What is your opinion of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte?
Neo-liberal puppet dictator of the United States and one the worst tyrants of south america.
I like you
You seem like a communist
Pinochet opened up the economy and privatized much of its infrastructure. His coup was supported by the CIA.
Of course, many economists believe that there was no "miracle of Chile" and that he actually harmed the economy.
You seem like an underage rule breaker
Fully negative.
Veeky Forums memes about him are, also, hilariously misguided and ahistorical.
He didn't throw communists from helicopters. He threw people who he wanted gone extrajudicially, i.e. his former comrades who became challengers or inconveniences.
He brought the economy to a major crisis, which caused Chicago boys policies to be retracted, and his whole government to fall.
In addendum, here is the main square of the Chilean capital. It pretty much underlines the historical judgement on the issue.
No, I despise communists but I also despise tyrannical dictators who murder their own people without trial and ban any kind of free speech against them.
I did my final research paper on Pinochet for uni learned a lot. The CIA did infact try to oust Allende and the Chilean government by funding money to the conservative party but failed in the election and though they initially supported a military coup it failed and they gave up till years later to the CIA surprise one went under way. Pinochet pledged his allegiance to Allende literally the day before he joined the other leaders of coup and was to be more of a side piece in creating a new government which the other leaders wanted except Pinochet who saw an opening and took it. He went way overboard in the whole communist plot idea with the main backing of Plan Z a so called communist manifesto that plotted to keep Allende in power and create a communist government, they had supposedly been stock piling weapons and creating training grounds. Pinochet immediately goes after communist hotbeds and finds well nothing. Many generals under Pinochet couldn't believe they found nothing, they truely believed there was Soviet stockpiles and training grounds all over, all because of Plan Z rumours which not even the CIA started, no one really knows where it came from. Pinochet though stays in power because fuck it and decides to get his "Chicago Boys" to lead the economic disaster of Chile and rebuild it which they did. Chile had been under political deadlock for a decade with no sign of slowing down and one side had to win for any chance of improvement, Pinochet went overboard but did good work after, he defiently overstayed his welcome though after the plebiscites even before then he wasn't really needed the country had recovered enough.
The economy was in worse crisis before he came in. Going on for years. There was then a sharp "dip" in currency value over the course of 1 year from "shock therapy" and then an immediate rise.
Had Allende been allowed to continue on his path Chile would be about as well-off as one of the northern SA countries instead of the top figure it is today.
did your father got spared of the helicopter ride?
>his predecessor fucked the economy and Pinochet had to deal with it
>he did in fact lay out the commies, that's just an outright he didn't
don't care about south-america
actually Allende nationalized copper mines and Pinochet leaved that intact
Jewish/CIA puppet. Look up to a good South American dictator like Vargas or Peron.
>The economy was in worse crisis before he came in.
>his predecessor fucked the economy and Pinochet had to deal with it
Such a pathetic apology, that can really be applied in every case, by anyone.
And nope, it is a fact that Pinochet merely fucked it on top of everything, and was forced to resign economic ministers and advisors, and his rule crumbled directly due to the economic failure.
>Had Allende been allowed to continue on his path Chile would be about as well-off as one of the northern SA countries instead of the top figure it is today.
Noone may know for sure. One may say that his policies were most alike the Scandinavian Socialism, and would result in same relative success.
le praise /r/le_Dolan XDDD!!!
Fucked with the economy out of experimentation
Ended up working
So basically a commie
Commie cancer
Le epic based dictator praise kek shadilay xD
Deposing Salvador Allende was the necessary and correct thing to do.
Everything after that was cancer.
It's almost common knowledge at this point that scandi socialism is just generous welfare, coasting off the success of previous economic strategy; the sand in that clock is now running out as immigrants come in to finish it off.
As for the "pathetic apology" - we know for a fact where things were headed and where they were going, because we've seen socialism and pseudosocialism in South America many times now. It can be applied so frequently because it's failed so frequently - but nevermind that. We have specific data that illustrates Allende's failure and Pinochet's success.
You can see the inflation in this nice EU graph - steadily rising before Pinochet takes office (1973)
Then it SPIKES (the crisis you talked about), and FALLS (what the rest of the world recognizes), in a short timeframe. The trends are dramatic - characteristic of a certain person's ruling style in contrast to that of the guy in office before him.
You in the pic
>capitalist dictator fucks with the economy
>communist dictator fucks with the economy
>therefore capitalists and communists are exactly the same
>jews attack pepe because /pol/ spent the year trolling jews with nazi pepes
>/pol/ invades reddit and antisemitism is present on reddit after a 6 year ban
>as a side effect lots of young autists enter in the meme ''war''
>memes go mainstream thanks to jewish media attacking their own creations like spencer and daily stormer
>suddenly /leftypol/ and Veeky Forums pretend that r_thedonald browse this shit board and they are the source of all ''alt-right''
>Veeky Forums only weapon is to mock reddit memes that jews helped to spread on CNN and Politico.com
Let's face it you wouldn't even know about praise kek if it wasn't present on hillary's official website or on the young turks
It's truly pathetic to see people having to mock a fabricated creation (the alt-right). Be decent and mock /pol/ or anti-leftists originally, don't attack the alt-righters made by the mass media
actually who am I kidding? how do I expect rats to have decency?
Who are you talking to?
>an ultra-degenerate and marxist jew say something against other jews
I've seen that movie during the bolshevik-menshevik internal conflicts. A jew from the left accusing his jewish enemy of being a right-wing capitalist pig while forgetting the only reason his movement exist is thanks to the jewish gold
I'm not an autist. Just a very dumb person thinking I can convince rats to have some decency
>it's a pinochet thread episode
t. economically illiterate commie
The economic crisis was caused by him ignoring the chicago boys and pegging the peso to the dollar like other tinpot dictators which led to a bubble forming and bursting like clockwork.
>capitalism is now a political philosophy
Wow commies are so smart!