Veeky Forums bad relationship with Africa

>There is a thread about Africa

>anon0 - Black Africans don't have ancient civilization!!

>anon1 - [show examples]

>anon0 - .... [try to demonize and downplay]THEY PRACTICED HUMAN SACRIFICE AND WERE CANNIBALS

>anon1 - [show examples of non-African societies practicing human sacrifice and cannibalism], there are these things in a lot of regions in the ancient world, not only Africa.

>anon0 - ... hum.. hum... THESE PRACTICES STILL EXIST IN AFRICA!!!

>anon1 - There is also a lot of cases in India today(2006, 28 cases, four months, northern province of Uttar Pradesh for example + Aghoris), do you want to deny the contribution of India to civilization? Why don't you go on threads about ancient India trying to demonize them because of cannibalism and sacrifice? It's disappearing slowly in India because of modernization, and now only poor people in India practice human sacrifice, it will probably in Africa.


Why it's like that in EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD. ABOUT. SSA AFRICA? Can't we talk about them without trying to makes their bad habits the center of the discussion? Why anon0 has to demonize and makes bad things the center of the conversation?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because anon0 don't like niggers, I think that's obvious


It's easy to avoid this, ban anyone who posts on /pol/

How can I ask the mods to do this?

Images aren't arguments, boy.

that literally never happens

stop guilting

For more than one hours they were talking about cannibalism and human sacrifice as if it was the center of the discussion

Mesoamerica threads started this way too. It was rife with muh human sacrifice shitposting. But they got better as people actually well read on the topics constantly BTFO them. So there is hope for Africa threads you just need more knowledgable people on the subject posting. I mean some shitposting is expected (and it's fun) and most threads have some of it. But it sucks when it derails a good thread or interesting topic.

Thanks user, I hope too. Shitposting can be fun and that's what makes Veeky Forums different, but as you said it sucks when it derails a good thread or interesting topic.

you know goddamn well why. /pol/

>Censor views I dont agree with
Liberals everyone.

Black Africans did not have civilization. This is a fact.

And somehow is?

Listen, I debated people like you like 100 times today, I'm fucking tired

Read these books and let me sleep :

- African Archaeology (Third Edition), by David. W. Phillipson
- The Oxford Handbook of African Archaeology
- indigenous African institutions

Read also this :

Then, you can also challenge people on r/AskHistorians, me, I'm to fucking tired.

>I argue with people on Veeky Forums all day
That's just really an insult to you.

I ain't liberal but /pol/ is so retarded, they come here and ruin everything

You know, I'm a lonely-ass and I need to discuss, Veeky Forums is the only website where I can discuss instantly, without having an identity, and then forget about it, because I don't have any identity, it's not like history forums or Reddit where you've to wait 5 days to have an answer and where you have an identity.

All african threads are raided with shit posters calling them stone age Hunter gatherers

such a snowflake you are

Cultural-marxist pseudo-historiography

I mean, they pretty much were.

they were though lol

Fucking retard, instead of socializing with people outdoor you want to stay a lonely-ass and discuss on Veeky Forums, because you "can discuss instantly, without having an identity". Fucking idiot.

That's why you will be a virgin all your life, fucking scum.

settle down m80

My nigga chill

t. someone discussing on Veeky Forums

That's because SSA people have never achieved anything positive on their own so there is only negatives to discuss.

>thinks "Great Zimbabwe" is an example of any ancient civilization that deserves praise

The concept of "civilization" is a European concept. Africans had no "civilization" in the literal, strict sense. Just like Germanic barbarians had no "civilization". Native Americans had no "civilization", etc

Having buildings does not mean being civilized. Even some animals build homes.

Or Ile-Ife, or Benin, or Mali, Songhai, Ghana, Dahomey, Nok, Oyo, Axum, Sao and Kush.

I've read some African history in the past, i'm not an expert but what I have read can be quickly resumed this way:

>people living like shit
>1 out of every 1000 of them decides to do something about it
>Raises the standard of living significantly
>some mouth breathing retard nigger chimps out trying to take what the other nigger built
>usually either wins or destroys everything in the process
>back to square one
>pretty much nothing of in-between is ever properly written down and recorded

It's a FACT that SSA was never been able to create a long lasting civilization on it's own, blame it on whatever you want: strong tribe affiliation, bad geography, bad weather conditions, unlucky circumstances, weak kings, lack of proper organized military forces, foreign intervention. Explain it whatever way you want, but the fact of the matter is that there is very little to actually talk about in regards to pre-muslim SSA.

Sao was long-lasting, same for Mali Empire, Kanem Empire or Kush.

Name a long lasting European civilizations with no outside influences Rome and Greece don't count

They'ed be nothing without outside influences

>Rome and Greece don't count

Why not? Rome and Greece are THE European civilizations, everyone else agrees that the rest of Europe was the same as Africa before them, except for parts of coastal Spain that were actually advanced.

That's a bit of a bad comparison, wouldn't you say? Africa is a massive continent, and Europe is small, and close to where the major ancient cosmopolitan places were. Much of it was covered in ice as well

But, the distant slavs and upper Scandinavians were for a long time outside of influences

You're exaggerating and doing the same error Eurocentrists are doing...


He said that because Greece was heavily influenced by the middle east.

They had outside influences all the things thier famous the didn't invent chairiots the helmets bronze agriculture writing the alphabet architecture was introduced to them by outsider from the middle east

Nok culture is in the 19th century?

> everyone else agrees that the rest of Europe was the same as Africa before them
That's really not true. New archeology is kind of disproving the whole "Europe was a backwash before Christianity saved the day" meme from the Middle-Ages

Biggest example might be Warren Field, where Scots were tracking the moon before Babylonians. Or the Amber Road

Google nok culture

>Biggest example might be Warren Field, where Scots were tracking the moon before Babylonians. Or the Amber Road

There is a difference between removing a message because you disagree with it and removing it because it's written with literal shit and is staring to smell.

>Breaks global rule 3
>Ruins other boards by trolling and ignorance
>Ruins fucking everything
>Complains when people report their posts and ask for them to be banned


>At Egaro, west of Termit, material has been dated earlier than 2500 BC, which makes African metalworking contemporary with that of the Middle East.

>Iron use, in smelting and forging for tools, appears in Nok culture by at least 550 BC and possibly earlier. Data from historical linguistics suggest that iron smelting was independently discovered in the region prior to 1000 BC

>Controversy flared again with the publication of excavations by Étienne Zangato and colleagues of their excavations in the Central African Republic.[14][15] At the site of Oboui they excavated an undated iron forge, for which they obtained eight consistent radiocarbon dates of 2000 BC. This would make Oboui the oldest iron working site in the world, and more than a thousand years older than any other dated evidence of iron in Central Africa. Opinion among African archaeologists is sharply divided. Some accept this interpretation, but it has also been suggested that Oboui is a highly disturbed site, with older charcoal having been brought up to the level of the forge by the digging of pits into older levels [16] Questions have also been raised about the unusually good state of preservation of metallic iron from the site.[17]

Obvious BS given that historians know that iron smelting goes back to the ancient period, up to the Scramble for Africa.

Even if it wasn't true, why would that matter? Historians study the Mayans, Aztecs, etc who were not iron age by the time Europeans conquered their lands, and boards about them are still popular.

Why do kids/polacks think history is about the study of "worthy" civilizations?

Yes, Europe didn't had a crib of civilization of it's own, civilization was brought to Europe by middle-eastens, and then Europeans adopted it and developed it.

This isn't a dick measuring contest, or a racist bashing considering some similar people lived below, in and above the Sahara, it's just a fact that there is very little factual history or great civilizations to talk about in regards to the pre-muslim geographic region of SSA.

I don't know what you are trying to say, but yes, we know a lot of those things were no invented in Europe, tho it's worth pointing out that modern Europeans are extensions of the same middle-East civilizations that did created some of those.

Compare these shitty terracotta sculptures with the monuments the Greeks, Persians, Indians and Chinese were doing at the same period.

He was talking about iron... but even if this is not the same period, here is an ile-ife head :

>If I act retarded then I win the argument

Peak /pol/


>At the same time
Nok is 1000-2000BC, so here is what Greece was doing in 1000BC.

Their arts(the Greek) were better 500BC and started to look realist.

c.1300 C.E

>At the same time
Here is a Chinese artifact, 1000BC
c. 1000 BC — c. 300 AD

Thanks for this correction.

1300 CE? The chinese, egyptians, phoenicians etc. were doing better three millennia earlier.

1000 B.C Persians

That's cool, but I'm talking about Ile-Ife heads.


literally you right now

C'est une pipe.

OP is a description of an event. Images made for reductionism purposes have no relevance against intelectual honesty discussion.
OP is right.

Haha liberals get #rekt /pol/ wins again!!!

Show me the metal sculptures of the Nok culture of the same period.

Nok didn't use iron to do sculpture, they were using terracotta.

They used iron for tools.

A quote :
>The finds included objects of wrought iron, a quantity of iron slag, fragments of tuyere, pottery, figurine fragments, red ocher, quartz hammer-stones, and small concentrations of charcoal
>Fagg, Bernard. 1969. Recent work in west Africa: New light on the Nok culture. World Archaeology 1(1): 41–50.

I didn't find images though

That's strange, the metmuseum doesn't have Indian artifacts dating back to 1000BC

Can you find one?

Man this thread really pulled in the /pol/ fish. They genuinely can't stand talking even remotely postive or serious for that matter about Africans.

>it's just a fact that there is very little factual history or great civilizations to talk about in regards to the pre-muslim geographic region of SSA.

Pre-Islamic history of Gao :
>The earliest mention of Gao is by al-Khwārizmī who wrote in the first half of the 9th century.[5] In the 9th century Gao was already an important regional power. Al-Yaqubi wrote in his Tarikh in around 872:

>There is the kingdom of the Kawkaw, which is the greatest of the realms of the Sūdān, the most important and most powerful. All the kingdoms obey its king. Al-Kawkaw is the name of the town. Besides this there are a number of kingdoms of which the rulers pay allegiance to him and acknowledge his sovereignty, although they are kings in their own lands.[6]

>Ibn al-Faqih (writing c. 903) mentions a caravan route from Egypt to ancient Ghana via Kawkaw.[7] but Ibn Hawqal (writing c. 988) states that the old route from Egypt to the Sudan was abandoned in the reign of the Egyptian ruler Ibn Tulun (ruled 868-884) as some of the caravans were attacked by bandits while others were overwhelmed by the wind-blown sand.[8] The more direct route was replaced by one that went to Sijilmasa before heading south across the Sahara.

Sao civilization is pre-Islamic.
Kush is not Islamic.
Mapungubwe is not Islamic.

Every Forest empires and states are not Islamic.

getting this mad on a Taiwanese Television forum

Stop whinging does anyone know where I can find the writings of Mali's philosophers

Go to Timbuktu.

Can an user with photoshop skills edit OP pic related to makes it cry?

...Is this not the Mongolian basket weaving forum?
*hides basket

>They used iron for tools.
Show them.

1000BC? Hahaha. What about 3300–1300 BC?

Why are you generalizing people tolerant left?

Interesting, thank you.

>I didn't find images though

I wonder why.

Wh*Teoid rat inferiority complex.

Triggered negro.

I'm pure asian, wh*tey.


>[show examples of non-African societies practicing human sacrifice and cannibalism], there are these things in a lot of regions in the ancient world, not only Africa.
These things still happen in Africa, the rest of the world got over it, why havent they.

Hummm... it looks more like stone.
>Serge Bilé cites a 12th-century text which tells us that most well-to-do families in Canton had black slaves whom they regarded as savages and demons because of their physical appearance.


source :

>Entire OP is basically just a leddit meme image whose basic format is
OP is a fag confirmed

These are just stones and terracota.

Completely distorting the thread I see.

What really happened
>Africa user lying that Igbo(a tribe he presented as super civilized and advanced) were horrified of human sacrifice
>numerous sources presented showing how Igbo practiced human sacrifice

Then we had anons trying to hide the fact that ALL their supposed civilized tribes had MASSIVE issue with murdering children and cannibalism
>please don't talk about this, dat RACIST

Then we had some guy from Africa saying ritual mutilation and eating relatives is fine (KEK)

Then we had Africaboos claiming UN data about murdering children in Africa in rituals is fake

THE we had butthurt and claims Europe has the same amount of human sacrifice and child victims of rituals as Africa.
Although there are literally thousands of cases in Africa in various countries.

Then we had a guy from Ghana who was honest enough to confirm that violence is everyday part of life in there(and even that country is one of the most advanced on the continent) not comparable to anything in Asia and Europe.
He was of course shunned by Africaboos.

No not really in Latin America ritual killings are even more common and in the middle east and India