Just made it to stegosaurus mode

just made it to stegosaurus mode
6'5"; 240 lbs

trying to recomp so going to texas method from SS to continue to make progress on calorie deficit; tell me why I'm an idiot

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Your not an idiot, if you are fat that is the right decision.

No front squats??

why would i do front squats?

Just made it to bench-bro mode
6'0 165 lbs

Any tips for getting squats and deadlifts up so it doesn't look like I skip legs? I've been fighting some lower body mobility issues since I started lifting 6 months ago

whats your programming?

i've found that starting with low enough weights helps me to stretch enough at the bottom without worrying about hurting myself. though, my hip flexors are always tight so probably need to do some work on them.

This is what 5 years of training as a GDE looks like...

I ran SS+Accessories (Replaced deadlifts with back extensions cause I was scared I'd fuck my back up doing them because of how inflexible I was) for 14 weeks, then I switched to my own 4 day upper/lower split loosely based on PHUL but with more power than hypertrophy (still no deadlifts) and ran that for 12 weeks (gains were shit), and I just started doing nsuns 5/3/1 and deadlifting last monday. Now that I type that out I realize how retarded I've been with my programming so far lol

I don't know what GDE means

sounds like you need to start deadlifting; start light and keep your back straight, i just felt it out

i like 5/3/1 but its probably way to slow for someone at our level; start texas method maybs---i'm starting monday

strengthstandards.co/ makes it too easy to plan a program

Why the hell do people go from Starting Strength (weight progress every workout) programming to 5/3/1 (weight progress ONCE A MONTH) directly?

Do they really not see that 5/3/1 is not an advanced beginner/low intermediate program? Get something that has weekly or bi-weekly progress built in.

Also, read Practical Programming for Strength Training. Yeah, the fat geologist is most famous for SS, but Practical Programming is just as solid of a book.

It's nsuns 5/3/1 though, I don't progress once a month. Every week I do a set of AMRAP on each lift and depending on how many I get the spreadsheet tells me how to progress next week.

See here: archive.is/2017.01.27-015129/https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/5icyza/2_suns531lp_tdee_calculator_and_other_items_all/

The AMRAP sets are how your progress in the short term on 531, more reps on your AMRAP set should translate to a higher 1rm over the course of however many cycles you do.

You're novice on all lifts but one. Why are you looking at intermediate routines?

What website is this?

Goddamned Eskimo

r8 me

calorie deficit and working on getting sleep and long limbs. i'd rather slow down and stay consistent than keep failing.

>1 year lifting
>half of it on a cut
fuck squats mang xd

ol' shoulder pads

give ht and wt with stats and program

1 year... what program are you running

terrible brosplit with random sets and reps every session half the time,
PPL quater of the time
Just switched to greyskull last week and will be getting strength gainz from now on (still cutting tho)

You are me.

What app is this nibba?


For future reference, inflexibility in the back is actually better for your DL than flexibility. Flexibility can lead to issues when you get to a higher weight.

It's my hamstrings that are the least flexible, I still can't quite touch my toes but it used to be my hands could only reach halfway down my shins

R8 me
5'9" 170
295 squat
175 bench
210 power clean
235 front squat
130 OHP

How long lifting?

Rate, i've been training seriously since april
had a 5 month break before that, i used to do brosplit bullshit when i felt like it

This is my stats as of today, I been lifting for about a year now or more or less 8 months

Deadlifts are fun but scary

how are you missing your delts

Op you are exactly me with all blue but stegosaurus green

I am 5'9 69kg tho