Joe MANLET Rogan

Joe MANLET Rogan



Does alphabrain count as a PED?

more like Joe ROIDgan heheheh

Joe "TRT isn't cheating" Rogan


Well, it isn't. He's not competing.

Could still whoop your ass

I hate joe rogan so much hes a fucking centrist faggot

Hello Joe

thats a lot more than TrT... at least 2 grams

Joe KEK Rogan
His wife has a mixed race daughter from a previo relationship

She's also hotter than anything you'll come within 5 feet of in your life

So what's the verdict Veeky Forums? Is alphabrain snake oil?

Whats up with tha bubble gut. Too much gh?

>my wife's son

joe's done every drug, not just TRT

>She's taller than him.
>Doesn't look that great in the pic.
>And doesn't have big tits.

Could do better.

He's 5'8 baldcel ugly bad frame. His celeb status and mild trt gains and sleeve tatt game are haloing him hard. The slut is a blond americano whore suited for anthonio genetic giftor.
On a side note.

Why do I find this lookism memeslang so fucking hilarious

>Could do better.
>He's 5'8 baldcel ugly bad frame. His celeb status and mild trt gains and sleeve tatt game are haloing him hard. The slut is a blond americano whore suited for anthonio genetic giftor.
>On a side note.
HAHAHA!!! you butthurt,jealous faggot. What a lanklet loser Veeky Forums retard you are. kys faggot, you will never amount to anything. Don't forget, you'll be a CEO and make 10k a day becuase of your height.
Fucking faggot

Easy Joe easy

That's not two grams. I'm 6'5 250 lean and I blast less than a gram.