Was the Holocaust exaggerated?

Was the Holocaust exaggerated?

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In the minds of stormfags, yes.

Not history.

why does he always look so threatening

He looks very adorable to me.

Yes, but not by any reputable sources.

No but it's not like you made this thread seeking real answers.


You have to wonder how the figure of 6 million is recorded. With any claim you want to understand the research methods employed to gather that data. Is it done on local government population data and approximated? As another census of all the jewish would be needed to see how many survived that way.

I'm unsure on the rules of Veeky Forums if holocaust discussion is even tolerated, but it should be as long as there is no denial


>Was the Holocaust exaggerated?

If anything it's been understated.
The Jewish people get a monopoly on the Holocaust narrative when really they were just one of many groups and or ethnicities being targeted and the victim of Nazi Germany's Holocaust. We've got a lot of records on how many Jews died, but when it comes to all the Polish, Ukrainian, homosexuals, blacks, literally anybody but the Jewish people those numbers start getting pretty vague; the 'forgotten' victims of the Holocaust might seem like a dramatic notion, but I think it's appropriate.

It's done based on pre and post war census regarding the Jewish population.

Holocaust is not History. Back to /x/

The death toll for jews is an exaggeration.

>no denial
It didn't happen

There's also the hundred thousand Freemasons that were killed.
I never hear anyone mention them.

Ok, fuck everything about the exaggeration and all, just answer me this: Why do the people who hate the jews and also want to gas them like the holocaust supposedly said, why are they the biggest deniers that it happened? That makes no sense, if they want to do to the jews what the holocaust "allegedly" did, then why do they not embrace the holocaust as a good thing and not a black mark on German history? They should be celebrating that the Germans managed to kill 6 million jews. Their stance makes no sense.

this...Holocaust and the Nazis were actually worse than many people realize.

Maybe that's the reason that they hate them, they believe they have lied to gain sympathy/benefits.

Not that hard to think about

Holocaust is pseudohistory.

Jews wont shut the fuck up about it that makes it clear some of it is bullshit manufactured to guilt trip whites into letting kikes control them.

Except that just gives ammunition to saying that the holocaust started the job and they can finish it.

sure is /pol/ in here

then why does the world almanac not change retard


Why there are people that still believe in the holohoax despite the massive evidence to the contrary;

Show me the world almanac post war then.

Show all of it you retard.

I literally posted it retard

Kinda. So far, no one has given me a logic answer to the Auschwitz crematorium that burned a corpse to ash in less than 2 minutes.

So don't crop then you retard, show all of it


>totally fact
>you go to prison for questioning it
Pick one jews.

I hate the Nazis. They had a chance to kill the Jews and did not.

>in less than 2 minutes
20 minutes. And only with multiple body cremation, which means that after 20 minutes it was possible to throw in more bodies even if the remnants (such as some bones) of the last ones were still inside.

I don't hear anything about it outside of Veeky Forums.

It's not. The original mentioned that this is pre-war estimate.

Veeky Forums will handwave and ignore this.

Holohoax is not history. It another Jewish lie. Deal with it.

>world almanac
literally what?

Go outside your sjw bubble for a while.

Why are you cropping out the other half of the almanac?

>Since its debut in 1868, The World Almanac and Book of Facts has become the best-selling American reference book of all time, with more than 82 million copies sold. This essential household and workplace desk reference is β€œthe most useful reference book known to modern man,” according to the L.A. Times. Renowned New York Times crossword puzzle editor Will Shortz calls it his β€œ#1 reference work for facts.”


>Veeky Forums will handwave and ignore this.

There are some holohoaxers on Veeky Forums, but don't generalize.

>oy vey dah world almanac exposed us and we couldnt correct the record until the (((revision)))

It seems like being used by holocaust denialists is literally all it's known for lmao

no shit...Nazis were pretty fucking terrible. The crimes of against non-jewish Europeans - millions conscripted as cannon-fodder, millions more kidnapped into terrible forced labor, tens of thousands of women kidnapped and forced into prostitution, hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) starved to death, etc - seem over shadowed in the American narrative of the war.

So then why show the (((World Almanac))) at all?

Who do you trust
-some shitty american enyclopedia nobody's ever heard of
-literally any reputable source

How many people per day were cremated and how big crematorium were again?

So by your own admission the World Almanac is an unreliable source, and thus the increase in population is not accurate.

The world almanac is a pretty famous and reputable source, you are committing the attack the source fallacy

this is comforting. i too wish holocaust never happened. it's so horrible thing to think about.

6 million kikes dying wouldn't be so big if stormfags werent so big in disputing it
let it die so kikes wouldn't exploit it

good job conveniently cropping off the top of it you scumbag lying piece of shit

this Germany still owes reparations. Not only did they murdered and let thousands of people to starve but the Nazis destroyed the future of countries and yet they got off easy.
Germany shouldn't exist today, it boggles my mind that we allow them to form a country after all this.

If the World Almanac is a reputable source then their revision would be accurate, and the population would be 11,266,600.



And heres source 2, saying over 4,000 a day.

That would equal to over 1.5 million a year

better version

>believing in the holohoax

Eliezer is triggered.

>2102 corpses per oven
>1140 minutes per day

You do realize that a "Krema" refers to an entire crematorium complex, usually comprising of multiple ovens, each one itself comprising multiple muffles, right?

So are you completely and blitheringly ignorant of the basics of Auschwitz's cremation capacity, or are you a dishonest stormfag?

>The Jewish people get a monopoly on the Holocaust narrative when really they were just one of many groups and or ethnicities being targeted and the victim of Nazi Germany's Holocaust

I agree. Millions of African Americans were killed in Auschwitz every day and we only listen about the jews.

Can a stormfag explain to me how Poland's Jewish population went from 3 million to a couple thousand in the span of a decade if the Holocaust didn't happen? Where did the all go? It can't be the US because the Jewish population of America only increased by half a million during that time.

What about the roller coaster to the oven?

Dishonest stormfag it is.

Hahaha wow nazis absolutely BTFO in this thread.

>a literal user made shit up about the holocaust and some idiot put it in a book

corpses per oven
It doesnt say that. Its 2102 in Kremas II and III. Kremas would be a complex of ovens, not an individual oven. Pic related. There were 15 in each, and each oven could fit 3 bodies.

Holocaust still is not history. It's fantasy.

Sure , parts of it. The numbers and general awfulness wasn't though.

So where did all those millions of Jews disappear to?

There is no proof the holocaust happened. It's not history.

Do you have any evidence that the documents posted here are illegitimate or contain false information?

Do you have any evidence for that?


they turned black and became beta israel

Nice photoshop Shlomo.

You have the burden of proof.

Are you retarded? Do you think there was only one oven in Auschwitz?
In Birkenau there were 4 crematoria. Krematoriua II and III had 5 triple muffle ovens (30 muffles) while Krematoria IV and V had one eight muffle oven (16 muffles), so overall there were 46 muffles in Auschwitz-Birkenau.
There was also a small crematorium in Auschwitz I with 3 double muffle oven (6 muffles).
So overall 52 muffles. But later on only the crematoria in Birkenau operated. Krematorium I was dismantled and turned into an air-raid shelter.

The proof was presented already.

The holocoaster is literally from a book subtitled "anonymous accounts of the holocaust"







photographs of victims

list of published documents from the nazis about the holocaust

Bonus: all the times Eisenhower mentioned the holocaust

Heres Eisenhower and Patton inspection Camp Ohrdruf

Locals brought in to witness what happened at Dachau

Bodies of inmates left inside the railroad carts at Dachau

Liberated inmates from Camp Ebensee

Footage from Mauthausen after being liberated

Bergen-Belsen after being liberated

What proof? A bunch of shitty photoshoped pics?

>photoshoped pics
Prove that they were photoshopped.

Jewish propaganda is not scientific evidence.

wtf I dont believe the holocaust happened anymore!

Okay despite risking this sounding really "oy remember the 8 gajiillions"

Does it matter what the numbers are when we know for a fact that the Nazi regime systematically exterminated at minimum, 1 million jews, homosexuals, political prisoners, etc?

At some point the numbers become incomprehensible anyway, be it 1 million or 50.
Stalin said it (or whoever who uttered these words),
"1 death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic."

The lesson isnt to be learnt from how many people they killed, but why.

That was a MRI equipament with a patient. They photoshoped it to look like an oven.

Why do Holocaust deniers act so Jewish? Cropping off sections of almanacs, photoshopping "fake photos" into existence as seen here , it's fucking ridiculous.

Today I will remind them

fascism is built on nothing but disinformation


>muh census!
already exposed this denier lie here

Pure coincidence goy

>Does it matter what the numbers are when we know for a fact that the Nazi regime systematically exterminated at minimum, 1 million jews, homosexuals, political prisoners, etc?

Don't forget the African Americans.

>"Additionally, the World Almanac points out that only 240,00 Jews were living in Germany in 1938. To date, no Holocaust accuser has provided an explanation for the lack of a six million decline in Jewish numbers."