Why is caffeine not a b& drug...

Why is caffeine not a b& drug? I take the 200mg pills at 3-4pm now when everyone else is running on fumes and its changed my world. How is this even still legal?

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You could drink a cup of espresso for the same dosage of caffeine.
Why would anybody ban coffee? The coffee corps would go batshit.

caffeine pills vs coffee

what's better?

Coffee has a bit of a learning curve for the dosage, but past that it's a matter of taste. Do you like coffee? No? Get a pill.

Because there is such a huge market for it and it brings a lot of money to the gov through tax also its not really dangerous
depends on what you want, for Veeky Forums probably pills as they have little to no calories



Coffee hah, that shit is baby stuff.

Nowadays, if I want to really want to get a kick out of caffein, I either take it with L-Theanine or the russian astronaut powder, depending on what effect I want.

Also, taking Guarana and Colanut if even better than coffee. Makes me focus like crazy.

you sound like a degenerate


Oh shit, I searched for caffeine in espresso and used the number given by Google (212mg)... for 100g of espresso.
A shot would have 1/3 of that, 70ish mgs.
My mistake, also means that to get a good jolt you need a triple shot of espresso.

you would have to give all your money to the starbucks jew

tfw no 80s gf

It depends. A caffeine pill has 80 - 100 mg of caffeine.
A cup of instant coffee has between 60 - 100 mg of caffeine (the brand I use only has 1 calories per teaspoon).
Per 600mg of caffeine you burn 100 calories. (That's the maximum recommended dose).

Its hard to OD on it, doesn't mess with your reflexes or thinking ability. Its pretty safe

make your own then

Or brew your own.

>A caffeine pill has 80 - 100 mg of caffeine.
wrong. All the pills I get are 200mg, $3 for 90. They literally have them at the grocery store

IT depends on the brand, I know.

It's just more concentrated hence it gives you a stronger buzz more quickly

You stupid retard fuck

Yerba Mate master race

>cutting without yerba mate

I seriously hope you guys don't do this


>not very harmful if at all
>doesn't threaten any large companies by being legal

Terere master race

the only real harm in caffeine is a lack of sleep, and too much of it will give you the shakes, which probably isn't good for other reasons.

inb4 "caffeine doesn't affect my sleep at all" or "i take sleeping pills because taking a supplement for every bodily function is a good way to live"

pretty sure it'll fuck with your gains eventually too. sure you can lift more cuz you're hepped up, but you're not able to rest as much if you're buzzing all the time

Did you learn about it on your single mommy facebook group?

I love coffee but I get so jittery and nervous now when I drink it.

Does caffeine have the same exact effect?

>does the active ingredient in coffee have the same effect as coffee

actually, maybe not. your gums absorb that shit pretty hard so a pill might be better as long as you dont suck on it.