Muh security fud is over

>muh security fud is over
>muh no exchange will touch it is over
>muh fork will destroy it is over

What do we have left ?
>EU laws says every drug shipping has to be in a temperature range
>they can't prove it so use freezing trucks that cost a shit ton
>60% of meds could use normal post but can't prove they follow regulation
>MODUM is there for that
>product is working already, they did 4 pilots including 1 oversee
>customers waiting
>Q1 they'll receive captors from Norway
>customers don't need some shit token to use product but fiat in their own currency
>holders get free ETH once every 3 months

Current price would be for a dividend of around 1.2 millions$ yearly. If you think a swiss team can't get more than that when solving a fucking huge pharma problem you're an idiot.

Also I forgot the best
>no niggers
>no chinks
>no pajeets
>only swiss white males
>one member is high ranked in the supply chain for Novartis

It's been climbing steadily non stop, the marketcap is only 40 millions and already 60% of the coins are out.
Walton is at like 150 millions with only 25%.

Other urls found in this thread:

All in with you. This is gonna shit on walton. Especially if you understand the need for this in pharma

meanwhile MOD +0,82% up today, Walty up by 35%, shoulda went with Walt guys

Glorious times ahead

>good thread with real infos gets 1 reply
>shit thread with caps lock and le epic mysterious FOMO gets bumped

Veeky Forums is only pajeets now, where should I go

Just goes to show many more people are aware of Walton than Modum. Not a bad thing as that means theres so much potential still for MOD..

>price in the last 3 hours reflect potential of a project and its quality

Swapped my WTC for this. No regerts.


guess i'll just have to donate you some mod when your crying

>Q1 they'll receive captors from Norway
wtf this mean?

Immediately bought when i saw their team is balls deep in big pharma connections

Everything is in place except the hardware is being produced right now.
It'll come in a few months. When they get it they can get income.

I'm all in. It might not be the top gainer because crypto is about hype, but at least I'm sure it's going up.

Marketcap is still way too low and everything is legit. Those guys are years ahead everyone in the IoT.
When people start realising dividend = good and stop being stupid 14 years old that heard the coin needs to be used in the product, they'll buy anyway.

If this coin had the same hype than the wtc community it'd be at like 150 million marketcap too. I'm somewhat jelly of this.
At least my coins is not chink though.

>people still don't get how a 5 million dividend would mean 150M marketcap, 4x from here

Modum is a token, it doesn't have it's own blockchain. Ethereum limits 15 tx per second which is way too low to sustain any remotely successful project. It will take time for Ethereum to scale because it depends on outer layers like Plasma.

Walton is already ready with a blockchain and Modum will lag behind.

It doesn't need a blockchain, customers are using fiat.
Then they buy ETH with dividends and send to holders every 3 months.

Isn't your blockchain late though ? And good luck having chinks buy btc that are illegal, and then tokens on Binance which they can't access.

You clearly see the average crypto investor's intellect when project that needs a bit of research and thinking is silent and a fucking skateboard pushes the marketcap to 1 billion, when the project itself is years away from working.

Modum will get its pump someday, or just steady growth, and when it's at a good marketcap (something like 120 to 180 millions I guess depending on customers), people will just look at graph and buy without knowing anything about it.
Then we'll see arguments like "the pharma industry is 1.2 trillion, imagine if they get 5% of med production !"

Congratulations to early buyers and holders, and to those who'll sell at 7$+.

Man niggers are fucking disgusting.

Dude no one cares about mod fuck off

>tfw holding mod and it can't stop growing, volume is getting higher every day and daytraders are getting rekt

I'd still suck those tits desu

I don't know much about Modum, just asking the curious questions. I didn't make Walton, but I've invested a lot in it. Please tell me if modum is better. Btw, Walton already have customers in the B's

walton is cleared by chinese officials

is it fuck

hands down very optimistic about this project

somebody buy my bags I accidently fomod at 2.5 dollar a while ago

Modum will fly

Love me some walton!

No reason why WTC and MOD cannot both succeed.

MOD all the way!

43 companies are already using Modum
This is gold!

Don't worry, you can still easily get 3x

Literally bought 2 minutes before the insane candle at the low i was jacked to the titts looks like it might breakout again unless some faggot dumps

They are both in shipping and logistics, but are completely different otherwise.

One is a sensor that collects data on shipping conditions, the other is about connecting supply chains.

Do people not understand anything about the difference between the two?

somebody buy my bags!

Do you have autism for reals or are you a chink

KYS pajeet

It's already trading at what its previous ATH was. What bags are left?

Back to your shitting street tom
What was ath

Exactly. They are not competitors in a business sense.

Goddamit btc making a run making all the little faggots sell this fucker is due to explode

Thats because it pumped yesterday.

Could this possibly hit the same marketcap as WaltonChain in the coming month?

180 millions might be a bit too much, but I don't know, it's also too much for wtc considering they have only 25% of coins in circulation.

I guess it'll go up quietly like 5% everyday until there's the final FOMO pump.
I see it shoot to around 150 millions then go back to 110-120.
It can go to 300 millions in 2018 depending on news, if there are big names in their customer it'll be crazy shit.

Moon already you fucker MOOOOOOOON

>that guy on reddit that spends hours every day to FUD the coin
>proved wrong everyday but comes back with same arguments

what's his end goals ? is it just autism ?

It's painful when you know 100% your coin is undervalued, and it goes up but slowly. and other shit projects go up like crazy.
At least most of them then crash after that when Mod basically only goes up at least in $ value.

I'd rather make sure to get 20% a week here than risk my shit on some hype pump and dumps that might give me 50% in hours but also crash.

When someone sells a coin because of X reason they then want it to fail to prove them right. If it succeeds then they were not only wrong but missed out on gains. Thus once someone decides they don't like a project they actually have a vested interested to convince others not to buy it and want it to utterly fail.

How is it undervalued it is a token that hss nothing to do with the company at least with walton you can stake and have the goal of running a master node fuck i should have bought the dip

>apple shares are useless because you don't need them to turn on your iPhone
Coins are there to receive the profit, I can't believe waltonites are still using this same old argument.

>customers pay in fiat instead of having to buy tokens on a chink exchange
>Modum buys eth with the fiat profit
>send them every 3 months to token holders

Good luck having chinks buying illegal bitcoins and wtc tokens on an exchange they can't even access.

One observation I'd have is I think their business plan requires extreme capital funding, or needs to evolve.
If you want to displace some of the established and well trusted climate control logisitics companies in the pharma business you're going to have to have significant resources to be able to do that. Pharma companies pay huge amounts to get this right, so this means this isn't a low margin industry. Consequently, PharmaFreight and the others have the resources to ensure their products meet the demands placed on them. GSK doesn't scrimp 5% on a contract to go with a unknown supplier to trust their $10k a vial drug over to China.
If the business was pitching itself as becoming the standard for independent monitoring, creating a supply chain auditing system that PharmaFreight and all others would use to indepentently verify their supply chain met the temperature requirements I'd be slightly interested. If they could prove that this was actually a problem that needed solving, I'd be more interested. However I suspect they won't be able to.
The reason I don't believe they'll be able to is simple, this is not a new industry and this is a largely solved problem. Temperature sensors along the way show you that the sensor was kept in the right conditions (not necessarily the whole batch). But the real test is whether the batch that's delivered meets the spec that was ordered. If my oncology treatment is delivered spoiled, I don't care what the sensor says, I'll reject it. Then GSK, AstraZeneca or whoever else still has the problem. Because it's the end result that matters, not the supply chain, freight companies succeed based on their reputation to deliver these products in the condition required.
Modum might offer a slight enhancement, particularly beneficial for new climate control freight businesses potentially. But it won't displace existing incumbents, and probably won't be needed by them.

You're legit retarded if you ever think they will pay any type of dividend

They will use Modum for drugs that can travel by regular post, it's 60% of them.
Instead of paying huge sums for freezing trucks that are extremely expensive, they will use the swiss post or DHL.

That's why Modum is there, not to replace freight companies but to associate with the cheapest ones.

>Modum own 9 million tokens
>they don't give dividend, the coin goes from 3$ to 0, they lost 27 millions
>they give 10 million dividends, the coin goes to 200 million marketcap, their 9 million tokens are now worth 90 millions

That's literally how it works, for every $ they give in dividends they get 5x its value. That's exactly how every fucking big companies on earth do.

You're either young, stupid or sold too low.

Or you can buy EDO and get a moon when the chinks wake up.

I dunno I own a small amount of this but this FUD I found on Reddit seems pretty convincing too.

I don't own any walton though and hate the coin cause I went all in at 30k and got shook out at 13k so I hope it fucking tanks to 0, especially now that it is the official Reddit coin after omg.

Anyways I hold some but my hopes aren't nearly as high.

I just answered it, the guy is 100% wrong and doesn't understand. The current climate control freight business is totally useless for 60% of the drugs. They won't replace it for the 40% left, that's not the goal at all.

I bought earlier at 2380 right before that beautiful green candle pissed my sell order didn't touched at 3480 wonder why it dipped so hard

Do your research, they're connected with Novartis.

we are giving away the Palm Beach confidential on November 16th. join us on our collaborated pump channel on Telegram

I'll see you there.

What's the point of gambling the swings on a coin you hate I don't get it.
Just go do some martingale on roulette or some shit.

You want to feel like a trader ?

when is the first dividend

>spending time doing "research" on a coin then spreading uneducated fud because you have 145.78 coins (around 300$) on a random number
>you could just pick any coin and ask a monkey to do trading for the same result

yeah you should try roulette instead it'll be quicker

Tokenholders are voting for that

Where do we vote? Do I move my coins to MEW? Where do I find all this info? How is the company even profitable enough to pay a dividend?

The first big one shouldn't be before q3 or q4 2018, but I'm quite sure they'll do a test one first.
They should still have a lot of ICO money left, it would be a good thing for them to push the price up by giving the most dividend they can. Many new companies do that.

Just that degenerate gambling. walton went up on literally no product and i feel like i can ride the wave this time

No we're not, we're voting to release the team token's when we think they did their job right.

There's a tutorial on their twitter for the votes. They are waiting for the captors before getting income, there won't be profit before a few months. As I said they might do some test q1 or q2, but the big money won't come before q3 or q4 or even 2019.
You know that other competitors or other IoT won't even get a single $ from customers before 2019 or 2020.

Fuarkkk that red candle was so big it didnt fit on the bar

Welp its a sell off im out this is going sub 2500


One guy sold for 5 btc worth lmao.

You really should get away from trading, you don't know shit about anything you're doing.
Go spend your 300$ on something else.

Meh, I agree it's an easy flip now and buying back around 2.7. All alts have been bleeding for a few hours now and it will probably continue until tomorrow.

1147 modums im basically a mini whale

I'm in the top 100 holders of modum. Bought most at ~90cents

I thought ico was $1 fuck me. You see potential to go into orbit or just waiting on enough volume?

I wasn't in the ICO but bought on day 1 of being on etherdelta. Definitely think it is undervalued quite a bit. Could see Walton levels of marketcap. I've already doubled my money but I think this has a ways to go still. Surprised it has taken so long to moon.

Also where did you see that someone sold for 5btc? Blockfolio?

Because if a coin can't get a bittrex its doomed to fail imo

Why shouldn't it get bittrexed?

Walton is NOT ready with a blockchain, they were supposed to have a prototype last month but they delayed it until February. So far all they have produced is slick marketing and pictures of chinks in matching t-shirts.

Because their anus is still bruised from the sec and modum seems like a sec rape fest


Dyor brainlet

Bittrex? Nobody trades there anymore.

Lame PnD, saw this group on discord.