Naked Workouts

Does Veeky Forums do any of their workout naked? I swim and do yoga nude along with some body weight exercises

All the time. I call them Greek workouts.

yes, but it's easy for me as I work out at a mandatory naked (nudist) gym. you have to pay extra monthly subscription for wearing clothes


i would get super fucking baked out of my mind and go workout in the rain when i lived in much much speedo

>greek workouts
>posting pic of Michelangelo's David

but greeks didnt make that statue

it was G*rmanics with greek and roman knowledge

>bunch of autists muuh fooorm muuh ego lifting
>see a girl with lordosis like this

ego lifting is less dangerous than APT shes rocking

I do body weight and light weight training at home naked. Bad thing is my ass sweats a lot so I have to keep wiping it or stand on top of a towel.

i tried when i exercise at home but since i have the correct dick to ball ratio it get's in the way.

Whaat? No shit, nigger, are you fucking serious?


I need to find a place to store my phone on myself when i'm naked. I want to lift naked in my homegym but i also wants to listen to music

>tfw you will never look like this

yeah bro, i'm always naked when i'm doing "fuck your mom up the ass" to failure lmao btfo idiot

I want to get to know you

Pls be my gf

>wanting a short, skinny, halfbreed with no ass for a gf
Lol you wouldn't be interested

Short is ideal. Then i can throw you around like a ragdoll in the bed

>half-breed with no ass

whats your hair game like
how short?
what's your thigh game like?

also the ass can grow easily. the real concerns are the genetic ones

Shove it up your ass, or get a boombox

I would.

Halfbreed? What races?

I don't smoke anymore, but that sounds fucking comfy.

You really overestimate the crowd on this board.

theres a nude gym in my town I used to life at, but got thrown out after having too many boners while staring at the girls

That's all I need at this point

>too many boners
>too many
What was the boner limit?

>knows a big word
>sense of superiority.
that ass is phat and you know it.

I get boners without any females around while lifting for some reason. What the fuck, mix that with NUDE FEMALES? Fuck yeah I'd be hard as shit the entire time.

What's it called? I've never heard of this.

you realize the nude gym meme is a pasta right?

The statue is much less impressive looking in real life. The rest of the gallery has much more impressive pieces.

It's only fun to watch the girls from across the world make snide remarks I'm their language and giggle to themselves about the penis

honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"

with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"

lol brother, he cant even into the irony of the italian renaissance

No, I'm a last summer faggot and deserve to be hanged, thanks


>italian art


calm down zyzz

this is the kind of girl you want to lift for TBQH

This copy pasta is so cringe

I do my qigong nude, due to the nigh intolerable heat generated.

Wavy hair. 5'3, idk, average?
Half Korean, Half British

There is no way in hell I can see anyone doing any type of exercise that involves a bench or sitting down.

half-asian women tend to do pretty well when it comes to dating, why are you pitying yourself?

t. half-asian dude

low self esteem

Then do what every other girl does and make a Tinder account/Instagram account/Facebook account and find self-validation in the simpering praises of betas and other women.

>half Asian half white

How did I know it was you before even reading the name? God your posts are so fucking predictably salty.

>your pubic hair will never look like Rod Stewart's head

>more women have seen his bushy pubes than will ever sleep with you

Just bring a towel bro

Cum rag ok?

godspeed user

post pic pls