Tips for fixing APT?

Been struggling with APT for over a year now. Started with stretching my hip flexors. Didn't help. My right side is worse than my left. I can't even get the curve out my lower back when I forcefully contract my glutes/hamstrings and activate my abs.. What am I doing wrong?

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Show some pics, can't help just with your description

i started fixing it for half a month now. so far i changed the way i sleep and try to always keep in mind my posture. doing some exercises as well.

so far didnt help as well.

Don't forget about your lats, they're an important postural muscle
The stretch in pic related helped me a lot
Post pics, one of you neutral, one of you trying to hold good posture, and one of you trying to touch your toes if you can
But if you physically can't get in the right position you may need a physio

I don't like Alan Thrall but his video on this topic is the only one that worked for me.

If you don't want to watch it, there's 4 problematic areas that you need to address:

Tight hip flexors
Tight lower back
Weak glutes/hamstrings
Weak abs

Stretching hip flexors, and stretching lower back helps with tightness. For glutes and hamstrings, do leg curls and leg press, for abs do planks.

Depending on your strength levels, weight, etc. You can see result in weeks to months.

Stand at the side of a mirror and squeeze your glutes to determine if you see improvement regularly. This is how you check to see if what you're doing is working.

Can confirm this works 100%. Stretch those hip flexors everytime you can until you feel good again. Then stretch them everytime before a workout or everytime you do legs at least.

Take some examples from this video:
Good luck

Been trying the lunge stretch. Can't feel it in my right hip flexor, and I can't solely activate my right glute; I always activate my knee as well with it..

You might just have a big ass my dude

If you're activating your knee then you're probably flexing your hamstring. Try to lay on the floor and pretend you're having sex. Upward pelvic thrusts. That's your glutes

It's not terrible when you're trying to fix it. Pull your lats down to your hips as well (your torso's default should be tight like you're setting up for a diddly, but a little more relaxed so it's sustainable). It looks a little like your chest weight is too far back which implies your head weight is too far forward, to make the spine straight the chin should be roughly above the clavicle, and the back of the skull roughly above the whole spine (depending on your anthropometry ofc). Also make sure your feet and knees point forward or slightly out, it's harder for the hip to extend when internally rotated.

Most important thing you can do right now is keep fixing your posture until it becomes second nature, but strengthening weak spots and stretching tight spots is important too

Can you take one without your forearm?

And what happens if you try to contract your abs and rotate your pelvis?

Looks like you mainly have to stretch your lombars

Sorry, just googled them but I don't know what you mean with that :P Care to ELI5 for a scrub?

Are you just pretending to be from Reddit, because I legitimately can't believe that someone would act like this not as a joke.

FFS OP you have the entire internet at your disposal and you decide to sit there on 4chin asking us to spoonfeed you how to improve your posture.
Just google these things, there will be hundreds of references you can browse to your heart's content.

No, he's only pretending to be retarded

Calm down, issa joke..