Anybody else quit their job to trade crypto?
Six months going now, absolutely no regrets. Made more than my annual income before when wagecucking full-time. Pic related, it's the email I resigned with.
Anybody else quit their job to trade crypto?
Six months going now, absolutely no regrets. Made more than my annual income before when wagecucking full-time. Pic related, it's the email I resigned with.
Other urls found in this thread:
You are retarded, and cringy. I hate you, get out of my board now
That is so cringy
Max Cringe, 0/10
"As per my contract section 3 para 1 I am resigning effective midnight yyyy-mm-dd" is as much as you need to do and would be a good 2/10
And here's a solid 8/10
Ugh, what did I just read.
you sound like having no balls. despite that, congrats.
the market will not be green forever user, judgement day will come so don't badmouth about wagecuck now.
fuck you wagecuck, you sound like a born-slave
i hope you're memeing, that email is fucking autistic, why even mention crypto at all? it doesn't matter. Also why do you type about your feelings so much, "oh I don't know, I don't know, maybe I'm retarded, I don't know, i can't do it, I can't do it, oh I don't know."
holy fuck if one of my employees sent me that letter I'd be in tears laughing.
Are you a homosexual? Or suffer severe from a severe mental disability? those are the only two possible explanations for sending a letter like that.
You're seriously proud of that email? You sound like whiny faggot.
What a cringy faggot in that video. No one put a gun to his head and made him work at that hotel. He WILLINGLY entered into a contract where he agreed to do work for pay.
This kind of bullshit is why America is failing. I hope he fucking starves to death.
My job is low maintenance, so i'm just casually buying and selling while raking in money in case it all blows up.
OP is a faggot what a surprise
I don't trade shitcoins anymore. I trade exclusively on Bitmex now, margin scalping with extreme discretion. It had a learning curve, and on the first day I got liquidated of all $2000 I put into it so, naturally, a few days later I put in $9000 and lost 75% of that and screamed at myself to get serious and since then I've been consistently profitable day-to-day for two months, about tripling my money on there, and I'm up 12x in USD on the year from crypto.
This board is mostly useless to me because it's all retards chasing shitcoin pumps and shilling instead of actually trading, but I do regularly post my dick alongside the text "Why aren't you playing Paragon, Veeky Forums? It has actual graphics."
>whiny faggot even when quitting job
>got BTFO and lost $11k
>posts penis to other men online
true inspiration desu
It was about the only completely honest thing I had said to them in 18 months, and if I didn't say it outright I'd still be working there and that'd be intolerable. I burn bridges; it works for me. Too many people are held down by too many people.
It does make me cringe, I don't want to reread it (although I do share it with people), and I do regret how rude it might have sounded to them... but it urgently needed to be said.
As cringy as that sounds I feel some what the same way.
It happens when money no longer has a hold on you.
But remember, no amount of crypto will give you a set of balls, because yours sound like they've been replaced.
You could have said:
"To whom it may concern,
Thank you for having me at your company, due to unforeseen change in my circumstances, I must part ways within your company.
Everyone was great to work with and will be missed,
please accept this as my resignation.
Yours truly,
A man with no balls"
so you lost almost $9k and you've managed to be profitable for two months and think you're hot shit? you're in for a rude awakening kid.
this is like those dumbasses that grind some $1/2 NL poker and stay profitable for a month so decide to "go professional" and end up losing their entire bankroll the month after.
>margin scalping with extreme discretion
I would love to know more
you sound like you store up emotion, which is awful when you're dealing with volatile investments.
why wouldn't you have just sent them a very plain, professional, courteous email basically saying "thanks for the job but I'm moving on to bigger and better things."
learn not to whine, or cry, or store up emotions that you feel "urgently need to be said", in the end these things will not only make you look like a pussy but will greatly impact your investing strategies.
I would too actually
Lol all that apologizing. Seems wagecucking is a state of mind more than your occupation.
Laughed out loud multiple times reading this thread. You're a serious faggot OP hahahah
God damn that is the gayest resignation letter I've ever seen.
And now you come here for what, validation?
Holy cringe you sound like a girl. All you had to do is write a simple resignation letter you fag
This actually does not look like a LARP and I agree that crypto is a full-time job and your decisions in it will dwarf the earnings of any regular wage cuck job you have.
I've thought about quitting my job because of crypto several hundred times over already in the past 6 months. The difference is I would never actually tell my employer I was quitting because of it. You are essentially burning a bridge doing it so you are much better off lying about the reason. You just never know if you will have to go back to wage cucking and if you do who will give you a reference after you've shit on them?
Like the other user said, the massive gains can't go on like it has. Maybe 2-3 years at most. If you are going to burn your bridge you should already have retirement money already made or at least half way there. I guess that's spilled milk under the bridge now.
My plan is to just hold and cash out gradually. Next year I plan to cash out 100k USD from my crypto and live off that for a few years, hopefully the remainder of my holdings goes past 2MM and I can reinvest this for passive income to live off.
This is not to say what you are doing is wrong, just more risky. The reward is hopefully worth it.
>you sound like you store up emotion, which is awful when you're dealing with volatile investments.
I don't consider crypto an "investment"; I consider it a videogame which it is possible to get very good at when playing on Bitmex and having the luxury of uninhibited time and zero distraction. I can lay down on my mattress (I compute entirely this way) and watch the candles for hours, going long when the liquidations hit and constantly balancing my position.
I plan on selling my coins before the fork because this one is too political, and also being out of the market when CME opens. I don't mind buying higher since I can make up the difference in a few scalps, and 1x moves in bitcoin *usually* aren't very scary; it's leverage that's scary, and I properly fear it as I employ it.
Start by reading this interview and committing the inspiration to heart:
That man is in his twenties and went from $300 to a quarter-mil since March of this year, and was at the time of the interview the #1 trader on Bitmex. He also is a scalper, and he's active in the Bitmex trollbox. I follow his method but it mostly came intuitively to me, but I apparently take much less risk than he does.
It's not really apologising. He's being passive aggressive and showcasing his resentment.
>the chad no show no call
>the virgin divorce novella
I know that is what it is, but I wasn't angry so much as completely distraught. They absolutely should have fired me long before that and it was an injustice that I still worked there. I didn't relish in being a shitty employee and I didn't care enough to change that, and crypto gave me a way out.
No, I came here to make coinlets and wagecucks mad. I have so far succeeded.
*tips fedora*
I know that it's cringe, but there's no reason for everyone here to be salty as hell over it, they've completely missed the humor in it, and they mostly just seem to be coping wagecucks who don't even take crypto seriously (hence all the shitcoin shill threads and unironically caring about fundamentals this late in the market cycle).
You may have a future in writing submissive fanfic
What OP has done is akin to playing fallout 4 on survival mode. I just hope he has enough money stored away to pay living expenses while accumulating BTC
Much obliged, pls accept one of the chins higher commendatory memes
If one is so emotional to write out all his feels for no positive effect (and actually a negative one, as this might close doors and end connections), then one is certainly too emotional to trade.
There is no gain in given allcthis motivation. Only bad things can come from them.
You could quit by just quitting and saying thank you.
OP when you make it someone should make a documentary about you.
I just hope you can stay emotionally stable when inevitable bear markets or big swings/setbacks occur. That lettett doesnt really scream "entrepeneur".
But best of luck nevertheless.
Oh yeah you also kind of disclosed your trading strategy, and these kind of things saturate fast when people get the scent of money. Dont share your secrets.
>What OP has done is akin to playing fallout 4 on survival mode
I really appreciate this analogy since this is the only correct way to play Fallout 4 and I should get back at it.
I didn't save up very much, certainly not the "retire for two years" six-figure that most people plan to quit on, and I found myself floundering after the market peaked until I started using Bitmex. I'll never trade anything but bitcoin on Bitmex again because it gives me the control I need to profit off of opportunities without having to speculate on where the market is headed, and bitcoin bounces back stronger and more reliably than any other coin (or possibly any asset altogether). When I got rekt 75%, I was mostly shorting, and I got over my ego and quit that shit entirely. Now I only go long to scalp bounces, and get out quickly.
Wow, you are seriously an autistic faggot. Congrats.
Niggers, he was a lowly wagecuck
That behavioral patterns are deeply engraved
It was cringefest but he made the first step
Been working online with SEO and such for 7 years. Mined BTC with my GPU (kek) in 2011.
Feeling less and less motivated working each time I take a glance at my blockfolio.
>If one is so emotional to write out all his feels for no positive effect (and actually a negative one, as this might close doors and end connections), then one is certainly too emotional to trade.
You all are being more "emotional" about this than I felt while writing it. And the conflation of the two is nonsense; I've made 12x my money by constant daytrading while you were all posting HODL and cope memes and pink wojaks. Just because I have solipsistic writing tendencies doesn't mean I can't get a feel for the general behavior of a string of Christmas lights after staring at them for hundreds of hours.
>I just hope you can stay emotionally stable when inevitable bear markets or big swings/setbacks occur.
I am continuously padding my bank account and resizing my trading stack. There's no reason for an individual to need more than $10k on Bitmex; that's a flat million when it gets to 100x (=death). I control my chart; it's not about hoping and praying like it is with shitcoiners.
>Oh yeah you also kind of disclosed your trading strategy, and these kind of things saturate fast when people get the scent of money. Dont share your secrets.
No, they will fuck up and get liquidated, which only makes me more money. I've been in a Discord with other people who've taken to Bitmex due to my incessant shilling of it, and most of them have gotten liquidated due to being too stupid to follow my advice to the letter.
I've thought about it since I only make like $38k a year and I'm in six figures on crypto. My job is easy But i hate having to show up here every day. wouldn't taxes absolutely wreck you? They seem kind of high as a trader unless you live in a third world shithole.
Capital gains are taxed at the rate of regular income. This is my job.
this guy became a trap.
don't believe me? watch this:
$300 to a quarter mil? Holy shit!
Uh you got an invite link?
cringeworthy regination OP, but congrats on escaping wage cuckery and embracing that FIRE life
How much fiat are you planning to live off a year while you continue to profit off crypto? Thinking of moving somewhere with a lower cost of living (South America or SE Asia)?
This is starting to sound more like a shill attempt by bitmex casino or a scam group now. Youre falling out of character or you are a weird mix of autismo and sociopath.
you just need attention baby.
I like you OP. I quit my job to do this recently too. My email was a lot shorter, but that doesn’t matter. I wanted to tell you one thing: if you’re not already lifting weights, do start it ASAP. It goes amazingly well together with the cryptoneet lifestyle and with a program like stronglifts or starting strength, you will get amazing gains in no time.
The server is full of meme queens and literal children, not any useful advice, hence the liquidations. I'll leave it to someone else to invite you if they're reading the thread.
When I left my job I had maybe about $12k in liquid assets (cash + crypto). This isn't a retirement thing and I have no idea why people think it is. It's a job. I spend about $3000 a month total on average, including rent and utilities and eating out every meal.
Well, yeah, everyone does, in some form. More economical to get it from Veeky Forums.
>not quitting in 1 sentence
>revealing your plans to the fucking normies
how does someone who sounds like their balls have retracted into their ass, have the balls to quit their job and trade crypto for a living
"Strong silent types" are all bitches and retards.
hard to lift without a buddy to spot you :(
Crypto NEET life is a lonely life
Cos moaning in a blogpost and apologizing 10 times doesn't make you sound like a little bitch.
You don't need a spotter ffs, just bench in a power rack.
Uh, yeah, hence why he, ya know, quit. Right?
Don’t take it so seriously. I lel’d.
They're all middle-aged women. Who cares? It's unprofessional, sure, but that's the whole fucking point: I was fed up with being "professional".
>quit his job with a 12k portfolio
Jesus Christ I mean if you just wanted to escape wagecuckery for a year then gj but it would have been much more profitable to just work somewhere else than to shred your portfolio by living out of it at that value
meant to quote >it would have been much more profitable to just work somewhere else
But I didn't want to work. I wanted to trade crypto. That's the whole fucking point.
And I've made more money than I would've by holding ETH from $25 to now.
>i quit my job to gamble for a living
this. just stop showing up. you dont owe it to shekelstein to beg for permission to quit
Why the fuck didn't you show up on Monday to quit in person like a real man instead of sending this cringy letter?
That sounds way more bitchmade than what I wrote, though.
I quit my job to become my own boss and trade crypto. How is that not ballsy? What difference does it make how I tell them off? I'll never see them again. It's purely masturbatory.
Because I had been quitting in person there every day for 18 months.
shiet nyukka dawwuz deep
>OP couldve just bought BTC and kept wagecucking
>instead he went full faggot, left his employer hanging and wrote the faggiest letter Ive ever seen
In the case that his circumstances change again and he finds himself in the position of needing a wagecuck job, he'll come across the fact that his CV is now permanently tainted for being an untrustworhty fag who quits without previous notice
>and kept wagecucking
But the entire fucking point was to stop.
Is this board really so ridden with slaves?
>shares personal stuff with Veeky Forums
>gets shat on
when will u learn
Why are you even in crypto if you just want to be a wageslave forever?
Wait, is it that Discord invite that was spammed here a while ago?
Probably not? We don't get many new members. I'm sure a shitload of discords are spammed on Veeky Forums but we have no agenda to shill.
It's really not worth your time anyway. I certainly haven't made any money by being in it. I just mentioned it to go along with my talking point.
gj OP, keep going, don't stop
I hate you, kill yourself, people like you are ruining fucking crypto. Why would you ever mention crypto in your resignation letter, or how much you made? It reeks of petty insecurity and a desperate need for approval. If you were actually a confident well adjusted person you'd say 'I have decided to cease working at this company, thank you for X Y Z'. You are an absolute beta cuck who thinks he's hot shit because he made some bucks gambling in the most bullish market in human history.
People like me have been on Veeky Forums since 2013, trading and accumulating through fucking bulls and bears and you know what we do when we go offline? Nothing, we don't mention crypto, we don't tell our friends about crypto, we don't buy fancy cars, we fucking accumulate and trade because we've got a bigger picture in our head.
You are trash and should leave immediately.
OP used crypto to seek approval for quitting. I know a guy who bragged about trading crypto to land a job.
When underwear elastic is too tight: The Post
>Why would you ever mention crypto in your resignation letter, or how much you made? It reeks of petty insecurity and a desperate need for approval.
Clearly you missed the "and I'm still poor but I should be okay for a couple months". They already knew about the trading because I was compulsively checking the price charts as they passed by, and they were beginning to warn me about it, and I could not handle the pressure of trying to hide it anymore. I was daytrading, as I am now, and that requires 100% undiluted attention.
No shit I was insecure, and the letter does nothing but explain my insecurity. Try not being a pseudo-masculine poser and actually read instead.
>If you were actually a confident well adjusted person you'd say 'I have decided to cease working at this company, thank you for X Y Z'.
I'm not a "confident, well-adjusted person". That's the point. And if I was, I wouldn't have gotten into crypto to begin with, let alone make nearly as much money off it as I have. "Confident, well-adjusted" here are euphemisms for "cookie-cutter slave".
>People like me have been on Veeky Forums since 2013, trading and accumulating through fucking bulls and bears and you know what we do when we go offline? Nothing, we don't mention crypto, we don't tell our friends about crypto, we don't buy fancy cars, we fucking accumulate and trade because we've got a bigger picture in our head.
Nobody cares about your childish Fight Club mentality. I tell everyone I meet IRL to not buy bitcoin and I fucking personally embody the risks of it with every neurotic tic. Scalping the MEX is for NEETs only.
Great arguments, I wonder if people argumented this in ancient times about actual slaves "haha just run away whats so hard".
You might be in situation where you have not many other possibilities, and there is alot of bosses that know this and they use you.
>I'm mad at people offering me opportunities to earn an income
>Try not being a pseudo-masculine poser and actually read instead.
Confidence has nothing to do with 'psuedo-masculinity' I'm not trying to teach you how to pick up women you absolute mongoloid. I am saying carry yourself with a more respectable demeanour, you'll get farther in life.
>I'm not a "confident, well-adjusted person". That's the point. And if I was, I wouldn't have gotten into crypto to begin with, let alone make nearly as much money off it as I have.
The best way to become a confident and well adjusted person is to start acting like one. Instead of regressing into a child like state of self aggrandisement for clicking some buttons and thinking youre the Wolf of Wall Street.
Also plenty of well adjusted people got into crypto early, crypto is not some 'Veeky Forums' thing, its a revolutionary technology that a lot of intelligent people got into years ago.
>Nobody cares about your childish Fight Club mentality. I tell everyone I meet IRL to not buy bitcoin and I fucking personally embody the risks of it with every neurotic tic.
Lots of people care about my fight club mentality because lots of people have been saying this shit about crypto and Veeky Forums in general for a long time, its ok to be a newfag but too many newfags becomes cancerous to any community. And talking about crypto will only backfire in your personal life, people will either resent your success, suspect you of being way richer than you are, or think youre a total sperg (which even if you are you shouldnt be advertising).
This is the problem people like you don't get about shit like crypto, theres a very real chance crypto will get a lot bigger, and everyone you blab your mouth to is gonna remember you mentioned it to them. I have a friend I told about crypto in 2012 and they still fucking message me all the time because theyre convinced I'm a millionaire, in five years people are gonna literally be getting kidnapped for bitcoins. En masse.
100x long bitcoin back when everyone knew it was on a stampede back in spring, its not that hard
i thought it was stupidly high at 2000 but 3000 was the most obvious rebuy point ever
it was almost free money but now there are too many people that bitcoin is basically a stable currency unfortunately
>I am saying carry yourself with a more respectable demeanour, you'll get farther in life.
That job was a dead end; I was respectable for 18 months and there was no point in being respectable anymore, especially as I'm finally done with it.
>Instead of regressing into a child like state of self aggrandisement for clicking some buttons and thinking youre the Wolf of Wall Street.
I don't think I'm great, and if you had actually read the email that's pretty clear. It even says "I maybe seem mildly retarded", for fuck's sake.
>Also plenty of well adjusted people got into crypto early, crypto is not some 'Veeky Forums' thing, its a revolutionary technology that a lot of intelligent people got into years ago.
The level of risk wasn't nearly as high then; that's the point.
>Lots of people care about my fight club mentality because lots of people have been saying this shit about crypto and Veeky Forums in general for a long time, its ok to be a newfag but too many newfags becomes cancerous to any community.
I wasn't talking about Veeky Forums and your conflation of the two is pathetic. I don't identify with Veeky Forums as you clearly do, and thinking of Veeky Forums as a "community" is subhuman.
>And talking about crypto will only backfire in your personal life, people will either resent your success, suspect you of being way richer than you are, or think youre a total sperg (which even if you are you shouldnt be advertising).
It's extremely clear from my lifestyle that I'm not rich, and I make it clear that bitcoin is not worth their time or the risk and that I hold very little at a time. I'm a trader, not an investor. Besides that, I hardly know anyone, and there's nobody to resent me that I haven't already long done away with.
>in five years people are gonna literally be getting kidnapped for bitcoins. En masse.
You are one delusional, paranoid motherfucker.
This is gay. You need help. "Muh trading crypto" is just escapism. It's not healthy. You know you're not really making as much in crypto as you say you are. Get help.
>You know you're not really making as much in crypto as you say you are.
I am, though? And I'm regularly realizing profits to my bank account? And I'm still financially insecure, all things considered?
I've made $47,000 this year from crypto, starting with $4000. That's really not that much.
>That job was a dead end; I was respectable for 18 months and there was no point in being respectable anymore, especially as I'm finally done with it.
Dude when youre walking away from a job or a relationship, it says a lot more when you do so quietly, you made yourself seem desparate and pathetic.
>I don't think I'm great, and if you had actually read the email that's pretty clear. It even says "I maybe seem mildly retarded", for fuck's sake.
Maybe instead of pitying yourself and embracing what you are clearly aware of as faults, you should just take the criticism and change your behaviour.
>The level of risk wasn't nearly as high then; that's the point.
That is some serious mental gymnastics to convince yourself you deserve credit for investing in Bitcoin when it literally became mainstream. You are literally investing when girls are buying Bitcoin on instagram. With hindsight it now seems obvious, but let me telling you buying post Mt. Gox was a lot 'riskier' than buying now.
>I wasn't talking about Veeky Forums and your conflation of the two is pathetic. I don't identify with Veeky Forums as you clearly do, and thinking of Veeky Forums as a "community" is subhuman.
I'm not conflating the two, you are on Veeky Forums, so most of the people you are talking to are Veeky Forums users, the people on this site very much advocate an inconspicuousness, hell anonymity is literally a central tenant of Veeky Forums. It's only natural that people then tell you to focus on the 'crypto' part of 'cryptocurrencies', this is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity to make money without ANYONE knowing about it, but you're too dumb to realise the value of anonymous money.
>It's extremely clear from my lifestyle that I'm not rich...etc
I talked about BTC constantly with my friend when BTC was less than 30 USD. It was very clear I was poor then but he knew that what money I did have I was putting in to BTC. Now it's 7k and he's believes I'm rich.My point isnt how much you have now it's what it will be
You left sounding like a little bitch with a sob story, which is very unprofessional, you ALWAYS need a backup plan, which what I wrote sounded professional, because that's resignation 101.
You sounded like an autistic sperg, without a backup plan, which they do not give a shit about, guaranteed, it just sounds like you lack any sort of social skills in general.
I'm glad you're taking a plunge, burning bridges, but that still doesn't mean you have balls.
A cub could go out on his own, that's not ballsy, it's stupidity, because it'll be eaten up.
You sound like that cub.
The sooner you realize noone will remember you in a few weeks or give a fuck, the sooner you will grow a pair of balls.
hi redd*t
People are tearing you apart OP and that letter is kinda cringy shit desu. But you definitely did something a lot of people are too afraid to do. Good luck.
I'm guessing you're autistic
Come on /biz, ever hear the saying "live and let live"?
No bully.
He's good at what he does and enjoys it. Put your best foot forward. We all have our talents and margin trading is his thing.
OP, can you post their email response when you get it?
In the same sense that people are "afraid" to jump out the wondow of a 20 story building.
There is no positive point to the email and thus it's not applaudable. It's simply bad strategy and an emotional outburst. It's not about other "being afraid".
The sheer weight of anons larping as a Chad ITT is outrageous even by Veeky Forums standards. OORAH! I woulda done this! OORAH! You shoulda done that! Literally wagecuckmarines, the lot of you
youre fucked op