Seen alot of talk about Burgundy, but what can Veeky Forums tell me about the lovely duchy od Swabia?

Seen alot of talk about Burgundy, but what can Veeky Forums tell me about the lovely duchy od Swabia?

it has a cool shape

It is a fictional kingdom in the game: Mount & Blade: Warband
Main export product:Butter
Current King: Harlaus ''Party animal'' I
Main enemy: peasants with sticks

Unless I’m off a bit, it’s part of four countries today

Don't forget eu4 faggot. Grand Strategy master race is the true head of the pantheon of autism.

>Mount & Blade: Warband

You have to go back, dear r*dditor

The name “alamannia”, after the alamanni who inhabited the area, is used in most Latin languages to refer to Germany as a whole

there's nothing wrong with mountain blade faggot, you are fucking projecting newfag that came here during the election, now pack up and fuck off back to rebbit also
>that filename

Paradox is le liberal company xD

You have to go back.

This is my homeland. My last name is very long and weird like a tru schwab. Swabia is the most mastterace part of germany, but we are in fact mostly celtic. Hohenstaufen, Habsburg, Hohenzollern are all from here. Very productive, very beautiful, very underrated.

>head of the pantheon of autism
nah, EU4 might as well be called Magica 3, all you do is manage abstract mana numbers

are surnames ending in "ele" like the Mengele common and root from Swabia?

What's wrong, user?

>Tfw all of germany is called after our tribe
How does it feel, b*varians, fr*nkonians and s*xons?

also from poland to croatia term "swaba" is somewhat offensive term to refer germans

Fun fact: my great-grandmother reportedly disliked the "schwobbe", despite being one by the medieval borders (lived in the upper rhine area). Modern swabia is defined a little differently.

The -le ending is Alemannic diminutive.
Based great-grandmother

So why is the region still called "Baden-Württemberg" and not simply "Schwaben"?
It seem more elegant and historically relevant.

We don't want a macedonia situation with bavaria here. Or a badenian separatist movement (although personally...)

Autism with ducal titles during >H >R >E

>The -le ending is Alemannic diminutive
Thank you this clears alot

also the greatest food in germany, possibly the whole world.

Swabia/Alemannia was one of the founding duchies of East Francia (later the Kingdom of Germany). It served as the power base for the counter-king Rudolf von Rheinfelden during the Saxonian war against Heinrich IV in the context of the investiture conflict. After the defeat of Rudolf, the Duchy went to the Staufer (Hohenstaufer) dynasty. This caused conflict in the context of the Guelphi-Ghibellini conflict. The duchy was briefly partitioned between the Zähringer and the Staufer.
During the late middle ages and the renaissance the duchy more or less ceased to exist as such, with the Swiss part becoming independant, the establishment of the Margraviate of Baden, the Duchy of Württemberg along with various possesions of the Austrian Habsburg and later of the Hohenzollern (Prussia).

The areas comprising the former Duchy of Swabia were main centers of the Peasents' War. After the various wars of religion and the subsequent Treaty of Augsburg (the lords of the land determining the religion of their subjects), the patchwork nature of the HRE meant that some regions were protestant, others catholic. During the early modern period the region saw much devestaion in the various conflicts between the greater powers, especially druing the 30 Year War and the rape of the Rhineland by Louis XIV.
After the dissolution of the HRE and the establishment of the Rhine Union, Baden became a grand duchy, Württemberg a kingdom, pretty much increasing the already existing division of the former Duchy of Swabia.
After Napoleon's defeat the regional borders were more or less kept.
Through the close border to France (and the culture in general), Baden, being very liberal, became the beginning and last bastion of the 1848 revolution, until it was crushed by Prussian and Austrian troops.
In 1870 both states joined Prussia against France, and subsequently became parts of the German Empire. Notable in the period until WWI would be the invention of the automobile by Benz in Karlsruhe (Baden) and the establishment of Mauser (Württemberg).
After WWII, the two states were occupied by the French and Americans. In 1952 a referendum was held, if Baden and Württemberg (along with Hohenzollern) should become one state. Thanks to the way the referendum was held, the motion passed and the states that hadn't been "united" since the late middle ages became one. This caused a bit of resentment, especially in South Baden, since they had mainly voted against the union, which still exists in a very mild (and usually only friendly banter) form till today.
This should also answer your question , historically it doesn't make sense to call the state Schwaben, and would never have been accepted by (South) Baden.

The Bbetter part of the Alamanni didn't want anything to do with Germans, so they created Switzerland to keep it real!