What’s your favorite WW2 vid ya?

>pic related and finest hour got me extremely interested in the Eastern Front.

Other urls found in this thread:


>pic related
And grav


Codename: Panzers

COD2, the music and atmosphere were top-notch.
I must've played the Stalingrad pipeworks level dozens of times

plus it has the best sound in a video game I can think of. All the guns and explosions and voices are at perfect levels.

Yea, emptiying an entire ppsh drum at full auto into a crowd of krauts is satysfying on a visceral level

Graviteam Tactical, or something like that

>COD eastern front fanboyz
>no Red Orchestral love

I don’t have autism so I don’t play PC

Pretty fucking dead and the dequel ruined by competative queers.

Singleplayer is just with bots.

Been trying to find final fronts(WaW for Ps2), know its much more like Big red one than finest hour, it's as close as you can go to a mod for a console game.

I forgot about Big Red 1 that was great too.

Been playing a lot of pic related

Metal of Honor, that was the OG ww2 game series, was way ahead of it's time iirc.

>no Hearts of Iron
Come on faggots.

Close Combat: Cross of Iron

Grand Strategy is kaka

How is it? I’ve never played it and my Computer is shit
You’ve played the Soviet one?

>Pretty fucking dead
RO2 isn't

I played it years ago. Decent game.

It’s pretty fun, multiplayer is one of its best parts
Yes, that’s the soviet one
I like the Brits in the first one more but prefer 2 to 1 overall

>there will never be a sequel

This should be on /v/

>be me
>playing that one level where you fight your way through a burning building and onto the street
>mfw this starts playing when you finally get to the street
>mfw people are fighting each other overhead while you painfully push up the street


>video game discussion
>on /v/

Our of all these games, which is the most historical accurate?

CoD 2. One of the first games I had on my 360. I remember how awesome it looked at the time, but also how hard some of the missions were on veteran. Beat it all by myself and got all the achievements.


Close combat followed by Red Orchestra

Combat mission goes for 1 to 1 recreation or force size and map layout
Though weapons are finicky it’s still very realistic
Grav goes for the same thing but it’s weapons are much better
That being said Gravs AI is a lot more finicky

I keep googling grav and can’t find it

How the fuck has no one mentioned Total War?

They’ve come out with a WW2 game?




There won’t :(

Hearts of iron, easily, but I mean, it's easier.

Graviteam Tactics

t. younger than 25

What do you mean? That's BIA2, pic related is BIA3.

forgot pic kek

Never lose hope user. Most recent information comes from previous year's E3.


You’re right
there won’t ever be a sequel to this one.

Hope to god it isn’t Furious 4 or something similar

I swear to god Kevin coming out of nowhere in the abandoned hospital nearly made me shit myself

Silent hunter

We should find a way to get pregnant Anne Frank inserted into a Hell’s Highway remake. Like a side mission where Baker has to save her that’s triggered by the player touching her Diary.

Leggett was annoying as fuck. Even more so after he turned into a malevolent ghost.

Obrieski never got enough airtime though. Also his Southern accent makes no sense.

Yeah Leggett was a cunt in the end of Hell's Highway, still caught me off guard.
Also, did anyone find the Sherman tank sequence in Hell's Highway pretty boring?

>It's authentic, its got Sgt. Baker, it's the Brother in Arms game we want to make and we're doing it under our publishing label.
We might spent our next Christmas in Bastogne, lads.

>the namefag likes the most casual shitter games imaginable
Color me surprised

Running over Germans was pretty fun, especially during the final mission set in Koevering, but yeah, it got kinda stale. I liked how they spaced it out though.

>he doesn't like the greatest story-driven squad shooter ever


Shit, I’ll be in the Navy come June. I won’t play any of the upcoming vidya I wanna play. Maybe this comes out in 2022.
I would like to see brothers in arms : ostfront desu senpai but I know that won’t ever happen.

Hearts of Iron 2: Darkest Hour
With "Edge of Darkness" 1933 mod.

If you like any other HoI version that is not Darkest Hour then you are a pleb casual and don't belong here.

>We might spent our next Christmas in Bastogne, lads.


I hope they have plans to continue the series after the World War II story wraps up though. It'd be great to see a 40-something year old Baker as a captain in the 101st fighting at Hamburger Hill dealing with the racial strife in the Army with interspersed flashbacks to the Little Rock Crisis.

>brothers in arms : ostfront

Yeah, except you'd never have the opportunity to get attached to any of the characters because they'll be killed within a mission or two of being introduced. And half of the game would be hunting down Jewish villagers and only /pol/ would like that.

>commander orders you to run suicidally to the machine gunners
>take cover
>get shot by commander

The only correct opinion

Call of Duty 2 sucks. Most of the guns take several bullets to actually kill enemies, and none of them have good solid weight behind them. Only the Gewehr 43 and MP40 are remotely usable in campaign or multiplayer.

Also, way too much use of infinitely spawning enemies.

/v/ here
I'm so, so sorry for you

Rising Storm

BF1942 with Forgotten Hope mod and BF2 with Forgotten Hope mod 2

>pregnant Anne Frank isn't even a playable character


>not posting The Old Blood

Darkest Hour is great, the greatest all around simulation of the entire WW2 conflict in my opinion. I like HoI 2 a lot too for nostalgia reasons and for when I want something a bit more comfy and simplistic.

steel panthers WWII: LOS, troop morale/experience, routed/pinned troops, artillery/air-strikes with spotters, AAA, mines, fortifications, penetration tables, realistic armor values and slopes, vehicle breakdowns, pretty much any country playable with authentic OOBs, prototypes etc available too. LOADS of vehiles of the time iirc back to spanish civil war. Infantry sections with realistic weaponry down to bailed crewmen with sidearm. this is the only wargame for me.

company of heroes.
dont play two its shit as.

Why is it shit I’ve heard it’s great?

Red Orchestra

Was Stalingrad that boring?


If he doesn't die Baker's getting out of the army the first chance he can get. He clearly hates war and constantly losing his men. Not to mention he's clearly losing it.

>Pushing towards Peleliu airfield while using tanks as cover was better.

Oops wrong pic, here you go.

This shouldn't have given me a hard-on, but it did.

You know they don't sell this Steam anymore? Id seems to want to forget it even happen, which is a shame cause it was fun as hell.

Which one is it even? Looking the same since fow

Unless you're talking about 1 and 2 which are largely events driven HoI is decidedly not historical

Return to Castle Wolfenstein was fun

Picrelated, since we allow fiction a-la Wolfenstein in.
If not, probably, Sudden strike

I've never played this game even though I really probably should have. Just the destruction physics on the buildings alone is enough of a reason.

HOI3 has a better logistics simulation than simply "50 divisions in the Sahara getting supplies instantly teleported to them from the capital/port"

Shame the rest of the game sucks dick

>nobody talking about IL-2

Return to castle Wolfenstein
Commandos 2
CoD 2 was great too but only Soviet campaign and that one British mission when you control tank, I guess most people would agree with me

Can't think of any more GOOD games t b h, Red Orchestra 2 is dead and I never really enjoyed it, War Thunder is pure shit filled with permanently assblasted wehraboos, Day of Infamy could be great but it was ruined by air strikes and overall feels like gimped insurgency with old guns and it also lacks Eastern front

Veeky Forums is filled with casual redditors with only a cursory knowledge of what they're talking about instead of the proper autists from places like /k/, which is why they prefer Call of Jewty, Medal of Honor and fucking Wolfenstein to games like Silent Hunter, Il-2 or Close Combat. The average Veeky Forumstorian is a filthy normalfag who is only capable of talking about history from a moral perspective and outright loses interest if there's no generic popculture potential.

Depends on your taste I guess

t. butthurt wehraboo
How's the hoi? Did you won war on 5 fronts as third reich yet?

>liking a Russian-made game named after a Soviet plane makes you a wehraboo
This is your brain or reddit

IL-2 is full of wehraboos. It's incredible when one talks shit after you kill him because he decided to waste all his speed on a zoom climb you can follow him through because they don't understand the difference between sustained climb and zoom climb

Gearbox developed Duke Nukem Forever, the entirety of the released version was from them.
Gearbox also developed Aliens: Colonial Marines but actually they just stole the fucking money they got for it and used it to fund Borderlands under the table, then passed the unfinished game off to a 2nd party as the fall guy when the released game bombed like hell
Gearbox was also the home of Anthony "Unironically a Cuck" Burch

the community for two is larger than one, and there is a much larger singleplayer campaign but the only reason i'd play two was if I had no mates to play one with.

Also one is cheaper with no bullshit DLC or Skins.

Gearbox made the original Brothers in Arms idiot. Alongside Opposing Force it's the only game they ever did right.

And how many of the people that made that game do you think still actually work there?

It was made by Randy Pitchford and he's still there.

Randy Pitchford is the second worst shithead there after Anthony Burch, who I think went elsewhere.
And if you actually think that one man developed that game or was even responsible for a sizeable chunk of it, you're retarded.

But hey if you want to hold out against all evidence of Gearbox going to shit, that's your call.

>Anthony Burch
A guy who was a literal nobody at Gearbox, a partial writer of Borderlands 2. He just got memed to oblivion because he was a cuckold.
And I never denied that the company is shit, Colonial Marines was an outright scam, but BIA was the one fantastic game they did make.