I have a show in six weeks. Give me one reason why a seasoned BB shouldn't use it.
DNP - Should I use it?
Don't fall for the dnp meme
If you were a seasoned body builder you would have planned your prep better than needing dnp 6 weeks out
^this. Also it's dnp. It's dangerous
Is there no other picture of DNP? Why does everybody use this same picture when they make this shitty thread
>Why does everybody use this same picture when they make this shitty thread
Because it catches everyone's eye. It's the official DNP thread logo.
>Don't fall for the dnp meme
Ain't no meme. Shit is real.
>If you were a seasoned body builder you would have planned your prep better than needing dnp 6 weeks out
All pros use DNP to max out the gain time and minimize the cutting period. It's just common sense. I'm just late to the game because I'm so careful about my health.
>it's dnp. It's dangerous
For idiots who don't do their research, any drug is dangerous. No one dies on this unless they pop 2 grams on the first day like a moron who's clearly never read a single article on the drug. I know exactly what I'm doing.
Because the same people making all the threads are the ones selling it, and they want a recognizable pic. For example this is probably op and someone else will come along saying where you can buy dnp
Tried dnp for 3 week cycles. First cycle was awesome, got down from 220 to 180. Second cycle was shit, went down from 180 to 170-ish, but gained back 5 lbs due to water so ended around 175. Shitty results might have been from improperly stored dnp (in car during summer). That being said, would never do either ever again. Fuck that shit. Even running a mild dose left me feeling absolutely useless, short of breath everywhere I went, neon yellow piss, and people thought I had jaundice (which says a lot cause I'm naturally tan colored). It shouldn't be a drug used out of desperation imo because desperation causes panic and panic causes you to do stupid shit. Also, on DNP, everything needs to be measured. Water intake, proper micronutrients (no, a daily multivitamin won't work, you'll need animal pak because you'll be pissing every 10 minutes of you're drinking the right amount of water). Take my advice with a grain of salt though because I'm a med student so I know more than average about what dnp is doing. If you do decide to take it, research that shit. DNP can really fuck your shit up if you don't treat it with respect. It ain't no ECA, that's for sure.
Used it myself to accelerate a cut. Worked wonders, the biggest pain in the ass was getting my hands on some bitcoin to pay for it. Otherwise it's just sleeping naked with 5 fans on you and the AC cranked up and staying hydrated to deal with sides. When you get off of it, you'll get some water weight back but it does provide results at a monetary and potentially physical cost.
If you're a bb, then for sure, use it to your full advantage.
500 mg ed, use plenty of supplementation (read pastebin), drink plenty of water and no alcohol (shouldn't be a problem as you're a bb).
Do light cardio, nothing too extreme.
you'll get a stroke
my housemate used high dose for 7 weeks straight, lost 33 lb, then got a stroke at the end of it at barely 19 y/o. found him pissing himself stuttering in the floor.
dead dead fuckin srs. DNP fucks with your blood vessels and how they transport nutrients hard.
feel free to believe/ignore me
oh, yeah, and everything that comes out of your dick will be tinted a canary yellow because DNP is also a powerful yellow dye.
Also, look for warning signs of PN and dehydration and early indicators of overheating. Woke up once feeling delirious so I downed 16 fl oz of water and took an ice cold shower for an hour. Felt better but still shit. PN is kinda fickle. During the first run, just the pins and needles feeling when your leg is asleep except it happened randomly. Second time, definitely a stabbing feeling beginning in my toes
That's probably heat induced coupled with dehydration. DNP alters ATP production...
>I'm so careful about my health.
>Creating a DNP thread
shiggy diggy
>my housemate used high dose for 7 weeks straight, lost 33 lb, then got a stroke at the end of it
Like I said here , its dangerous only for idiots who don't do their own research. Running DNP on ultra high levels for 7 weeks is a decision to commit suicide. He's lucky he only got away with a stroke. Your one case study of a moron does not mean that DNP can't be used safely. I hope you're trolling and not actually this stupid.
After having done 3 cycles of DNP I can now say that I would easily rather do 1000 calories of cardio a day than be on the equivalent 400mg (2 pills daily). Cardio sucks for an hour or two, but DNP is hell the entire day
>If you're a bb, then for sure, use it to your full advantage.
>500 mg ed, use plenty of supplementation (read pastebin), drink plenty of water and no alcohol (shouldn't be a problem as you're a bb).
>Do light cardio, nothing too extreme.
Thank you. The voice of reason. Everyone else is a scaremonger. The total number of deaths by DNP is single digits, as presented by the media which pounces on every instance of a death by DNP like it's the scoop of the year. The stuff is safe. The "dangers" are all hype.
I've used it twice before and never had any issues. People who scaremonger are usually people who have no experience with the substance and only parrot what others have told them.
500 mg is the most ideal dose from my experience. I tried going up to 750, but it made me feel sick.
It's quite a nice fat burner, but its effects can be a bit exaggerated. It's not as extreme (both in its effect and side-effects) that people claim.
is dinitro still reliable? Its been a minute since I've been around.
ScorpionDNP is pretty gud, ive bought from him twice his stuff is legit
not the question that he asked
Nah man dinitro is gone
Scorpion is still in business? I thought he quit?