Is every war in human history basically motivated by this?
Is every war in human history basically motivated by this?
There are many organs whose functions provide motivations for war.
No, humans go only to war for sensible things, like who has the cooler religion.
No its motivated by ooga booga killing is fun.
No. War is motivated by the realm of ideas, like everything else?
Only the brainlet wars
Yeah, pretty much
It's motivated by food
Step 1: join war for glory and booty
Step 2:impress chicks with glory and booty
Step 3: get booty, amiright?
Yeah the pussy wars
Yes, the Falklands war was basically Argentina wanting that sweet Falklander pussy.
But social stability is based on a country's pussy infrastructure. If a country doesn't invest in this, it leads to a society of angry edgy virgins who dabble in religious fanaticism and seeing "degeneracy" everywhere.
>argentina LITERALLY invaded the falklands so they could fuck some sheep
no, the other kind of pussy
what the fuck?
Isn't that contradictory - kill people in order to make more people?????
>What’s Eurovision?
Holy kek
Yes Gavrilo Princep shot Franz because he thought he'd be dripping in bitches.
Procreation is not the point. The motivation zone stops at "cervix" in OP's picture.
No. It's money. But in a more primal way, it's about being selfish enough to live your best life. People are willing to do terrible things just to live the most comfortable life possible in their short time.
Or, showing the world they had a big dick. Who would be interested in that? Women.
You chase any motivation back far enough and yea, pretty much.
no, because any justification for war you spin into being about vagina is reaching
>every war is caused by the gender that never has to fight them
Fuck women
I agree. We need legal prostitution in every first world nation.
Women birth men
Men fight other men
Ergo, it is the womens fault as she birthed the man who started the conflict
NZ is one step ahead, they've legalised prostitution
>women asexually reproduce
Get a load of this retard
This shit gay af nigga
The 54% of the world believes in this though as an article of faith.
>She said, “How can I have a boy while no man has touched me and I have not been unchaste?”
>So, she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a remote place.
>And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She said, “Oh, I wish I had died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten.
That's what motivates the cannon fodder in their 20s to actually go and kill indiscriminately other cannon fodder in their 20s
The higher ups and the rulers know that the real reasons for war are political and economic, and use the "pussy ticket" and other ways of sexual manipulation to trick young men to get their objectives.
war is by its very nature contradictory, destroying what was to be gained