Wat do Veeky Forums
Wat do Veeky Forums
Depends. Are you gay?
bust your way out of that closet for starters
No, it was more of a friend to friend gymbro to gymbro type of thing the first time
i think you should go and fuck that boipussy rough, tell him "that's what u get for being a batty boi" and never talk to him again. use a rubber tho,
Not op, but why would you think its singsing?
I don't know but I'd totally fuck SinSing.
Never change Veeky Forums
> Veeky Forums
Hes a rampant womanizer, i would mind a 3 way
Gonna meet him/her up tonight at 10pm thanks Veeky Forums
pretty jelly op, i wish i lived in a big city with sissy sluts all over the place
make sure you get AIDS and die, faggot
>are you into feminine boys?
Is this a trap user?
Actually i live in a small town in croatia which attracts alot of tourists becouse of game of thrones and so on
Hello newfriend
Dubsrownick isnt what I'd necessarily call small. I always knew you coasties were all homos.
Post her(male) face
odvratno, ubi se dgeneriku