth are products of social, historical or political discourses or interpretations, and are therefore contextual or socially constructed.

Really makes you think

It's a description of a form of literary analysis bro.
The truths its talking about is the truths of classical fiction and the expectations you have of literature.
Post-modernism is about skepticism and denial of your basic instincts to believe something be true because you think it is.
It has nothing to do with actual real world concrete things. Literary analysis doesn't work in reality where there is no narrative to discuss.

"Feels" most of all are useless and counterproductive. Post-modern works go out their way to subvert expected feelings.

>weight-based oppression
>because you live well enough in a first-world society to have a caloric surplus to have excess body fat


why can fatties justify overusing resources when kids are starving?

B8 but

>Cost money/problems in other ways (for example, require more fuel for motorized transportation)
>Get in the fucking way/take up unnecessary space
>I'm estimating they bring down the average attractiveness level at least 3 points. Most men/woman I encounter would've been 7-10/10s if they hadn't been fat, so I have to guess our population was much more fuckable even 60 years ago (Burger)
>Should shit go south (WW3, epidemic, whatever) our population appears to be so unathletic that it would fall on the maybe the top 5% of people who keep in decent shape with support from the 15% below them who can a/l jog a mile (I'm of course pulling these numbers out of my ass) to make sure we don't fall to complete ruin, with the remaining 80% simply taking resources and hopefully dying off quicker than the rest

The United states of America, ladies and gents

I take it you live in Orlando also

>Why not let cultural marxism run rampant at Universities surely nothing bad will come out of it

my gf is a slightly skinnier version of the first image lmao
im a very lucky guy