Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened.
Don't cry because it's over
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They were way better when they were still in Eastern Europe honestly
Fuck the Franks and fuck the Muslims too
We were supposed to have our own Germanic kingdom
I know you have fantasy that Poland, Czech and Ukraine would be Germanic speaking, but that's only fantasy. It would never happen even if they stayed there.
>conquer you kingdom
nothing personal habibi :^)
>Poland, Czech and Ukraine would be Germanic speaking
I do consider that to be a great fantasy, yes.
>It would never happen even if they stayed there
Sadly true, but I never said that they would stay there. I simply said that they were better when they were in Eastern Europe, which is undeniably true since the Kingdom of the Visigoths was Latin trash that got conquered by Moors.
These guys and the vandals where the only germanic kingdom i was intrested in
But then they did the job to the franks and justintinen and stopped existing
Just imagine what the world would be like if the visigoths kept their franch holdings
I wonder what caused the huns to invade the Gothic empire (which nearly stretched from the black sea to the baltic) in the 370s honestly. The Hervararsaga involves the newly-crowned kings hunnic half-brother demanding half the kingdom as his inheritance, upon being refuses he calls the huns for help, but these huns are also defeated by the Goths with the help of the Geats.
Does Jordanes mention anything about this? Maybe I should buy Getica after all.
Slightly related question: is there a direct line going from the Visigoths/Lombards/Franks/Burgundians to the nobles living in these areas today or was it extinguished at some point?
Most likely it was simply a case of a confederation of steppe tribes migrating westwards in search of new lands and plunder, possibly due to population pressures, worsening climate, or other tribal movements causing a domino effect. Internal politics probably had little to do with it, or at most helped to speed up the inevitable.
I would expect most spanish nobles to have strong amounts og visigoth in them
Even if the kingdom stopped existing those fuckers stuck around for a long ass time, infact the first king of austurias was visigothic
Suebi > Visigoths
This is an undeniable fact.
All the kings of Asturias were Visigothic.
Relating to your question and my first reply, The modern royal family of Spain can trace it's roots to Visigothic kings even though they're not direct descendants. Pic related.
I want to deny it, but that's kind of true. I'm a big fan of the Visigoths and the Suebi.
>Fuck the Franks
Franks are Germanic???
The saga of the Visigoths is one of the most criminally underrated episodes in history. From fleeing the Hunnic onslaught in Eastern Europe, they fled into the arms of the Roman Empire, beginning a 42 year long epic. From defeating a Roman Emperor and his elite army on the field, to fighting a disastrous campaign in Italy that leads to the death of enslavement of thousands of warriors, but also the arrival of 10,000 more Goths for the Roman Army. From having individual units fight for the Empire as far as Mesopotamia and Britannia to a decade-long sojourn in Greece and the Balkans. Imagine the wonder of seeing so many cities, thousands of years old each, for the first time, of seeing landscapes so alien to you. Imagine the horror of hearing that the families of your kinsmen have been massacred in Italy and Illyria and then being their avengers as your people become the first army to sack Rome since the Gauls of Brennus. You cause so much psychological and physical damage to the state that they have no choice but to give you land in far-off Aquitaine. But even this, you have to fight the Vandals, Suebi and Alans for. And even with that, you find yourself in service of the Western Roman Empire again as you stand against the Huns in the seemingly apocalyptic Battle of Chalons. With heroes as noble and committed as Alaric and Fritigern and villains as odious and ruthless as Emperors Honorius and Valens. Or adversaries as steadfast and capable as Stilicho, Attila and Clovis. The loss of Aquitaine was less a consequence of Visigothic weakness and more a testament to the warrior spirit of the Franks and the valiant disposition of their King Clovis I.
In Hispania, they settled new cities and became patrons of the old arts and literature. Even during the conquests of the Moors, the flame of the Visigoths raged on through Pelagius who laid the ground works for another 7 centuries of the Reconquista.
Even a sweet band named after them
No, Franks are 100% French and totally non-Germanic!
This. I'd say that we need a tv series about it but knowing how they always become shit, we don't really.
I agree the Visigoths are very underrated, all the attention goes to the Franks or Anglo-Saxons. And the period of their history after they lost Aquitaine is also quite interesting: The Romaniziation and conversion to Catholicism, the development of proto-Spanish language, and the founding of the only new cities in Europe. Too bad the Moors had to ruin it all.
When the Goths arrived to Iberia, were they still a blonde haired, blue eyed people? It would seem not, since modern northern Spain is not very blonde haired, blue eyed.
They must have by that point been racemixed with every people they encountered on their way to Iberia.
To continue...
The 6th Century Byzantine historian Procopius wrote that the Goths were tall and blond haired: For they all have white bodies and fair hair, and are tall and handsome to look upon. There were many Gothic nations in earlier times, just as also at the present, but the greatest and most important of all are the Goths, Vandals, Visigoths, and Gepaedes. In ancient times, however, they were named Sauromatae and Melanchlaeni
So pretty much these snowniggers from Sweden/Scandinavia fucked the whole of Europe up, establishing their little kingdoms wherever they went.
"Visigothic". They were probably racemixed. By the time the Goths reached Iberia, they had crossed the whole of the inhabited Europe from north in their ancestral homeland (today Sweden), to the south, Iberia. At this point they were no longer a purely blonde haired, blue eyed people, and probably mostly dragged with them more western/central European genes to Iberia.
Even today the Germanics/Scandinavians are a tiny bit race mixed to an extent, since all ancient descriptions describe them as with very white/light skin, all blonde/light haired, and all blue/light eyed.
It was kinda shit though
they weren't THEIR Germanics
>Be Goths
>divide your shit to two groups
>both get raped anyway
was there ever a more tragic group of people?
Vandals probably come close desu
>escape from the shithole that is eastern europe
>escape from the WRE titanic and a gorillion german tribes fighting to see who claims the throne
>survive the Attilabowl
>make all the way to north africa so no one can bother you
>create a kingdom
>things are looking out pretty good
>immediately destroyed by Belisarius
Outside of the Franks, did any tribe managed to successfully survive the late antiquity barbarorum boogaloo and make something of themselves?
Saxons gotten Saxony and made their mark in England
Oh yeah I forgot about the Saxons, they did get Saxony wrecked by old Charlie though.
>beating the Late Roman Empire
Easie than taking kidneys from a baby
Then they would survive in Crimea after the Norman conquest
Matase moro de mierda
124,000 mas
During the Volkerwanderrung, the Burgundians had it worse than just about everyone
>come from some literally who island and then to Poland
>Burgundians serve just about everywhere in the armies of almost every migrating contingent
>but almost never in a single politically coherent group under a Burgundian King
>serve long and hard as foederati for the WRE
>the Romans finally cave and grant them land in modern Switzerland
>raid Roman land as per usual
>pisses off Flavius Aetius so much he uses his Hunnic connections to get some Huns to cut the Burgundians to size
>they Huns massacre them, burn their towns and kill the king
>this smackdown is so bad that their demise is passed down forever through Norse sagas and German songs
>the survivors get another chance and are given another settlement in Savoy because they backed the Romans at the Attilabowl
>capable King Gundobad takes the throne
>wow we're really going to be a kingdom now!
>ally with the Franks through political marriage
>they still fight and defeat the Burgundians
>become vassals of Clovis
> another political marriage as Clovis marries a Burgundians princess
>ok a Duchy will be fine
>Clovis dies
>his sons aren't very friendly
>team up with the Ostrogoths and attack the "Kingdom" of Burgundy
>eternally BTFO and King Godomar dies
>no coming back from this
>every "Duke of Burgundy" from now on is a Frank and the language and identity of the Burgundians disappears
Such a shame; the story of the Nibelungs is a good tale and Burgundy is a beautiful colour
Visigothic art
Visigothic Church
San Pedro de la Nave, Zamora, Spain.
Felipe """"VI""""" is a retard. The true King is Don Sixto.
The visigoths have always intrested me
Something about how they where one of the two germanic kingdoms that survived and the evolution of their culture, especially how heavily romanced they where and how they developed into the proto-spanish
I wish the moors hadn't conquered as far as they did just so we can see the culture continue to develop mostly unmolested, maybe even get pax visigothica when colonization happens
Then Spanish would not even be the language it is today. It'd have a large retainment of Germanic elements
>tfw Visigothic blood
I don't know jackshit about them. I should get to learning about them
>800 - 187,000
wew lad, talk about exaggeration
China took advantage of infighting to displace the nomads and take northern China so in search of easy targets they headed to India and Europe.
The Franks were Germanics who ruled the French people (who are R1b, Celts)
>Americans actually have images of burgers saved on their hard drives
Holy fuck stop eating
>Spain is overun with Germanics
>suddenly millions of Muslims flood in
what a coincidence
The Franks were Aryans(J2) who ruled the Nordic Celts and the Nordic Germans(R1b).
>Now, when I said Frankland(Aryana Vaejah) just above, I meant all the provinces north of the Alps; for as it is written: "In those days ten men shall take hold out of all the languages of the nations, shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew," so at that time, by reason of the glory of Charles, Gauls, Aquitanians, Æduans, Spaniards, Germans, and Bavarians thought that no small honour was paid to them, if they were thought worthy to be called the servants of the Franks(Airiyo).
>You will never live in a world where the Visigothic and Suebi states evolved to become proper European feudal monarchies and their cultures continued to live on.
Feels bad man, but makes for good alt history.
Were they the anime protagonist of the season?
It was literally around 17K to a country of 5M...
No that was justintinen
They where the filler side story that everyone wanted to become the protagonist next season but then they got cucked by the franks