Does liberalism and capitalism lead to inevitable marginalization and death of high culture?
Does liberalism and capitalism lead to inevitable marginalization and death of high culture?
>Pandering to the lowest common denominator
Of course it does.
To be fair: so does authoritarianism since their shit usually rests on populist notions, which is equally plebby.
"High culture" is a spook
authoritarianism isn't an ideology like liberalism or capitalism though. it's a vaguely defined attribute that would apply to most human systems of government.
You're grouping authoritarian movements together when you shouldn't.
Reviled communists in Eastern Europe, despite all their faults, did a lot to preserve and nourish high culture. Plebs were always plebs of course, but there existed a relevant and cultured elite. In Yugoslavia you even had a tax on ''kitsch'' art.
Fine: Fascism and Communism.
Fascists probably the worst since its a bunch of plebs trying to redefine high culture.
The USSR was anti-western degradation of culture though, many plays,films and artworks were financed by the state which without they wouldn't of been able to survive in a commercialized western society which panders to low culture.
Western modern art was seen as the counterweight to Socialist realism which comes off as more conservative and high culture then the west who basically wanted to stress ""individualism"" and creativity.
I am a Croat and never heard of such a thing, source? Really interesting if true.
>Meanwhile, in Cultural Revolutionary China...
1972. su donijeli novi Zakon o oporezivanju proizvoda i usluga u prometu i uveli porez na publikacije koje su smatrane za šund. Tipa turbo-folk, žuta štampa i ta govna.
Ne mogu sad da nađem taj zakon na netu, izvini.
Komunisti, na stranu greške komunizma, su dosta cijenili obrazovanje i kulturu. Pogledaj samo TV program iz toga vremena.
Mislim normalno, narod je lokao rakiju i ubačao dinare među sise neke kurve koja krešti u kafani, ali makar je postojala kakva-takva kulturna elita, koju je država podržavala.
Poprilično zanimljivo, to je jedan pozitivan aspekt komunizma u Istočnoj Europi. Dok su Zapadnjaci upadali u umjetnost toaleta ili slikanja sa menstrualnom krvi, komunisti su stvarno pumpali lovu u visoku kulturu.
No danas se to sve jako promijenilo, moderni komunisti su danas često ljudi sa teškim duševnim problemima ili ovisnici o drogi.
Jesi li Hrvat?
High culture is a distinction made by elitists, not necessarily the elites themselves (power brokers) but by the people with access to the elites' circles. They identify themselves with the elites' interests and put the onus of prestige on this one matter that they share with the stars they orbit.
Maoism and Leninism are different ideologies senpai. Communism has never been monolithic.
Read Adorno and try not to be spooked off by /pol/ buzzwords. Even if you believe Communism will never work the Communist dream is less work since you no longer need to produce for profit and more art since artists won't be constrained by the need to work (as much)
Art for art's sake produces self indulgent degeneracy.
Art for the masses' sake produces mass media degeneracy.
Only art patronized by a refined socioecomoic elite for the purposes of self-aggrandizement and/or money laundering produces tasteful privately owned art that you may be able to see in a museum in a century or two in a museum if you are lucky.
Iz CG sam.
>moderni komunisti su danas često ljudi sa teškim duševnim problemima ili ovisnici o drogi
Ne znam za HR, ali ovdje praktično i ne postoje, ili su neka balavurdija koja se tripuje na Če Gevaru i ta govna, ono površno.
I naravno bivši ''komunisti'' koji su kad je Tito umro prešli na srpski nacionalizam i Miloševića a onda na Mila Đukanovića.
>Your ideology is JEWISH
>jews, meanwhile, in mass graves on both countries' soil, cackle maniacally
>"we sure got them, guys"
>you no longer need to produce for profit
Why do communists hate work so much?
They deserve every famine they induce.
The irony of Mao Zedong is that he was against the so called "Four Olds" but the lifestyle of communist leadership was that of the old Mandarin Elite.
Mao Zedong himself wrote a shitton of poetry
That's a very funny thing. ''Communists'' from Eastern Europe, especially since 90's, literally mutated into today's /pol/ minus outspoken racism (though most are racist to some degree).
Who do you think sponsors types like /pol/?
>invaded and assaulted by Asatics throughout history
>not terrible economically speaking but still middle-income to working-Income level countries. Net drain of young people to Western Europe because there isn't many jobs
>"Why don't these Eastern Europeans want to import millions of shitskins?" THEY BE RACIST
Producing far more then enough fridges for everyone for the sole reason of outproducing another fridge maker so yours is cheaper is a shitty waste of resources and is work for no reason other then profit.
Hey Op is this from that Vice Dispatch in Ukraine?
That series is amazing. I wish Vice didn't suck now.
U Hrvatskoj su komunisti u potpunosti odbacili borbu za srednju klasu, sada je moderno biti za prava imigranata, lgbt, drogu, rodnu ideologiju i ostale pizdarije. Kad ih netko i pita nešto o ekonomiji, stvarno odaju dojam kao da ih to strašno zamara. Vođa Radničke fronte je rekao prošle godine da je najveća borba modernog doba kako da uništimo bijeli patrijahat.
A ove degenerike iz Amerike da ne spominjem, ti ljudi nemaju osnove higijene a kamoli išta drugo.
Vi ste imali ono sranje sada sa NATO i Rusijom, neznate ni sami gdje da krenete?
Mi Hrvati smo se užasno razočarali u EU, sve banke su nam otkupili, tvornicu otkupili pa zatvorili te donjeli svoje proizvode.
Znaš kako se inače za nas Hrvate govori kao da volimo Germane? Sve više primjećujem izjave teške mržnje prema njima i Francuzima.
I never understood the cultural revolution, why ?
I get the other policies and roughly why they were done even if they failed, but the cultural revolution just confuses me.
That Lenin quote is taken out of context, he meant this stage in socialist development, not socialism as a whole. He was referring to the NEP which truly was state capitalism. A planned economy on the other hand is not state capitalism since there is no market to distribute commodities in.
Some elements of Chinese society and culture were inherently capitalistic and feudalistic so a cultural change was in need.
>Vođa Radničke fronte je rekao prošle godine da je najveća borba modernog doba kako da uništimo bijeli patrijahat.
Jebote nisam znao da to postoji ovdje. Pretpostavljam da si iz Zagreba?
>Vi ste imali ono sranje sada sa NATO i Rusijom, neznate ni sami gdje da krenete?
To ti je doslovno predstava DPSa. Nije bilo nikakvog ''državnog udara'', nego su platili nekim nesrećnicima da glume kako su ih Rusi angažovali. Jedan od njih je ubio nekog seljaka u Hrvatskoj i pravosnažno je osuđen, a ovdje mu dali status zaštićenog svjedoka. Komedija. Ali ovdje ti Milo Đukanović vlada kao feudalac, ne može mu niko ništa.
>Sve više primjećujem izjave teške mržnje prema njima i Francuzima
Da budemo realni, nisu nama krivi ni Njemci ni Rusi ni Amerikanci, mi smo stoka generalno. Oni samo koriste priliku, a mi im dozvoljavamo bez otpora.
1) The Cultural Revolution was the last in the series of anti-traditionalist movements that started ever since the Qing Dynasty fell. Many in China truly believed that their traditional culture "held them back" in modernizing.
2) Mao needed to get rid of some political opponents lmao.
>Some elements of Chinese society and culture were inherently capitalistic and feudalistic so a cultural change was in need.
The utter irony of this is Capitalism AND Feudalism came to China under the Republic.
In Imperial China, there was no such thing as Capitalist Landlords dominating the landscape considering land was owned collectively by rural villages, who are often organized around a single clan.
Thats retarded though, just like everything else Theodore "IF YOU DISAGREE WITH ME THEN YOURE LITERALLY HITLER!" Adorno said. This leftypol attempt to pretend these cultural marxist are actually great thinkers after you can no longer pretend they dont exist is stupid
>In Imperial China, there was no such thing as Capitalist Landlords dominating the landscape considering land was owned collectively by rural villages, who are often organized around a single clan.
Isn't that just a meme made by upper caste who preferred agriculturalist to merchants though? To my knowledge, a bourgeoisie class of merchants, artisans and money lenders was fairly strong in Imperial China. Although the elites didn't want to admit it.
Yet somehow there's no famine, and people enjoy greater freedom of choice and social mobility.
Having a few extra refrigerators is a non-issue.
Matter of fact - you're 100% free to buy up those fridges and hand them out yourself if you care so deeply. Start a coalition of fridge-buyers.
Couldn't do that in a communist regime.
>capitalism is so good it allows communists to exist concurrently in pockets of society
>Yet somehow there's no famine, and people enjoy greater freedom of choice and social mobility.
See third world and capitalistic neo-impealism of Africa and the world bank debt enslaving these nations. You also ignore all the conditions Communist countries existed in mostly civil wars and literal Hitlers invading
>Having a few extra refrigerators is a non-issue.
It's a waste of resources, and is unnecessary work if you already have enough fridges and shit for society. If you live in a society where creating goods for profits no longer exist then why produce when you don't need too. (Beyond a reasonable surplus of stock)
>Matter of fact - you're 100% free to buy up those fridges and hand them out yourself if you care so deeply. Start a coalition of fridge-buyers.
Charity is not Socialism neither is government handouts, and any "socialist economy" in a capitalistic country would fail due to it's lack of capital from worker surplus. This is basically just go start your own Walmart and pay your workers more which obviously would fail since walmart can keep it's workers on shit wages and out compete you.
Basically who wins in ancap land? A company which pays good wages and good working hours, or a company which hires wage slavery and imports cheaper workers and excessively produces products to make cheaper products.
>Couldn't do that in a communist regime.
Uhh ever heard of Yugoslavia or Mutalism the type of Anachism ancap wishes it was.
"High culture" is a meme that blue-blooded nobles made up to make themselves feel better about their inherent worthlessness in comparison to their status
Freedom and capitalism leads to prosperity.
The Chinese Merchant was often TIED to the peasant village.
In fact Merchants served like ambassadors of their family-village in the cities. If you're a peasant and you need something in the city (idk, medical help, professional artisan work, relative needs a job in the town, something needs to be petitioned to the county magistrate/provincial governor), you head to your merchant relative and ask him to do you favors. This is why cities in China have these things called "Kongsi" (Clan Halls) which are sort of like offices/temporary residences run by rich merchants of a clan where visiting peasants can stay while they conduct businesses in the city.
In addition merchants were the foundation of CHina's criminal underworld largely because if you can't get anything done officially because bureaucracy is too slow/your county prefect is fucking incompetent, you resort to backdoor channels via your merchant relatives in the cities.
Part of the reason why Chinese traditional society lasted so fucking long is because they're all connected. Peasants and merchants are linked. The labor of the peasan and the wealth of the merchant are also pooled by the family to send the best son among them to an academy in hopes of him becoming an official, and in turn helping out his poor peasant relatives or offer favors to his merchant relatives once he becomes a high official.
If communist or jews control capitalism and liberalism then yes
If decent people could control what is called ''capitalism'' (like restricting freedoms such as the freedom to produce porn and degenerate art) we would have a better society
The republican system is far more dangerous than a libertarian free-trade paradise