Is a 6 day PPL too little recovery for a natty beginner? What are the alternatives bros? Same routine more rest days?
Is a 6 day PPL too little recovery for a natty beginner? What are the alternatives bros? Same routine more rest days?
Lift every other day. You don't need to hit a muscle with too much volume as a beginner to make it grow
Most likely. Have you even tried 3-day PPL yet?
Have you even tried to shut the fuck up yet, bitch? Care to try that again? Save the disrespectful tone for your mama.
Not yet breh. I'm one one from >reddit and it said not to change anything.
The routine itself is bretty gud I may just switch to 3 days.
KEK. who shat in your cereals?
The point of "Have you even tried 3-day PPL yet?" is that OP would most definitely have a clue about this if he would have tried it.
Alright. I don't know how much of a beginner you are, but I would start doing the PP(LS), that's Legs + Shoulders, three times a week. That should give you a hint of what you have energy for.
Lol you're getting brainwashed by lazy fat neets from all over the web. Working out everyday is not gonna kill you. But you definitely need to keep your protein and carbs high. Ive been doing pplxpplx for over a year after doing just a 3 day split ONCE a week. You'll make more gains this way guaranteed, volume and progressive overload is key. Just don't max out each workout and deload every couple months for a week
What's with the "even" then? Huh? Why the fuck would he say "even," like I should have thought of that, like I'm some kind of dunderhead for not knowing about that. Dammit, fuck that guy bro. I don't need that kind of abuse in my life.
Keep the workouts short and you'll be ok.
It's the volume over time that fucks you up, you can work out everyday but at the end of the week you'll have done about the same number of sets as someone going every other day.
4/10, made me give 1 proper reply
this sounds good
I need to start a habit of going to the gym often. I'm afraid 3 or 4 days a week might not be enough.
I've only been lifting around 7 months and am currently doing 6 day pplppl and I find if I ear enough and sleep enough I have the energy for this and have the energy for 4 days of bjj during the week.
teeps for progressive overload breh? I struggle to consistently add weight session to session, especially on the accessory lifts. Shit like facepulls and lateral raises feels impossible, but even compounds aren't going up linearly.
It doesn't have to be session to session.
I promise you get used to it. My workouts aren't over an hour, I work and go to school time and still find time to make my food as well.
Only progressive overload on compounds. Focus on pump and time under tension on isolations, if you're getting stronger on compounds, the rest will follow. Also it's crucial our diet is on point. +300-500 calorie surplus is VITAL. And not just guessing, you'll just waste time if you're not at least semi-serious. No one who looks great diets half assed unless they're juice pumpers
Nah that last point is bullshit. I look pretty okay and the longest I counted macros is for about a week. Just eat good whole food op
Your progression depends on your level. IF you're a beginner you can probably add weight every session (if you're doing a beginner routine of course), if you're intermediate probably not.
>I look pretty okay
Post pics
I look pretty, okay???
6 day PPL is doable physically
Mentally, though, it's extremely exhausting.
No, just eat properly and sleep well and you'll be okay.
t. pplpplx for 2 months now as a beginner
PPLPPLx is garbage, the reddit layout is also terrible
fuck off tripfag
Lol it's really not, I'm a lazy faggot and it's literally nothing to me anymore.
It is at first, but eventually, you get used to it.
>US government recommends people exercise an hour per day
>thinking this is too much
PPLPPLx is fine, so long as you're not doing 14 exercies. Keep your routine to 45 minutes to an hour and fifteen. 4-8 exercises.
just do a fucking beginner programm as a beginner you mong
48 hours recovery for each muscle is all that matters. You can work out 7 days a week if you eat well, sleep well, and train intelligently.
ill explain why as i do every time this thread rolls around for beginners like you:
>the reddit PPL has you do either 273 or or 288 reps in total across 6 exercises (depending on whether you choose to deadlift or row) on pull day
>325 reps across 5 exercises on push day
>193 reps on leg day across 5 exercises (not including the ab isolation many people like to throw in on leg day)
Regarding what we know about current studies on rising cortisol levels in response to resistance training, it becomes increasingly pointless beyond about 1.25 hours (less gains more pain harder to recover from etc) and when you are doing 325 reps on a push day for example you are definitely going to find yourself passing that threshold. Why this routine is recommended to beginners stumps me, they'll find themselves in the gym for like 2 hours with a lot of their hard work invalidated simply by pushing a workout too long and damaging their recovery.
Next comes the point of having to do OHP and Bench on the same day, surely I don't need to say it but having 2 significant compounds which are trying to maintain linear progression on is doomed to failure. Not only are you doing bench once a week optimally (first exercise in of the day) and OHP once optimally (first exercise of the day) but you are doing both on the same day and the crossover in involved/activated musculature is significant enough to warrant fatigue on that secondary lift (therefore it is going to be suboptimal).
This also runs into issues with progressive overload for obvious reasons maintaining adding weight (which is a primary growth factor for strength and hypertrophy) by having 300+ reps on a day creates issues with recovery (regarding cortisol), CNS fatigue, having OHP and Bench on same day fails to obtain and maintain progressive overload.
Essentially this a pump and fluff routine in which you will make piss poor progress, which is in turn absolutely garbage tier for any stage of lifter, now fuck off user
You're not supposed to progress linearly. LP programs always run into plateaus.
Lengthen the time under tension, then increase the sets, then increase the reps, then shorten the rest period, THEN increase the weight.
also the reddit PPLPPLx's deload method is garbage, garbage exercises, and garbage intensity, no potential for progressive overload (arguing that this isn't the primary growth factor is like saying you could huge lifting a 10lb DB for the rest of your life)
I do PPLPPLx. I do about 200 reps per session. It only takes me 45 minutes.
PPLPPLx is actually good because of this: shorter workouts because of the higher frequency. People who workout fullbody find themselves lenghtening their sessions to an hour and a half and more.
I'm not going to defend the reddit LP version of PPLPPLx, as I hate LPs. So I expect you to not lump all PPLs in with reddit's LP version of PPL.
>So I expect you to not lump all PPLs in with reddit's LP version of PPL.
that's it, i quit
its fine if you disagree with what i've said but you can read the same information i have online, PPLPPLx is suboptimal every day i get more and more evidence to BTFO this garbage routine.
In regards to you doing 200 reps in 45 minutes why wouldnt you up the weight and lower the reps, this allows you to properly progressively overload and actually use the mechanics of how muscle tissue is repaired and built (you create micro tears through PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD and then it is built back +excess simply put) if you enjoy the pump just chuck an isolation set in for a lagging muscle group (not 108 reps of bicep curl variations like the reddit PPL does) and enjoy proper gains instead of a pump that leaves you within an hour of leaving the gym...
I do increase the weight, but I can't increase the weight every session. Instead I vary the reps and sets, so that I'm doing more reps or more sets or more weight each workout. I've had shorter days in which I'm working in the 5-8 range for 4 sets, I've done 6 sets in the same range, 8-12 reps for 4-5 sets and I've done the 12-15 for 4-5 sets. My workouts never go over an hour, sometimes they're only 30 minutes when not counting warmups. Working out in different ranges is always a good thing.
You do realize that progress isn't just increasing the weight, right?
I've done other routines besides PPLPPLx. I think people should change their routines every 6 months or so. I like PPLPPLx the best because it's worked well on cuts for me. I get to put in my best effort each day for about 45 minutes, sweating everyday.
I used to work fullbody 3x/week, and after 4 sets of squats, I'd be so out of gas that my other lifts, even upper body lifts totally disconnected from knee flexion and hip extension suffered.
varying the setsxreps (like you are) is actually what i consider the optimal deload strategy based on current literature and is definitely what I'd recommend instead of that 10% deload stuff they try to push on reddit PPL.
I just think that there are alternative routines which are more optimal for linear gains and taking care of progressive overload properly while keeping up intensity (btw fullbody x 3 is even worse than PPLPPLx)
Overall my comments for an optimal routine are as follows:
>lift heavy with progressive overload, increasing weight (or doing what you do altering setsxreps)
>primarily compound movements (1-3 per session at a limit)
>3 x warmup set, 3 x working set putting everything into that first primary compound of the day
>throw on 1 or 2 isolation exercises with stupid high reps (easy to recover from as not taxing on CNS also you adapt to these quickly)
basically Eric Bugenhagen's style of training with a few changes that i prefer
Trying out a new Chad routine since just finished my cut and gonna go back to bulking
Fuck tendons
Push higher reps lower weight
Previously doing standard PPL
lifting for over 2.5 years if it makes a difference
nothing makes a difference. we'll all be indistinguishable bones in the blink of an eye
I'm not a beginner, I'm an intermediate natty. I've made great gains from doing this routine (you'll need to be fairly familiar with Nuckols bench program and the texas method to appreciate it in full)
Main lifts:
Bench 1
Squat volume
pull up volume
RDL 3x8
snatch press 4-5x8
LTEs rippetoe style 3x10
curls 4x8
leg raises 3xf
Main lifts:
Bench 2
Squat recovery
pull ups recovery
face pulls 3x whatever
rear delt flyes 3x whatever
leg raises 3xf
Main lifts:
Bench 3 (max day)
Squat intensity
Front squat 3x3
pull up intensity + back off sets
DL intensity + back off sets
snatch press new weight or rep max
LTEs rippetoe style 3x10
curls 4x8
leg raises 3xf
monday and friday are long and difficult. this routine started as a very basic TM model with the substitution of nuckols bench with OHP as an accessory instead of TM bench and press. apart from RDL on monday there were no accessories. eventually I learned and adapted and found out what i needed most and could recover from, found out what i was wasting my time on etc, which is why it looks like such an awful shambles.
i also do HIIT 3 times a week and some steady state cardio usually 5 days a week to keep my weight down. used to be a solid believer in diet as the sole controller of body composition, until i started doing this much cardio. i'm looking leaner and getting bigger every month, not to mention getting a hell of a lot stronger.
sorry for post length
if you have perfect diet, perfect sleep and no worries in life, it's fine.
As in, I look decent imo
I like how you always hide your face because you know how ugly it is.
I don't hide my face fuckass
No u
Nice man acne. Good gains though
How long does this routine take each day?
monday is the longest. the main lifts will take about an hour, the accessories another 30 minutes and the cardio usually takes it up to 2 hours or slightly more. if i had the time and the energy i'd extend my rests between sets of main lifts beyond 5 minutes but i try to remain disciplined and keep it reasonable.
wednesday is about an hour including the cardio.
friday is about an hour and a half including the cardio.
what an accurate picture
Just got back from working out. US Central Time Zone here, so I started at 5:30PM, finished at 6:20, just took a quick shower.
Here's what I just did (Pull day).
>5 minute warmup (trunk twists, neck rolls, 10 jumping jacks and 2 warmup sets of rows)
>5x10 Rows
>4x8 Hammer Curls, Supersetted with 4x8 Reverse Flys
>4x8 Zottman Curls SS with 4x12 Facepulls
>4x12 Shrugs
>total of 242 working reps
>rest periods were about 45 seconds plus lmao sipping water inbetween sets
>duration: 5 min warmup + 45 minutes of work
I think what I did actually matches a good deal of your requirements for an optimal routine.
I used to be anti-PPL as well, but I gave it a shot and it fit my goals a lot better. I don't want to train like a powerlifter, because I just care about natty aesthetics. Also I've been to a minor outlying area of the county of Poppage, just outside the city limits of Snap, and I don't want to go there, which is I why I do the setsxreps thing.
I now love training 6-days, because I want my training to be like taking a shower or brushing my teeth, something that so ingrained in my routine that I won't fall off.
Like I said, I won't always stick with PPLPPLx, I'm planning on making a change for the first three months of 2018 (I do everything in 13-week quarters).
Anyhow, maybe give PPLPPLx a shot one day. It doesn't have to be the reddit one. Some guys base their PPL around the big lifts, so it's like
>Mon: Bench, one accessory
>Tue:Weight Pullups, one acc
>Wed: Squat, one acc
>Thu: OHP, one acc
>Fri: Row, one acc
>Sat: deadlifts, one acc
which would be Boogerhugger style.
Could you post stats and body if you're going to disagree with a training style and say it's utterly retarded?
I've been doing TM lately but plan to switch back to a PPLxPPLx because I favor the high volume. I (and I'm sure many others) want to know if this advice would truly warrant much better results
I've also been doing 10x20 lateral raises 3x a week and have seen better delt gains in the last 2 months than the year before that. Some muscles respond better to really high volume and frequency, I'm assuming biceps and triceps are also bunched in with that group. I'm testing it out currently.
i can tell you now that if you want aesthetics or upper body strength, the TM isn't for you. TM is pretty much a squatting routine with afterthoughts. what else is there to expect from an old rippetoe routine. TM progression also worked amazingly well for my weighted pull ups.
Upper, lower, RD, Upper, Lower, RD, RD.
Upper/Lower x2/week is suboptimal.
ULxPPLx is the way to go if you want to hit everything x2/week with a decent upper/lower volume proportion.
Unless you're a woman. If you're a woman every day is ass day.