What will happen to my futures?
What will happen to my futures?
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Your futures no longer exist.
All that money completely gone.
You've truly been JUST'd.
Even the ones i bought? I put nearly half my btc into them
poof! thats what you get for trading futures
How can you put half a btc in something that you know nothing about?
>trading for the future value of a digital asset that hasn't gone live and can be pulled by the developer at any time
Top fucking wew lads. The team was probably the one selling off futures for the past week. They pumped and dumped a coin without even creating it. I got to say it was a pretty good scam, the coin itself wouldn't have even been good anyway and dopes still fell for it.
owned idiot, when will you ever learn
Futures are derivatives and derivatives expire worthless
So what should i do now, how do i get my btc back? THis isn't fair how can they sell something that doesn't even exist.
Why would buy something that doesn't exist?
They are called futures because you are trying to predict the future......Poof! Your BTC is gone
The ultimate bagholder. Maybe in 2 years you will break even.
Are those some abstract kind of bags?
fuck man, are you for real? Any way to sue hitbtc, they cant just steal my btc
U are basically fucked 6 ways from Sunday. Take a break for a while...
What the fuck is a future and how could you buy segwit2x before it exists?
You fucking idiot,
You bought a fucking future
A fucking contract of something of value in the future
That thing will not exist right now.
I am amazed it is still worth somethint wtf sell that shit right now as you can still get a dollar for it
So... where would the money go?
can you short a contract?
To someones pockets.
no, only yours are still worth thousands
because they are yours
Kek, don't underestimate how many people buy a coin and just forget about it never checking it, there will be alot of people who bought these futures intending to check on them a week later from when the fork was supposed to happen and will be like "oh shit!"
im not selling, they better refund everyone
To the counterpart of the future.
A contract of trade between two parts to buy/sell at a predefined price in the future.
Oh wow. I felt bad for myself until seeing this thread.
OP, you dun goofed
First class scam I gotta say
I can already feel the regulator kicking on the door
I am also curious if the exchanges allowing to trade futures will face some consequences
You're great at baiting or monumentally stupid.
Poor user. Sorry for your lots.
fuck off retard, as if they will steal millions, you are an idiot
ouch... That's why you never buy futures in crypto.
still in denial i see
DUDE are you fucking kidding me, fuck off if you dont want to discuss the topic at hand
There's nothing to discuss. You're fucked kiddo. RIP
fuck off
>being retarded
>using futures
I guess this is what happens when a bunch of neets with no prior investing experience use investment vehicles that you normally need approval by a broker to use. You paid a certain premium for the option to purchase S2X at a later date. The chance that there is no S2X was priced into the premium. There is no S2X, you lose 100% of your premium. That's how options work. I suggest you sick to mutual funds.
I was gonna post the
but won't kick someone whi is already laying down flat
OP sell at least half of those shitcoins if you still can
The most these futures went up is 3x. Coin futures aren't even worth trading with such a small upside.
If OP doesn't get a refund, who gets all that futures money?
It doesn't go away, somebody is holding onto that
There was a south park episode about this once.
>chose the wrong future
they are going to the ground et they are taking shitcoin crash with them
sorry guys, I bought 15 bitcoin with all I had in my savings back when it was at 1800$. Did I really lose 8 Bitcoin on those futures. I really believed in 2x and even Bobby Lee said he would support it, one of the owners of a large chinese exchange.
Sorry for lashing out on you guys, is there really no way to recover from this? I worked hard to gain 3 bitcoin with trading and I cant believe I am almost at where I started 6 Months ago
The counter party that was going to facilitate the purchase on the call of the option contract. Pretty simple.
OP doesn't get a refund. He paid to use the contract, that's it.
>Buy option contract to buy oil at $50/barrel
>Oil goes to $0
>do i get a refund??!?!!?
Fucking neets
Why didn't you just hodl bitcoin instead?
Seriously, wtf, you would have gotten the coin when the fork happened, right?
How can you even sell a future of a product that doesn't exist yet? How does that make any sense? No one is going to be able to fulfill the futures contract.
Sorry, you're fucked. Take the L and get black out drunk tonight, and then tomorrow figure out how to start making your loses back.
I believed 2x would be the new chain and increasing the blocksize is a good idea and all. I wanted to support that vision. I cant believe all my work is for nothing now, I think I will sell all my bitcoin since everyone seems to be a conman in this business
You would have been better off putting a half a Bitcoin on a hard drive and throw it into a landfill then telling everyone that is in the landfill you have got more out of it
Its only $1000 who cares
Because the contract has a probability of existing in the future. Moreover, the actual product never needs to be delivered, the transaction can also be settled in cash.
Cash settlement equals the difference between the futures price when the contract was entered and the price at settlement.
suck a dick faggot, alts will always win
>I wanted to support that vision.
Even philanthropists like George Soros care first about the money. Vision is a distant second, because if you're broke, you can't fund ANYTHING
Press F to pay your respects
>Did I really lose 8 Bitcoin on those futures
op questioning his life now
It was upwards of $1400/coin
We don't know how many OP had
no I refuse to believe you're not a troll
>you were smart enough to get in early at 1800
>you were smart enough to trade and make 3 extra btc
and then
>you were stupid enough to believe that the entire world is now gonna switch to something called bitcoins sg2w or whatever?
nigga, people want "bitcoin" nothing else, it's a status symbol, you should've known it by now
I sold all my BTC now except for 1. Thanks biz, this isn't for me.
if you're still there user and you seem to have some wisdom, how would you invest $10k if it was all you had? Mutual funds?
>Sorry for lashing out on you guys, is there really no way to recover from this? I worked hard to gain 3 bitcoin with trading and I cant believe I am almost at where I started 6 Months ago
your money is gone with 0% chance of recovery. that's how futures work
I'm still confused. When is the settlement date of the futures? If the S2X doesnt exist on the settlement date, the seller can just say "neener neener" and deliver nothing? That seems wrong. You should have to fulfill the contract.
Ah ok. Thats pretty fucked up.
lol dude im sorry.
I'm not sure what exchange/etc you got these futures on, but I dont think you should panic sell. I suspect that the exchange will have to refund all of the money. This is not an option expiring worthless, it's an "all bets are off" call.
THe thing is, that they should technically probably have to refund the derivative sale since they arent actually providing anything in return (there are no 2x coins). Any good contract attorney could get these "futures" deemed null and void. The problem is, it is really gunna depend on whether there is a regulator willing to go to bat for you, and in crypto there might not be.
Only a Clearinghouse can sell futures. You take the opposite position of someone who has submitted an order/etc when u go long a future. The clearinghouse itself still has all the funds, only the futures price has changed.
I suspect there actually could be a whale trying to get ppl to dump futures at a discount, allowing him to Vulture purchase all of them and sue the fuck out of the clearinghouse to get the money back at face value.
>Take the L
Hello fellow Chicago user. How are you doing today? Enjoying the boomers and Midwest doom?
S2x coins can still exist. Anyone can run the released s2x software; no "cancellation" announcements change that. The announcements just mean fewer people will and fewer people will value s2x coins.
Looks like you have no future.
Problem with that is that any informed person knew that the S2X fork was not 100% going to happen, and that could be a component to the contract that OP bought, i'm not sure.
If it's not an option expiring worthless, then the best that OP can hope for is a difference check. The contracts(?) are still trading at $200. So OP /could possibly/ get $200 per contract, or whatever the value of the contract is at maturity, since there is no underlying asset to deliver. is true also
people say that in Cincinnati too
you're the most naive thing ive seen on this board
they didnt steal your bitcoin. You bought something with your bitcoin. That something is now useless. You don't get a refund if your stocks perform poorly, you don't get to sue anyone.
It will be hard to sue for something you bought AFTER it was realized the futures won't be delivered.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO my segwits!!!111
You're larping.
A good lawyer can force the exchange to give you back anything you put in exchange for these futures. If there are no B2X coins, the contract is void.
>I just spent about $85.000 on buying B2X futures. This just means that once SegWit2x goes live, I’ll already have 90 coins. But why did I spent nearly a $1000/coin for coins that everyone will get for “free”?
I wonder if that guy is still alive.
and another hodler is born
If serious just sell that shit now ffs. In an hour asia wakes up and the price will go to zero.
Next fork will be Segwit X3 anyways
>Suing a Chinese Company
Good fucking luck with that user!
Rolex: "I'll sue!"
Based China copyman: "LOL"
Yeah, that's true. Why didn't you just plan to get S2X for FREE by holding BTC. LOL WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?
You must be a troll. Or just medically stupid.
Fuck it I laughed. If you have this much money and decide to gamble with it, you deserve to lose it.
how did you find this?
Audible keks
>have $7,000
>can either buy 1 s2x via BTC holding or 7 via futures contract
pretty clear what he was thinking desu
>Already had 15 btc
>BET 8 btc on something that had not even existed yet
>Now complaining on Veeky Forums and ranting on people when he was told the truth
You are greedy.
Your decision to bet on B2X future was massively stupid.
Now go out, drink till you pass out, wake up tomorrow morning and move on. I hope you'll recover from this.