>when you realize that leaving Veeky Forums (and similar timesink websites/activities) is the final step to making it
When you realize that leaving Veeky Forums (and similar timesink websites/activities) is the final step to making it
>he thinks the realization is the sad part
Yeah, now try actually doing it. I've pulled myself out from the depths of hell and the clutches of satan. Quit the nastiest drugs, quit being a NEET, got a job, managed to integrate back into a social circle, started lifting, but I can't leave this hell hole.
Remember, you're here forever.
This, i really want to leave this place but i cant. Veeky Forums is a permanent part of me now.
This hate on Veeky Forums is just one variation of the self-hate that is crippling you poor fuckers.
This place isn't so bad if you use it right. There's lots of useful info and quality entertainment to be found, it beats a lot of other recreational activities.
>This place isn't so bad if you use it right
It is though, this place is awful. Most of the threads are retarded and don't have any legit discussion.
Most of the "discussion" here is just people calling eachother fags and cucks for pulling sumo instead of conventional or doing lowbar instead of highbar.
Or doing Texas Method instead of 5/3/1.
Or whatever bs.
>There's lots of useful info
There really, really isn't. You'd find the info you seek much quicker anywhere else.
Option 1:
>Make a thread on Veeky Forums asking for tips on something
>Get a bunch of shitty useless replies, might have to bump a lot to get your thread seen, get uninformed opinion
Option 2:
>Just google your problem, search on reddit or something and find a thread of someone asking and getting answers previously
Option 2 is a lot better literally in every case.
>This place isn't so bad
Not gonna make it
>when you finally realize ending it all is the sweet release you've been craving all along
Tfw one decade +1 year here.
So what, most people are not worth your time but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to find worthwhile people.
You have to wade through some bullshit, but often enough there's those one or two posts or threads that are golden. Lots of people here have a natural contrarian inclination, meaning that you often get lots of different viewpoints and opposing arguments instead of the self-reinforcing one-opinion found in most other places.
If you google something more often than here there will be commercial interests behind the information you receive. This is true in general but even more so for fitness-related material.
I think that while there are lots of teenagers and retards on these boards, the structure of Veeky Forums does attract a certain kind of knowledgeable person writing exactly what they think or what their experience is, something that is harder to find in other parts of the internet.
>most people are not worth your time but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to find worthwhile people.
You're searching for a needle in a haystack.
>but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to find worthwhile people.
You can't add people here. Everyone is anonymous (besides tripfags), so you can never form any relationships with people.
>You have to wade through some bullshit
But why. WHY do you have to wade through bullshit when you don't have to?
>Lots of people here have a natural contrarian inclination, meaning that you often get lots of different viewpoints and opposing arguments instead of the self-reinforcing one-opinion found in most other places.
This is so ridiculously rare. Out of maybe 30-50 hours spent here you'll get MAYBE 1 productive hour of useful discussion.
A horrific ratio. 30-50 hours is fucking absurd, that's like 10 weeks of going to the gym, spent on an anime board talking about sips, SHARTS, BRAPS and more.
>If you google something more often than here there will be commercial interests behind the information you receive
Not really. Many results are Reddit, Starting Strength forums (depeneding what u search), random fitness blogs which are pretty legit most of the time.
>the structure of Veeky Forums does attract a certain kind of knowledgeable person writing exactly what they think or what their experience is, something that is harder to find in other parts of the internet.
Man. On reddit's r/powerlifting you have people with LEGIT impressive lifts, some record holders too. On r/bodybuilding you have people with their pro cards. On Veeky Forums? What do you have, cmon now.
>You can't add people here. Everyone is anonymous (besides tripfags), so you can never form any relationships with people.
The analogy was just that because the bulk of something is bullshit that must not imply that you can discard it completely. I wasn't suggesting you form relationships with the people here, I think the exclusion of social status and identity (to major extent) is one of the positives of Veeky Forums.
>But why. WHY do you have to wade through bullshit when you don't have to?
But you always have to.
>This is so ridiculously rare. Out of maybe 30-50 hours spent here you'll get MAYBE 1 productive hour of useful discussion.
Then you're a brainlet that can't tell relevant from irrelevant information fast enough.
>Not really. Many results are Reddit, Starting Strength forums (depeneding what u search), random fitness blogs which are pretty legit most of the time.
Well maybe I was thinking of bodybuilding.com or most other similar sites/forums that come up when you google fitness related topics. Perhaps I should check out your suggestions.
>Man. On reddit's r/powerlifting you have people with LEGIT impressive lifts, some record holders too. On r/bodybuilding you have people with their pro cards. On Veeky Forums? What do you have, cmon now.
You have people telling exactly what they think. I question whether somebody with more impressive lifts will necessarily be more helpful for you in reaching your fitness goals than a peer.
>impying normies dont waste hours on even worse shit
Lmao this place is way better for you than all the normie timesink shit at least theres interaction unlike netflix, youtube and all that shit.
>The analogy was just that because the bulk of something is bullshit that must not imply that you can discard it completely
You can though. If something is shit up to 70%, 80%, 90%, even arguably 95% or higher. Why keep using it? The stuff that IS legit here is usually taken from other places anyways.
>I think the exclusion of social status and identity (to major extent) is one of the positives of Veeky Forums.
That's the worst part though, that's what makes people shitpost incessently.
>But you always have to.
Not really. If I have SPECIFIC lifting questions, I can find a (or some) legitimate answers, from trustable sources within 15 minutes, at most.
Veeky Forums only fulfills the role of just mindless browsing.
>Then you're a brainlet that can't tell relevant from irrelevant information fast enough.
You are forced to read through every post (or skim through them) in a thread. If I see a thread calling Sumo deadlifters "cuckold faggots who cheat and need to be executed by firing squad", I MUST click the thread, then scroll through 100+ posts to HOPEFULLY see someone post actual logic or some scientific shit about it.
And lket's be honest, fitness rarely gets new info. You learn the basics and they stick pretty much forever. Diminishing returns.
>You have people telling exactly what they think
But who cares about what people with no credentials think? I simply don't care about the opinions of beginners, you don't hjave the experience, you don't have the background, you have nothing to stand on. If you bench press 165lbs why the FUCK should I listen to you, unless i'm also a complete dyel beginner?
>Lmao this place is way better for you than all the normie timesink shit at least theres interaction unlike netflix, youtube and all that shit.
Who implied that? Who said it was? Both are bad. Also netflix is arguably way more fun to watch than bickering with retards about whether steroids are a good or bad thing. or why low bar squats are legit.
I want normalfags to leave.
>you poor fuckers
Don't act like you're not one of us
>not sharing your progress with anonymous friends from all over the globe
never gonna make it
>You have people telling exactly what they think. I question whether somebody with more impressive lifts will necessarily be more helpful for you in reaching your fitness goals than a peer.
Veeky Forums's Veeky Forums is only useful as a beginner lifter. Past that point this place is 100% useless.
/fraud/ for steroid knowledge is obsolete. It's blogposting and r/steroids defeats it in every single way.
/plg/ is dead, r/powerlifting is much more active and better. Dat's it. This place only functions as a timesink for "fun" shitposting.
>tfw user is not here anymore
But I'm not, I can bench more than 100kg and have no documented mental disease, I have had girlfriends and have a career and I actually like myself.
>You can though. If something is shit up to 70%, 80%, 90%, even arguably 95% or higher. Why keep using it? The stuff that IS legit here is usually taken from other places anyways.
Rationally it depends on the quality of the non-bullshit percentage. Also those other places didn't think of it themselves mostly.
>That's the worst part though, that's what makes people shitpost incessently.
With great power comes...
>Not really. If I have SPECIFIC lifting questions, I can find a (or some) legitimate answers, from trustable sources within 15 minutes, at most.
>Veeky Forums only fulfills the role of just mindless browsing.
Speak for yourself. Also you can search the Veeky Forums archives.
>You are forced to read through every post (or skim through them) in a thread. If I see a thread calling Sumo deadlifters "cuckold faggots who cheat and need to be executed by firing squad", I MUST click the thread, then scroll through 100+ posts to HOPEFULLY see someone post actual logic or some scientific shit about it.
Well not going into such threads is basic Veeky Forums 101.
>And lket's be honest, fitness rarely gets new info. You learn the basics and they stick pretty much forever. Diminishing returns.
Yes but that's not specific to this board.
>But who cares about what people with no credentials think? I simply don't care about the opinions of beginners, you don't hjave the experience, you don't have the background, you have nothing to stand on. If you bench press 165lbs why the FUCK should I listen to you, unless i'm also a complete dyel beginner?
It's about the variety of experiences and opinions, of course most people are dumber than you just like in real life. Doesn't mean their statements can't be interesting.
Realized this yesterday when I was about to complain a joke had been posted here since like 2008.