Every alt is mooning, but only the ones with actual fundamentals will get the farthest.
Just a reminder, Ark > Eth
$10 by January.
Every alt is mooning, but only the ones with actual fundamentals will get the farthest.
Just a reminder, Ark > Eth
$10 by January.
100$ eoy 2018
>tfw this is actually realistic
I just want a nice floor of $3.50 for now, I swear if it goes back to the 35k range I'll be furious
Hell yeah its fuckin moon time my niggaz
How could you look at the graph and not see that's exactly what's going to happen? 35k I mean.
If you zoom out, and look at long term; we're gonna be hitting $10+ in the next 2-3 months.
Why the fuck did it stop mooning already
Ok, but not for 2-3 months though. I just sold this tip. I'll get back in at 35k lol.
Agreeing with this
Buy ark if you want a 100x gains. BUT
Buy Link if you want a 1000x gains.
After all, ARK could not compete with omisegay and ANS 2.0 in august......
Low volume, big whales
All alts stopped mooning. Wait ti'll chinks are awake.
Link is a shitcoin. Check Ark's roadmap to understand why it's a future top 3 coin.
Show me a single scrap of documentation about ARK VM, or proof of it's existence. It isnt mentioned a single time in the white paper and it's the only useful feature. But yes it's 55% done! That's right arkies a single line of sales copy is 55% of the battle! Fucking idiots
It went up 25% in 2 hours, that needs a little recovery time
Just be patient user.
Excuse, but has HLC namedropped your coin recently? Is your coin partnered with SWIFT? And do you have Sony as smartcontract user?
And thats only naming 5% of the companies already on board with link *clings wine glass*
Other projects have been completed. ArkVM will just be another completed project added onto the list when it's done.
The Ark team doesn't release much information about what's under development until it's either finished or near-completion. Just like how Apple doesn't tell its shareholders about what they're working on for their new OS, they just release it when it's finished.
>Literally some unintelligible scribbles on a whiteboard
Nevermind, you guys deserve to lose your money. Carry on
240$ per link ? yeah no
why the fuck do linkfags always come into ARK threads and shit them up
>spoonfeed me every single detail about what's being developed even though the Ark team keeps it all very in-house until it's finished
even if we just hit $24 thats still 100x more than ARK will
Link will stay a shitcoin, but it seems like most of Veeky Forums is already invested. Which sucks.
More like, why the fuck do Arkies always come into OUR CHAIN LINK BOARD AND WEBSITE and shit them up
we were here before you, and you have your own threads which make up a good fifth of the board, don't be an insufferable faggot
>15 linkfaggot threads in catalog everyday for the past couple months
>few ARK threads a day
You deluded faggots are annoying is why.
we could do without both, this board might actually have some worthwhile discussion instead of your constant shitposting
Why wouldn't they just wait until the product is released to release the coin? Why does everyone here invest in promises? I'm not saying it won't do well short term, it's a hype coin. But long-term this looks like shit. A crypto-currency where you have to vote to participate and don't get to download the blockchain. Makes no sense to me. Every other crypto lets you have the blockchain and you get all the benefits without having to waste time voting.
>I had my stop-loss at 30k
ok go start a thread what to your taste is a worthwhile discussion nobody is gonna stop you
or if you want karma circlejerk you can always go to leddit
I would explain, but honestly, I don't really care if you buy any or not.
I'll just say that people invest in order to fund the project. It's why they were able to hire new devs and have to ability to focus full-time on it.
>there are people on biz who don't own both Ark and Chainlink
*the ability
I have 100% of my funds invested into LINK but I'm jealous of Ark's delegate system. I wish LINK had that.
You should put like 25% into Ark senpai
don't worry fellow linkie. Ark is too expensive for us. We need 3k arks to make 1 ark a day
More shillers who can't actually explain anything but hope meme magic will get them a Lambo. That's not how the world works son. You have to trade based on fundamentals and this coin doesn't have them. If a similar coin comes out that has the product ready first and doesn't ask for an investment before they are ready it will crush Ark. But you guys still invest in promises.
I'm already balls deep into link. I believe it's my ticket out of wagecuckery. Can't pull out now.
This is also why I chose link, it's a lot easier to get rich if you buy a lot at 17 cents than if you buy less at $2.50
This coin is building the foundation, and has a good community full of people helping to build it.
If you want to invest in something that's already finished, try buying some stocks.
yeah 17 cents>2.5 dollars
Good luck to you, hopefully we all make it
Pull your balls out of link and go all in on Ark.
That's what I did.
Or real crypto's. Bitcoin was released as a finished product. Yes it gets upgrades but it was fully functional. Ark is not fully functional. Which means it has developers that are not seriously committed to the project. They are instead committed to taking money out of your pocket in exchange for promises.
can you stake link?
but you can run a node, but that's for omega-whales only
Promises that they've been following through on. And Bitcoin is the ONLY crypto that was released as a "finished product," everything else has been a project under development. Ethereum, for example, was launched in 2014 as a barebones blockchain that barely worked with just Vitalik and a few friends as devs.
It has an extremely bright future ahead. Just remember to buy once it's finished and worth 100x more than it is now.
Me rn.
Why has Ark being going down so long?
I guess even NEO has dropped considerably from its ATH.
Anways I got 410 Arks, hope I'm gonna make it.
go to 1 day chart and scroll out. this coin is just repeating a pattern. we should be entering the next run up stage soon
ARK added to new exchange oh shit my niggaz this will be good, mobile wallets soon and ARKVM in Q1 2018 100$ ARK here we come, shit never felt so comfy
Absolutely the comfiest hold.
exactly G, with those updates we will be at 100$ in Q4 2018
Literally everyone should have Ark in their portfolio
Of all the delusioncoins on Veeky Forums Ark is the most pathetic.
Just a bunch of fat assholes as developers, with completely and entirely redundant technology but with COOL BELLS AND WHISTLES YAYYY!!!
It's the prototypical try hard coin that nobody will ever adopt, nobody will ever care about, and everyone will forget.
The time to make Ark was in 2013. Like any race these fat assholes are in, they came in last.
Enjoy your bags!
How about focusing on adoption and partnerships and relationships and future protocol level integration instead of quirky videos and unnecessary """""improvements"""" to better technology nobody even wants?
Try that when investing.
nice reddit spacing
off you go :)
Because they don't understand the difference between a long-term hodl and a scam, and they're subconsciously bitter.
I can
Delete paragraph spaces too!
Blocknet > Ark
cucknet is a whackass version of ark u will drown in the flood dumb nigga
Literally not a single one of those points is a valid argument.
>people will randomly want to adopt redundant technology
>with no purpose
>with no partnerships
>developed by obese retards
>for no reason (other than they really like me and I invested in it, I guess)
>no argument
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
Ark is a fucking knock off. Smart bridge is just a shitty copy of the blocknet xbridge. Get in now or regret your shitty Ark bags that have no real value
nice 'bigpump' you got there, faggot
You obviously don't understand the project, and I'm not going to bother spoonfeeding it to you.
really activates my almonds
great pasta, thanks
What is difference?
Stay poor faggot
do you think the spike today was the beginning of the next run up? just started looking into ARK but since it pumped today i thought i might wait a little bit since it went up so much.
im going to be investing in ark either way but i wanted to maximize the amount i can get. if i were to buy in right now i would get ~5,500
hard to say man. to me at least it looks like its bounced off its historical support line and its pulled back a little bit already from todays boom. another exchange coming in a few days, the ark foundation is apparently gonna be ready by end of next week, mobile wallets soonish. if it looks like 38-39k sats is holding, this wouldnt be a bad price
I would wait and see if the price dips a little more; hopefully back to $2.50-$2.60. With 5,500 Ark right now you would be making about 9-10 Ark per week in staking.
well the thing is im all in with ETH atm. i was hoping ETH could pump on its own a little bit independently of other alts then i would sell some ETH for ARK. but every single time ETH pumps ARK pumps as well. it seems that even if i were to put some ETH into ARK, i wouldn't really miss out since they always pump together. ive been watching them do this together for weeks now.
i would just hate to sell my eth after watching it sit at $300 for months and see it pump to $400 as soon as i sell it
Faggot plebbitor
LARPING being shy on the internet.... what have I just witnessed.
Can't put money in cos Coinbase is down.
Should I sell my 30 OMG and buy ARK?
What about my 1000 $edg
That nearly killed me. Lowest point tho
do you think OMG goes x100 or even 10 ? I doubt it. With Ark it's possible. Also, new exchange tomorrow, mobile wallets 96%, but I'm pretty sure it's finished and they've been withholding it because of the fork drama. Expect another 5-10 % because of the new exchange (check reddit)
Which exchange are they being added on?
Bit-Z, a shit tier exchange that is only notable for being the least shit exchange for listing Asch (XAS).
deluded Arkies
20 MM Volume
>Shit Tier
That line is poetic
Issues with BTC getting locked.
Withdrawing high volumes of XAS was a pain and you had to do it several time as there was a 2000 XAS limit
but it's a CHINESE Platform, and for them it works. Also it worked for me, without problems.
Everyone says Link is a shitcoin without giving any good reason for that assumption. As far as I can see they are anything but a shitcoin. 10.00 is very plausible in the next 2-4 years.
lol ARK > ETH
ARK has 1/100 of ETH market cap.
>but but the team! the roadmap!
ETH had 1/100th the market cap last year.
Don't try to justify selling using shit logic.
Ark is going to surpass ETH's market cap in two years. In my opinion.
People act like this will get them lambos, but let's say someone somehow scroungers together $3k for 1k Ark.
Let's say it goes to $100 EOY 2018.
That person still only has $30k. That's not even two years of minimum wagecucking, much less Lamborghini + retirement + escorts-tier like everyone acts.
Why does everyone on biz talk about retirement, Lambos, and such shit when you have to already be rich to have a chance?
100 x 1000= 30,000
Buy more than 1k ark. Get 10k ark and live off of staking.
Dont worry. I was ignorant once too. You scalp the shit out of the coin as it rises. ARK is a vessel that transports people to the promised land. You too can share in the wealth if you just repent.
Ark going from what it is now to $100 is a ~30x rise. If $1000 is invested, then it becomes $30k