What did boys look like in Ancient Greece?
What did boys look like in Ancient Greece?
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6 and a half feet tall with the blood of akhain filth over their greek heavy armor
they had blue eyes
Same as they look like there now
thats a girl faggot
your gay psyop wont work on me, im straight and i dont wish to fuck boys
i was like him, i had a legit girl face. i'm half peruvian tho so it boxed out nicely as i got older, now i'm just handsome.
show boipussy
Something like this probably.
greek boy here
Show us your grussy.
What is this from
Wilhelm von Gloeden's photography. Most of it is Sicilian boys partially dressed or nude in grecoroman attire and ornaments.
kek. He created the first dog filter apparently. See "faun"
>implying it's even gay to fuck a girl-like boy in the ass so long as you don't see or touch the dick or let him near your asshole
cute traps
>not letting a cute boy lick your asshole while he jerks you off
This board should be closed off to people without a history degree!
I was thinking more with his dick. Preferably he'd be a Eunuch anyway.
The dick is better for aesthetic purposes
like this guy but greek
Since Ancient Greeks were J2, they must've looked like Turks.
Wh*tes are such faggots, they truely deserve their genocide
At least 2 of those aren't white
Does that mean Azerbaijanis are king Turks?
like pic related but ripped
>girl face
>half Peruvian
Are you me?
Are all figure skaters gay?
That's masculine in Japan
Like this.
Is it actually true that Japanese men are all effeminate cucks? How do their women cope?
It's probably idyllic to think this but I would imagine that many of them would be fit and in good shape. partially due to walking on foot and working in manual labor but also due to the fact that they valued sports, gracefulness and health.
>blue eyes
Graeco-Roman statues are not generally meant to emulate real qualities of real individuals
Swarthy little brown creatures runing around with back and neck hair.
Just like modern Greeks.
>implying you wouldn't rape his boipucci
You'd be a faggot not to desu
modern greeks look like turks
Pic rel a Greek
They fuck octopuses.