When we die, how long does it take until we are rebirth again?
Do we have to wait in oblivion until the next big bang?
Until many universes come and go and atoms align creating me again in some eternally distant future?
When we die, how long does it take until we are rebirth again?
Do we have to wait in oblivion until the next big bang?
Until many universes come and go and atoms align creating me again in some eternally distant future?
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You don't wait when you cease to be. Waiting is for beings that exist. It matters not the myriad permeations the universe takes, as each is independent from the rest. For every universe in which you are not born is unknowable to you and all other yous are unknowable to you, you are born an infinite number of times, one infititieth of the time, in an infinity infinities, but to you of the now, there is yet only the singular (you)
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Nobody knows what happens after we die, let alone whether or not reincarnation is a thing or not. Therefore any answer you're looking for on this topic will be inherently subjective and only reliable to the extent that it makes sense from the perspective of you yourself as an observer.
Why does nobody know when it's the most important question in life.
Humans truly are brainlets
Because it's not possible to come back from being dead for longer then an hour or so with current medical technology.
according to buddhism you either get reborn instantly or have to suffer in hell for up to an eternity before being reborn.
And that would be an example of hearsay.
There's nothing to suggest we endure after death, but if there's something of us that lives on I'm sure it's literally beyond what we can concieve.
>an eternity
>an eternity
It’s basically just wiping your sins clean until your fit to be reborn again.Eternity would be comparable to Avīci where time is slowed to feel like an eternity has passed
Does a growing human population means animals are evolvincarnating into humans?
totally forgot about being a hungry ghost user
remember being a ghost really fucking sucks in bhuddism.
ask your local tibetan monk
not "forever" but there are some people(mentioned in the canonical texts) that have been to hell for longer than our universe has existed something like 10^2 the age of our sun.
10^2 is just 100 man
universe is only 14 billion years old. anyway the teachings are either corrupt or the buddha didn't mention any of this. he is credited as saying that life on earth "has been going on forever" and that in the life where a previous buddha had predicted that siddhartha would become a buddha was 100 000 years ago. also he could teleport and fly etc.
>Buddhism teaches that rebirth into Naraka is temporary, while the offenders works off the karma they garnered in life. Rebirth into Avīci hell is not eternal. However, the Lotus Sutra provides an example of humans who have to endure long-term suffering in Avīci. Some sutras state that rebirth in Avīci will be for innumerable kalpas (aeons). When the offender passes away after one kalpa, it is reborn in the same place, suffering for another kalpa, and on and on until it has exhausted its bad karma. For this reason, Avīci hell is also known as the "non-stop way" (無間道)
are you just pretending to be retarded or what?
No, I'm saying you could have just said 100 instead of 10^2
Good question OP. I believe sometimes It might take even years. Theres a case of two young kids (siblings) who died in a car accident. Their parents had another two kids and they remembered their death. The spirit awaits somewhere till tis time to reincarnate.