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Another one
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Whats the insinuation though?
What is the extra protein supposed to be causing that is causing people to die?
So she was ingesting ONLY protein shakes, then? If that's the case then its natural selection
>ultra fit
Can protein shakes really kill? Was considering starting to drink them, didn't shit like this could happen.
Gonna need some source on this one. if she was only consuming protein shakes then yeah, good luck living. But this title is trying to make it seem like protein is a dangerous steroid.
two scoops too many
>Water blamed for killing young teen
>Boy drank water just before he died
>devastated family call for warnings on the popular drink
Link to article
>Ms Hefford was taking protein supplements in preparation for a bodybuilding competition
>"protein supplements"
So that's what they're calling DNP and ephedrine these days.
Didn't she smash nangs and die?
No you cant die from consuming protein, you fucking retard.
Protein shakes are a supplement, not meant to be lived off of. You'll be fine as long as you're not fucking retarded.
Depends if they were 'meal replacement' protein shakes.
The level of stupidity is astonishing.
>took 5 scoops/day (cmon)
>left humanity behind
it all checks out, whats the story here?
Done sperging out?
That's what you get for taking steriods.
First zyzz, then gregg plitt, then big richy 1 day, now this qt
fitness is KILL
>Unknown to the mother-of-two, she had a rare genetic disorder that stopped her body from properly breaking down the protein.
>Urea cycle disorder, which affects one in 8000 people, caused a build-up of ammonia in her blood and accumulation of fluid in her brain.
wtf could i be dying from dis too?
>/fitmisc/ worships this dyel
o i m laffin
rabbit starvation?
man if vince dies i'll lose fate in any of us making it
1 in 8000
Considering how many billions of people there are -- if 1 in 8000 were true, it'd be more likely to happen to you than you think
But then again with fitness being such a meme you'd think this be happening more often so I don't know
You can actually.
Look up protein poisoning.
Do you mean protein poisoning lol? That's when you're eating protein but no fat
Weird, that doesn't sound like the sort of thing that kills you suddenly. More like it would be a slow death, lying in bed all day with zero energy, you would know something was terribly wrong.
which is caused by consuming too much protein, and if you do that you deserve to die. If you are not retarded, you cant die from consuming protein.
Her death certificate lists “intake of bodybuilding supplements” as one of the causes of death, as well as the previously undiagnosed disorder.
Specifically lists "bodybuilding supplements" but not what the undiagnosed disorder.
If an undiagnosed coeliac died from eating bread people wouldn't shit the bed and say that bread killed her.
It just makes fatties feel better about being fat.
Never skip leg day.
She OD'd, family can't/won't accept their precious angel was on a cocktail of illegal PEDs, they cry to the media "IT WAS THE PROTEIN SHAKES".
How shitty is UK healthcare where a doctor never caught this in her 25 years of existence?
>Acting like this has not already happened
How are his pecs so fuckin huge? Even if I get big I'll never look that aesthetic.
They also raise testosterone to unatural levels, cause baldness and are known to cause impotence in men. Roids get a bad rep but these things are poison.
Here's your (You) you gimp
>not enough scoops
she was never going to make it anyway
Creatine, not even once.
Evidently she wasn't 'ultra' fit. She was nothing more than a poser with some probable underlying health condition (and on obvious mental one).
What do normie newspaper rags even consider 'ultra fit' to be anyway?
Any source to those claims?
>protein causes baldness, impotence and is poison
>asks for source
Are you for real nigga?
You claimed you can't. You can. Stop moving the goalposts and admit that you're wrong, cunt.
Natty bodybuilding is just natty selection. How fucking stupid do you have to be?
We worship vynz not this zuzz dork
By this logic then you can die by consuming water too
>Loool u actually can if you drink 10 gallons in 10 minutes so ur wrong
Wow xD
>Considering how many billions of people there are
What are you talking about? The chance is 1 in 8000. It doesn't matter how many people there are, it will always be 1 in 8000.
Do you even math?
>Be a+e med fag
>people constantly fucking themselves up with paracetamol overdoses and some dying as well
> No news coverage
>some monkey kills themselves with dnp or protein powder
>stop the presses protein is the devil
Really activates the almonds
>Unknown to the mother-of-two, she had a rare genetic disorder that stopped her body from properly breaking down the protein.
>Urea cycle disorder, which affects one in 8000 people, caused a build-up of ammonia in her blood and accumulation of fluid in her brain.
chanced of heads with one coin
its 1/2 because H is the only possibilty matches our critiria
with 2 coins
HH ->match
TH ->match
chance is 3/4 because 3 possibilities match our critira
see how that works
I guess she had to learn the hard way that you never go above 5 scoops.
not him
protein toxicity may kick in at ~180 g/day in males and may be even lower if you have liver issues for some reasons. the last recommended safe intake was even lower if I recall correctly
wait, hold on a minute
yep, here it is
>Considerable debate has taken place over the safety and validity of increased protein intakes for both weight control and muscle synthesis
>A suggested maximum protein intake based on bodily needs, weight control evidence, and avoiding protein toxicity would be approximately of 25% of energy requirements at approximately 2 to 2.5 g x kg(-1) x d(-1), corresponding to 176 g protein per day for an 80 kg individual on a 12,000kJ/d diet. This is well below the theoretical maximum safe intake range for an 80 kg person (285 to 365 g/d).
>not risking to die every day from whey intake
Why live?
f-four s-scoops, right?
Being this dense.
If there are 8000 people on earth and you are one of them you have a 1/8000 chance of having this disorder. One person likely has the disorder.
If there are 16000 you still have a 1/8000 chance that you have the disorder. It is likely that two people have the disorder. But you're only in the sample of 8000 so it's still 1/8000 (or 2/16000).
If there are 8 million people on earth, the chances are still 1/8000 so 1000 people likely have this disorder. The chances are still 1/8000(or 1000/8000000).
So regardless of the number of people, the chances are still the same.
See how that works?
It was probably creatine.
A scoop to far.
Extremely. Underfunded, understaffed, run by old money and politics and about to lose a large amount of professionals due to Brexit.
But ech, Muh borders and 350 million a week.
>Implying tap water won't kill you
>yessss goyim
>supps, roids, GH, fake tans, fraudulent advertising of health and fitness
You never took/passed statistics, did you?
I live in WA. The hospital they took her to was 40 minutes from the area she lived in. Fiona Stanley is somewhat notorious for hit-and-miss treatment. I question why they didn't take her to Peel at first, they have an emergency department.
In weird co-incidence, she studied the same thing I did at the same place. That's over an hour each way from her area. Sounds like hell. Also
>kids at 18
It's not on the NHSs duty to screen for diseases in Australian nationalities who live in Australia.
They are not our colony anymore. Get with the times grandpa.
Get help cunt
Do you post the Jew stuff on every board?
Go outside cunt, fuck
>preparation for a bodybuilding competition
I guarantee this woman was taking some cocktail of drugs and/or hormones. Of course normies are going to blame protein shakes, that's all they understand about bodybuilding. Plus, a lot of people can't wrap their heads around a pretty white girl abusing chemicals.
take your /pol/ shit back where it belongs you fuck
I mean fitness companies obviously benefit a lot on people who buy their products.
Fitness lifestyle is cool nowadays though
The only way you're going to get protein poisoning is if you're basically consuming solely protein in rediculous amounts. She was a stick, so she couldn't handle as much.
As long as you use your brain, you're gonna be fine. Hell, water poisoning is a thing, but you don't see people ranting about the dangers of drinking water because only the most extreme cases actually cause any harm.
probably took 2 grams of dnp like that other retard
She had a genetic disorder.
Sweet broscience though.
You are so dumb. Kys now.
>Stop the presses
kys now you stupid homo degenerate. I want to stab you repeatedly until you gurgle on your own blood.