Tfw South Indian
How do I become a Raj aka Chad Veeky Forums?
Tfw South Indian
How do I become a Raj aka Chad Veeky Forums?
first off you need to calm down elliot
fuck off pajeet
>getting mad at facts
wew lad
Learn to accept reality
>not re-framing or double down when someone insults you
Are you a social retard?
Step one: Learn to poo in loo.
Step two: stop wiping with your hands and also wash hands after using the toilet
Step three: Shower and use deodorant.
If you actually believe in all this "Chad" bullshit then you will never make it and that is a fact
post pic lol
I do all of these
No thanks
Ask him.
lurk more
You got BTFO by Danielle lmao.
That's what you get for being a loo
Indians are probably the race most white people are the least attracted too. I can't for the fucking life of me ever imagine myself being with a poo in loo woman.
I've seen some hot af poointheloos.
But they seem to have a strong princess mentality.
South asia literally have the worst genetics and look the worst. Just give up.
T. Northie scum
South Indians are the most genetically strong race. The north on the other hand are greek, egyptian, persian rape babies that only have their white skin to be proud of.
South- less disease, Christian, no rape, more education, financial future of India.
North- good for killing off in wars, rapists, cant poo in loo, farmers and drug addicts. Only thing North has is looks and just barely who cares about looks when you are a poor backwards farmer
Pic related is average South Indian girl
Man I actually have Indian friends, most of them are not good looking.
I do like your culture though and this is what I have been advising my friend to get more chicks. If you are living in a western country, keep lifting, get good fitting clothes and take care of your hygiene. Try to find your own style, but make sure to add the unique cultural elements of your country in it as well. Get into Yoga, and learn about mysticism and mindfulness a bit. Girls will start to get curious about the way you look, things you say etc.
Anyways hope it helps.
Why would you go after a girl who told you she doesn't like Indians
Also I dunno, keep lifting, we're all gonna make it
I have a Indian mate who killed at uni, slept with 50 girls in 2nd year of uni.
His parents were rich though, and he splashed the cash about. Got an allowance per month of 1 grand on top of student loans.
Didn't he have a form of gigantism? Either way he used to be a bodybuilder and packed on a lot of size for a massive frame
>Y'all smell and have small dicks
KEK based Danielle
Sorry pakibro but white women are not into pajeets
God you are so full of shit. I really feel bad for people who unironically spout this shit.
This is actually a Latina, fuckwit.
>an allowance per month of 1 grand
WHOOOOOAAAA he must've been a billionaire's son!
lol k
Throwing away 12 grand a year to your kid, on top of paying their rent and tuition fees is a lot of money.
Self hatred.
If they can bag a white chick they think they're awesome as fuck.
Damn, dudes need to learn some chill and to love themselves.
Meanwhile their delicious exotic caramel and dark chococlate colored beauties are being dicked blind by Chad and Jamal on the DL and then shamed for it if caught.
>tfw the chaddest indian customer at my workplace is actually named Raj
>be indian
>6 foot
>dress well
>look good
>dont have an accent
Get white girls all day.
Most women have a racial pef and indian men are low on that list. Most girls dont think im indian (or lie to themselves that im not indian) and classify me as some generic brown person. Ive been identified as brazilian, mixed and actual nigger. If girls think you are a generic coloured person, but you are different to every shit skin (not fresh of the boat), it makes it easy to fuck because you're naturally interesting.
Honestly if i was white id be average. But a 6 foot non smelly indian is well above average. Feels good man.
OP i hope you dont make it, because more for me. Also large amounts of indian men need to die, to stop the amount of fucking thirst they produce.
explain my girlfriend then?
I saw this picture on instagram a week ago.
>south indians
>short af on average
>skinny af
north indians like punjabis and desert bros are the true masterace
>descended from alexander/macedonians
>light skinned
>farmers/warriors so they Veeky Forums af
Whats her face look like though? Bet it's busted. Go for whites girls all you want pajeet but I guarantee you all you'll be getting is leftovers and rejects, unless you are literally brain surgeon tier income.
Depends on your facial genetics, if you have that punchable pajeet face and physique then you're fucked
South Asia means desi, all of them, north poos, south poos, valley poos (Bangladesh), mountain poos (paki/afghans). Your shit-flinging was not provoked.
Whats reframing and double downing mean
Thats a fucking instagram latina slut called gissydoll with a fake ass u kunt
>1 grand a month
LMFAO thats nothing