Day 2 of nofap (again)
Day 2 of nofap (again)
Made it to day 8 then relapsed and today is day 3 but alas I relapsed again.
I'm on day 3 atm as well, holding good. Stay strong bretherens.
My phone with the day tracker broke, I don't know how far I am anymore
Day 10 , still seeking out girls on instagram etc and edging before bed ... make it stop
Day 40 was my peak, then straight back to every 4 days. Help
If you can't go at least 10 weeks of nofap you're a pussy.
Y'all a bunch of pussies, atm 1 year 4 months of nofap.
how do you guy deal with morning wood? I get so uncomfortably hard that I have to fap
Challenge accepted.
take a piss
Fucked up today while edging
How the FUCK do you deal with all this aggression and sexual frustration that NoFap gives.
1 week into NoFap and I genuinely feel like punching a hole in the wall and the fucking it.
my first time doing nofap (before it was even a meme) i literally believed from watching a nature documentary that sex comes naturally to mammals at a certain breaking point of not coming. i was a kissless virgin back then (i was young). decided to not fap
50 days later got my first gf, total degenerate but it was fun and we did everything. broke the streak when she texted me about fucking another girl in our class with a dildo, fun times
jerk off
nofap is a fucking retarded meme
what are the benefits of nofap
erectile dysfunction
not self-conscious about jerking off too much
god literally aligns the universe in your favor as long as you keep it up good things happen. if u think im lieing do it for 3 weeks and get back to me with ur new life
This is how you become a chad
>I genuinely feel like punching a hole in the wall
Do it become the Chad it is your destiny
you could be low test maybe
this image isnt a joke or irony btw, jesus is telling you the truth to a good life.
I got caught in this cycle and honestly this is 100x worse then masturbating or porn itself it fucks you up on a psychological level.
So my advice would be to stop edging and delete all your social media for atleast a month, it will force you to go outside and be around other people
day 1
for the jugend