Rewards thread!

Rewards thread!

This thread is for people who've successfully made tons of money in crypto, not low IQ neckbeards who post pink wojacks and jack off to pirated videos.

Post cool shit you'd recommend we buy with our 10x gains

pic related, I fucked her for 2k, came in her mouth

Other urls found in this thread:

you're the one with a low iq if you paid someone 2k to fuck you, even if it is a pornstar kek


why would you pay to fuck that ugly bitch?

not op but she thicc m8 cmon

who is she, and what is her profession. If you know what I mean.

would. 100%

No, she's gross. You can't buy good taste for things.

> Larps about high IQ
> Buys sex
> Sex

Yes why would you ever pay more for something you could get for free? I must be so low IQ to spend $1500 for a meal at Per Se when I could have eaten out of a dumpster. Silly me!

Not everyone here is a basement dwelling btard with no money. I came into crypto with 60k in march... made over 15x which wasn't exactly hard to do.
