Age: 30

Age: 30
Salary: $153k/yr
Occupation: Software engineer

age: 21 (will be 22 when I start working)
Salary: 110k /year + >50k in equity and bonuses
Occupation: Software engineer at a company Veeky Forums hates

Also with my sign on bonus im making over $200k in my first year out of college

inb4 larp

Cool no one cares

What's your cost of living faggot.

24 and NEET with $50 in crypto

Have fun working 80 hours a week.

Age: 32
Job: sys admin
Pay: 200k a year

t. jealous faggot

Salary: 384K/YR
Occupation: Secret Agent


if dubs you send me your $50 to my btc address

If he's smart, he'll be like me and only work 25 hour weeks.

How important is math for a software engineer? Can you get by if you're mediocre at best?

I'm very mediocre at math but I improved, it's like any skill you can get better at breaking down problems and solving them.

You just have to be able to work on your critical thinking.


No job

40k in crypto



part time minimum wage, hourly no salary
I don't really do much of anything besides sit around

Depends on what you want to do user. Webapps, crud software, enterprise bullshit, etc. youll get by with basic arithmetics. Game related stuff, youll get by with a basic understanding of physics. If you are just implementing stuff passed on to you, again no real math required, you'll just need to look up a couple of equations at most. However, if you are interested in machine learning and related fields you'll need a pretty good understanding of real analysis and linear algebra to start with. Beyond that the math can get pretty crazy, it just depends on the problem at hand.

Occupation: Student Undergrad
Age: 24
Salary: $300 per month (source:mommy)

Put half 10k of mom's saving into crypto
Has 8k left. 2k gone fuck......

I'm a 28 yr old attorney who HATES it. I'm heavily considering quitting to learn how to code. Is this feasible?

It's possible but you better go all-in and work your ass off catching up

Age: 28
Occupation: NEET since 2010
100k in crypto

Occupation: Dealer
Etnicity: African American
Salary: 170k/year

How do you even have 100k in crypto if you're a neet. Where did you take the money

Age: 18
1000$ in crypto. (Poorfag)

Age: 35
Salary: $0
Occupation: Crypto-NEET


Age: 25
Occupation: Software Engineer
Salary: $10k/year

3rd world. Don't judge :/

Age: 32
Salary: $55k USD/yr
Occupation: Senior software engineer

Just end it all.

mining on gpu

Age: 30
Occupation: Bouncer
Salary: ~100k/yr

Looking into going back to school, but don’t know what to do with my life.

Age: 19
Occupation: Wage Cuck
Salary: $20,000/yr

Age: 22
Salary: $0
Occupation: Unemployed Chemistry Graduate, looking to neck myself

idk if that's not enough ur just greedy m8

how is this even possible dude
In my country people thats tudy chemistry look at 50-60k€ a year right after uni

Fuck my country...$13k a year and considered a lot fuck all this shit

where do you live?

Almost every job I see is a temp job that only pays a couple dollars above minimum wage

I've applied to over 100 jobs and only got one interview

>doing other peoples work for a percentage

I never said $100k isn’t enough. Working nightlife security isn’t sustainable senpai.

ur wasting ur life, friendo

Age: 38
Salary: what i can sell the bikes I stole for
Occupation: Nigger stealing bikes and watermelon

dude create a startup. you know chemistry

You'll make more than those min-wage jobs easily

Im from Germany and Im a software engineer as well. No one here gets paid nowhere near that amount of salary as a software engineer wagecucker in western Europe. Stop roleplaying.

wow good thing you said no larp or else I would have thought you were larping haha

yeah I'd rather make 50% of that than work at facebook

where are you from?

Who says he's in western Europe


South East Asia

chemisty bachelors are utter trash
just like biology
you will not find jobs

I know the chemical industry is a lot bigger and more respected in Europe, It's even a lot better than in the US (I live in Canada), so wondering if you would know

Would that fact that I only speak English essentially stop me from finding a job in Europe if I tried to go over seas? I am from a German family with relatives there (although I don't know them very well), and have always been interested in exploring my heritage anyway, but cannot speak the language at all.

>26 years old
>natural gas technician
>€ 48k / year

Age: 18
Salary: $200k/yr
Occupation: Pornstar

Age: 26
Salary: $38k/yr
Occupation: Data entry

I have $180K in crypto right now. Please save me Sergey.


>COO in family business
>72K salary & 15K in benefits package but I own 25% of the company and we retain almost all our earnings (company earned 1.31M in 2016)

I'm not from Germany you fucking retard, Europeans get paid dirt compared to the US
Hey you got it!

Facebook pays pretty damn well desu

If anyone still thinks im larping, just look up the facebook new grad package (its public knowledge)

damn, dude. hang in there.

lol you sound like a 12 year old girl comparing the qualities of her ideal boyfriend

This is America.

also just to clarify

my sign on bonus is a one time $50k

my stock package is 150k over 4 years with a 1 year cliff, and I get stock refreshers every year/6 months

my performance bonus is 10% of my base salary/year

I literally don't care if you don't believe me, you can google this info to verify

good luck living in the back of a van though. I make 100k in the upper midwest so I'll actually have more disposable income than you will.

everyone here and in germany can speak english. If you'd be able to find a job without knowing german depends on the company. I work in a very different branche but the first job after uni for me was in an agency where the corporate language was english actually.

If you have a high quality van it's not hard. When I was traveling after university, I lived in a Mercedes Sprinter. Good mileage and very comfy. Probably preferable to most motels.