>tfw even now there are literally hunter gatherer tribes living in complete isolation from modern civilization
I imagine it must be pretty fucking scary, living in your inbred tribe for thousands of years and suddenly seeing an airplane in the sky circling around you, taking photos. You can't even make contact with them because they attack any outsiders and even if you make friendly contact, 90% will die from common diseases because they have a shitty immune system
Tfw even now there are literally hunter gatherer tribes living in complete isolation from modern civilization
Other urls found in this thread:
Must feel like irl Ancient Aliens.
It is interesting that there are no white hunter-gather (stone-age) types around.
I wonder how this plays into peoples psychology--it almost allows for playable deniability of the fact that whites ever existed as such.
Even the supposed tribal peoples (ie Vikings) of the past were rather advanced (ie a naval power)
>tribal people of the past
>cites a group from the middle ages
IIRC there was a tribe during ww2 that used to worship airplanes because they would drop supply crates
Where? Sauce?
>tfw that's how all of Sub-Saharan Africa was before whitey colonized it in the 1880s
There are still some tribes in central African jungle that not even the native civilized locals can make contact with
Maybe because all of the territory that whites inhabited has already been populated and exploited?
These tribes are either deep in uncharted jungle or on some isolated islands where they self sustain their tribe for thousands of years.
>vikangz were advanced
Rural White Shepards in Europe are borderline nomads.
>What are the Sami people
>These are considered hunter gatherers by some retarded user on Veeky Forums
Fucking brainlet.
Are you retarded? How are they similar in any way to nomads? Because they primarily tend to animals?
Relative to the savages that op user speaks of. Pic related.
There is a movie from the 80s called, "the gods must be crazy". The plot is basically this: a plane flus over an uncontacted tribe. The pilot throws out an empty coke bottle. The tribes people start to worship the item as a gift from the gods. However the item soon creates conflict, as there is only one of this item, unlike anything else the tribe had thus dealt with.
If a group of white people lived deep in the Amazon in Brazil they'd still be stuck in the Stone Age too. Agriculture and metalworking spread to Europe from the Middle East.
What kind of retarded point are you trying to make? Why does every single thread here have to devolve into racial autism?
Fuck this, I'm out of this place.
Sami aren't exactly Aryan Europeans, they are closer to the mongoloid tribes of the rest of Northern Eurasia.
>If a group of white people lived deep in the Amazon in Brazil they'd still be stuck in the Stone Age too
Now explain why South American natives in the temperate latitudes had no civilizations.
>if europeans didnt live in europe, and evolved in said place--then they would be savages to..
Wow, good argument. Glad to see you leave
They look pretty white to me
>Muh Aryan race
Iranians and northern Indians are Aryan too user, also quit goalposting.
Pacific cults of World War II
The most widely known period of cargo cult activity occurred among the Melanesian islanders in the years during and after World War II. A small population of indigenous peoples observed, often directly in front of their dwellings, the largest war ever fought by technologically advanced nations. The Japanese arrived first with a great deal of supplies. Later the Allied forces followed.
The vast amounts of military equipment and supplies that both sides airdropped (or airlifted to airstrips) to troops on these islands meant drastic changes to the lifestyle of the islanders, many of whom had never seen outsiders before. Manufactured clothing, medicine, canned food, tents, weapons and other goods arrived in vast quantities for the soldiers, who often shared some of it with the islanders who were their guides and hosts. This was true of the Japanese Army as well, at least initially before relations deteriorated in most regions.
The John Frum cult, one of the most widely reported and longest-lived, formed on the island of Tanna, Vanuatu. This movement started before the war, and became a cargo cult afterwards. Cult members worshiped certain unspecified Americans having the name "John Frum" or "Tom Navy" who they claimed had brought cargo to their island during World War II and who they identified as being the spiritual entity who would provide cargo to them in the future.
>isolated tribe with no contact with outsiders (because contact is important because trade and diplomacy) stays stagnant and isolated throughout it's history
>this fucking retard can't comprehend that simple fact
The Incans made a civilization in the fucking mountains along with a currency system, complex administration and a fast message sending system that didn't involve horses. That's more than any primarily white civilizations I know of ever came close to doing..
With the end of the war, the military abandoned the airbases and stopped dropping cargo. In response, charismatic individuals developed cults among remote Melanesian populations that promised to bestow on their followers deliveries of food, arms, Jeeps, etc. The cult leaders explained that the cargo would be gifts from their own ancestors, or other sources, as had occurred with the outsider armies. In attempts to get cargo to fall by parachute or land in planes or ships again, islanders imitated the same practices they had seen the soldiers, sailors, and airmen use. Cult behaviors usually involved mimicking the day-to-day activities and dress styles of US soldiers, such as performing parade ground drills with wooden or salvaged rifles. The islanders carved headphones from wood and wore them while sitting in fabricated control towers. They waved the landing signals while standing on the runways. They lit signal fires and torches to light up runways and lighthouses.
In a form of sympathetic magic, many built life-size replicas of airplanes out of straw and cut new military-style landing strips out of the jungle, hoping to attract more airplanes. The cult members thought that the foreigners had some special connection to the deities and ancestors of the natives, who were the only beings powerful enough to produce such riches.
Cargo cults were typically created by individual leaders, or big men in the Melanesian culture, and it is not at all clear if these leaders were sincere, or were simply running scams on gullible populations. The leaders typically held cult rituals well away from established towns and colonial authorities, thus making reliable information about these practices very difficult to acquire.
Because Europeans destroyed the South American equivalent of the Roman Empire (Incas) before they could spread their civilization there.
Germanics never developed civilization either, they got conquered by Rome.
Current cults
Over the last sixty-five years, most cargo cults have disappeared. However, some cargo cults are still active including:
The John Frum cult on Tanna island (Vanuatu)
The Tom Navy cult on Tanna island (Vanuatu)
The Prince Philip Movement on the island of Tanna, which worships Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, husband of Queen Elizabeth II.
The Turaga movement based on Pentecost island (Vanuatu)
Yali's cargo cult on Papua New Guinea (Madang-region)
The Paliau movement on Papua New Guinea (Manus island)
The Peli association on Papua New Guinea
The Pomio Kivung on Papua New Guinea
And that anons, is the origin of the term 'Cargo Cult'
>Because Europeans destroyed the South American equivalent of the Roman Empire (Incas) before they could spread their civilization there.
Members of the cult with a plane idol they built
Maybe someone would take you seriously if you said why that's wrong instead of posting memes of yourself
>that epicanthic fold
>that wide moon face and shallow nose bridge
>that dark fine hair
>dark eyes
They are on the borderline and very influenced by Asian genetics.
When people talk about 'Whites' or 'European' they mean your common garden Caucasoid indo-european.
I wonder if I went there today with a bunch of modern shit if they would worship me as a god and let me impregnate all their qt native bitches?
Probably not, I think these days the cult is more of a traditionalist movement about rejecting colonialism and Christianity, since they claim John From is more powerful than Jesus. Among the locals their the ones trying to preserve their traditional rituals and things. Just, along with all this.
If you could get a plane and start dropping things on them I bet it'd fuck em up though. Some government probably prevents it. But, they aren't in total isolation, they get tourists all the time
The apotheosis of John From?
I said temperate latitude(Uruguay and anything south of that) not tropical dumbass.
Define white, kid
Civilization starts in temperate regions meaning somewhere in Argentina or Chile the first south american civilization should have formed. The New World is very weird havint most of its societies in the jungles in contrast to the Old World where the temperate forest or deserts are the starts of society.
That girl looks about the same as your typical Polish woman. Are we saying slavs aren't white now too?
you are obviously some amerigoblin who's never seen a Pole before.
what you think will happen
>they would worship me as a god and let me impregnate all their qt native bitches
what will actually happen
>pic related
Mountains aren't tropical user. And I'm not too sure about the history of the Mesopotamia region of South America, but isn't that where the Mapuche lived and didn't they btfo the Spanish on numerous occasions? IDK, maybe a more qualified user can back me up here..
>Civilization starts in temperate regions
The Fertile Crescent is not temperate. Peru is not temperate. Mexico is not temperate. New Guinea is not temperate. Your "theory" is bullshit.
>The New World is very weird havint most of its societies in the jungles
Inca civilization started in the mountain climate of central Peru, not in the middle of a jungle.
>in contrast to the Old World where the temperate forest or deserts are the starts of society
Again not according to what we know.
No, Mapuches lived in Chile. They had subsistence agriculture which they learned from contact with the Incas. (Just like Germanics learned subsistence agriculture from contact with Mediterranean people)
The sami's are clearly influenced by asian genetics, and it is the same with many eastern Europeans. In fact, this is why the term mongoloid exists in the first place, because many in eastern Europe are quite literally mongoloid rape babies.
Cute reddit word tho
Can I at least fuck some native bitches first before they do that?
Peru is apart of the Amazon making it tropical.
The fertile crescent is temperate just look at the kind of forest the develop in its northern latitudes.
Are you gonna finish the Croissant Fertile?
Ice Age I guess. when they settled there the climate wasn't the same
>Incans lived in the amazon
I'd post a brainlet but I'm too patrician for that.
They lived in mountains in the amazon.
wowzerz very interesting! thanks for the his lesson user, cheers!
What's this guy's hat made out of? Looks like pretty advanced hat desu.
These people chose isolation though, given their bad history when they come across with foreigners. They are aware of whites and other races. They just prefer not to be bothered.
They conquered part of the Amazon. The warriors of that region covered their whole body with feathers and played pan pipes.
In the opening of Guns Germs and Steel, the author is asked by a native, "why do you white men have so much cargo and we have so little"
The Amazon is not exactly the problem. You would think so because naturally the soil isn't very good to grow to sustain a large population. But natives found a way around this making a fertile soil. Archeology in the region is still very new but recent findings have shown there to be urban societies interconnected. The earliest European accounts of the Amazon talk about this, but for a long time people thought they were bullshitting because when later Europeans came they saw it sparcely populated and very tribal. This was because they arrived after diseases had wrecked their society and killed off most of it's people. So what later people found were mere survivors of apocalyptic events. Population estimates of the Amazon are said to have been 5 million in Precolumbian times.
What's the more likely scenario here: an isolated peoples were never forced to develop for survival because they had no competition or non-nigger humans evolution created a gene that allowed them to surpass the hunting-gathering phase of civilization? Stop being thick, user.
>unironically using the term caucasoid
You must be lost. is the pseudoscience board, user.
hes right though poles as well as many eastern europeans often have epicanthic folds
furthermore the sami are largely fair haired
Finnish study.
>The study of hair and eye-colour also pointed that the people of Satakunta were mainly blond. Among men 85,5% had light eyes (blue,gray,yellowish or greenish). Brown-eyes were found in 11% of men.
>who were the Guanches people
>who were the baltics
T. Rosenburg
A developed agricultural tribal society, with their own culture, society and religious beliefs?
Vikings were from the middle ages user. they weren't tribals.
I never suggested that the vikings were not from the middle ages. Perhaps you thought I was using the term "stone age" as a temporal indicator?
One trend I've noticed in this thread has been various anons attempts to find relatively backwards groups of periphery whites. Yet, these are usually at least as developed as the average shitskin--no where near the ubdeveloped level of the savage.
I read about that, the Spanish had been wondering how they did it for years until the realized some south east Asians and Africans had developed a similar technique.
those Indians could be doing just that
>those Indians could be doing just that
Except Baltics were trading with Slavs, Nordics for centuries. What people can these indians trade with?
>Relative to the savages that op user speaks of. Pic related.
Oh wow, it's a fucking boat, no one else in history had ever created something so advanced.
>Aryan Europeans
European, of a certain genetic clustering that is easily recognizable and easy to group objectively
>Caucasoid is a pseudoscience term
Aryan is the archaic for indo europesm btw
so, something contacted back in the day with primitive humans and thats how civilization started? maybe they used us as a supply base for an intergalactic war or....
this is not history but is so cool to imagine such things
Actually yeah nowadays they are. Those terms are completely incompatible with modern geneological and anthropological studies. People who spout them are generally trying to evoke archaic scientific racism which is equivalent to pseudoscience. Post another fresh meme image though.
Is he contemplating whether or not to move the cloth and look at her breasts?
That's basically only the beginning of the movie though. The rest of the movie is the main character's journey to discard the bottle at the "end of the world" so it won't cause them any more problems.
from when? the 20s?
A boat that the norse used to cross the northern atlantic ocean and reach the americas hundreds of years before columbus.
So no, not just a boat.
The Polynesians managed to cover over 10times the distance from Scandinavia to Iceland in half a log.
Also its hilariously funny
That would matter if distance was the only concern.
Don't be upset that the Norse were only slightly better than pajeet, and thats only because they knew not to shit in the street? This is not a thread about the Norse.
holy fucking shit cunt ahahahhaahhah
>he fell for the hunter-gatherer meme
Evolution is a myth. It's been debunked & proven wrong many times.
And now we have them in our cities, dressed them up in clothes and wondering why it isn't working out so well for anyone.
Yea because with populated it and exploited it unlike niggers and spics
black earth is just earth mixed with shit