New Lord Sergey retweet:

new Lord Sergey retweet:

hydra made by autistic looking fuck from cornell.

cornell ic3 partnered with chainlink.

Chainlink to offer smart contract bug bounties and security checks? This could be fucking huge.

Priced in selling news here


oh great - news. prepare for dump

wtf is this design
coudlnt be more autistic

welcome to priced in university

Deluded Linkiesss


Say it with me:


Sadly is everything that will happen and that can happen already priced in

Tomorrow: Chainlink announces partnership with China, Russia and US governments to implement their platform into every applicable thing possible.

LINK's price tanks down to $0.12

as much as i love the project, until BTC link will get the picture related treatment

Link can't handle good news. It's like the opposite of OMG. It's zero hype on the developer side and all their partners are showing them off while the price tanks.

if ( news == good ) { priced_in = true }
if (news == bad ) { priced_in = false }

any questions


this tbqh

The amount of money his thumbs have cost me 9

At this point I suspect only doomsday news like the impending extinction of all mankind on planet earth could increase LINK price. Good news will only make things worse.

fucking kek


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