If you're buying or not selling alts right now you're a fool

If you're buying or not selling alts right now you're a fool.

Sell, they're already dumping. Sell. Sell you fucking fools

altcoins going up again when btc dumps more. I expect btc to dump, you will see it dump more soon

when it stabilises and starts to go down linerly, alts are gonna get slaughtered once again

What? There is still majority of the world who is asleep. The news is not priced in by far.

I think we're at the floor of a lot of things already. Eth at $300, OMG at $6

not happening. unless you fags announce another fork hahaahahahaha you wanna play the fork trump card again brah?

no, btc down alts up

Actually, there will be Bitcoin Silver, but who cares.

The spike was due to short squeeze and we're already heading to the next squeeze