Would you sock it to him?

Would you sock it to him?

i despise pretty much every single public figure and cultural movement from the 60's to the 90's, so yes i would

even based Jimmy C?

>el goblino de presidential


I would sock him in the face

>pic related

>being 14
cool man

A certain part of America died when JFK was elected.

do you MEAN anything by this or do you just want to sound vaguely bitter?


*when JFK was killed

Is it the clean air or the clean water that triggers your contrarianism the most?

Slavs arent white.

I love Nixon senpai

Richard Nixon was the true counter-culture of the 1970s.

>Would you sock it to him?
You better your sweet bippie baby.

No, I'd ask him where Kissinger was so I could beat the shit out of him instead.

Oh man, this so fucking hard.

The last good American president.

Our best president

Mostly the latter, but the american way truly did change in the 60's for the worse as far as i'm concerned.

>Hippie samefag hating on the best diplomat of the twentieth century

you guys realize "sock it to me" is 80's sexual innuendo for "fuck me" right?

>dude JFK was bad

That's interesting because Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In went off the air in 1973 you fucking faggot.

Can't unsee.

He's history's greatest monster.