Newborn Linksie :)

I went all in and bought $49 of link. Am I gonna be okay? How rich will I be in 2020?

You probably have 52$ by the end of 2020

I want to have atleast $150 so I can buy myself a new game. What should I invest in?

are you like 9?

jesus fuck this place

your placement of the dollar sign bothers me.

he is posting pink wojaks tomorrow cause he lost 3$

He must be a pajeep hahaha

you must be murican

yeah im 9 inches deep in ur mom lol

>so i can buy a new game

yes, definitely 9

I hope you lose it all

I don't lose, I learn :)

I bought $100 worth of link a few weeks ago, now i have $30, but im still happy because i still got my LINK!
I think we will get to $1000000 in a few months LOL

Finally meelionaare


I didn't actually buy link! I'm not a retard I have ARK and MOD

In that case you have 1$ in 2020 XD I can probably pay 2$ from your ark bags, just out of pity

sure. I'll pay for your ticket to my mansion on the moon



thanks haha I was so excited to reveal the troll

gtfo you useless 9 yo with nothing better to do other than spamming useless posts

lol ur just mad because I trolled u hard

i scrolled through this and i saw you post about "revealing the troll" and i decided to spend 1 min of my time to tell your future. it's jack shit. you will never amount to anything in your life. you might as well be a nigger. ironic or not, it doesn't matter. the fact that you posted this means you are literal filth, utter fucking garbage. you should sell your ark and mod for some rope. you know what to do user.

wow ur pathetic