>Lamborghini Aventador
>From £271,146
What does your net worth need to be before you can actually afford to splash out on a lambo?
>Lamborghini Aventador
>From £271,146
What does your net worth need to be before you can actually afford to splash out on a lambo?
Other urls found in this thread:
10Mil plus. Everything else would be retarded af.
Drive a civic and be happy, nobody cares.
Quite a lot because maintenance/insurance is expensive and they take quite a depreciation hit
So about 2m euro with another 200k coming in each year, at the very least
Cheaper to rent one until you get bored btw
15 million. Though really you should just buy that Porsche SUV.
Could you imagine the stress of parking this thing somewhere that’s not in your garage?
As people said, wait til it's under 1% of your wealth to buy things like that.
>buying a lambo
id just rent one desu
I would never buy a lambo or any similarly expensive car.
Status signaling consumerism is for fags.
if you drive that car, you are definetely retarded and dont fucking deserve that money.
50k and put down your downpayment
so how will you fags traverse the moon? With a fucking PRIUS?!
I think the right way to drive this car is on a race track that you own.
Fuck driving a car you really love on public roads.
Some fucking moron could just T-Bone you out of nowhere.
On a public road id drive a car im not emotionally invested in that protects me to the most.
Well as I see it, and i think this is something poor people should understand, lambos are not made for being your everyday use primary car. It's your secondary car you use on special occasions like going out on social events or just take a cruise.
I got to the point where my net wealth were over 500k so I actually started thinking about buying a Lamborghini, but due to not wanting to keep another luxury car I rather went with a Mercedes C class sedan. It's way higher quality than the lambo, but the best is that this way I could put the difference in price into this fantastic coin named digibyte, I dont know if you have heard about this coin but it will surely revolutionize the crypto markets.
i would feel too bad driving that car. like i would get a panic attack moving around that much money in delicate physical form
may as well just lease one for a few months and then give it back when its coming up for a service lol
10/10 post
I would buy an Aston. But only if I had a net worth of $10 mil minimum.
Wut lol
Chad car coming through
More like fat douchebag car coming through
thats not an aventador
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oops, heres the link
Have stable revenue of around $1M yearly
I didn't think it was, is it a Huracan?
nah famalam that's a Gallardo famalam
Gallardo performante, from the looks of it
Whatever the Uber driver picks me up with.
Thanks homies
10 times
$50M or $100M
luckily you can enjoy much cheaper cars much more
Top kek.
I've seen multiple videos of black people climbing on them. I mean, if someone did that in front of me, I'd put a cap in their brain.
just drive a Ford.....
really puts it into perspective cause people take car loans for vehicle larger than their net worth.
Buy a Ducati instead fag
>Porsche suv
I just threw up in my mouth
what's the point of having one very flashy car, when you could have several cool cars you enjoy
I guess it's the difference between normies and petrolheads
1. Those people aren't rich and aren't going to be rich, they're doing something stupid
2. A lot of those vehicles are had really for the purpose of having A car. It's way more of a utility thing for those cars than a lambo, which is going to involve pissing hundreds of thousands on maintenance, insurance and depreciation in a matter of years.
this one
audi rs 6 akrapovic
Why would I buy a shitty rapper car like this when I could buy a fully upgraded Ford Raptor for like 120K and still have 150,000 to drop booze and weed
>buy super car
>constantly washing it/ caring about scratches, going slow over bumps
>buy fun ricer car
>1/4th the price
>have fun
>spend your saved money on hookers
call me a ricefag all you want but im getting a wrx when i make more money
You got me bro
I said this before and I will say it again, sports cars get boring fast. I know quite a few family members that have Ferrari’s and lambos that they haven’t glanced at for years. Spend money a feature rich classy driver and for you second fun car but a tough off-roading Toyota and work on upgrading it yourself. Most fun you’ll have with cars. Use left over money to rent lambos and Ferrari’s for a week or two
Impressing normies is a meme
get something relatively lowkey and fun
jesus, I can't even image how autistic all that must be.
Most of you faggots want to buy lambo to literally just get pussy. You will get it if you buy lambo of course, but you'd have to be an autistic idiot to do so (which most of you are). If you don't know how to talk to people and just want to buy car in order to get girls, spend 60k on this shit and normies will think of you the same way if you drove lambo. They literally can't tell a difference, especially girls. Most think this car costs 150k+. Thank me later.
>buys lambo
>scratches hood
>value drops about 5k
No thanks
>tfw the most aesthetic car of all time can't be driven in america.
U can in america
>American cars
fuck off communist
>buy american car
>breaks down every other day
$2 million
2nd hand
Can the cheapest Jaguar f-type model ~60,000 trick girls into thinking you're a millionaire?
c'mon user, hop in.
there is room in the back for two more hookers
BMW M2 $53,495.
There should be a gameshow that tests how much pussy a car can get per the dollar it costs.
What did he mean by this?
only one that bought it
a bmw is nothing special lol
>driving a tryhard car when you can be driving Porsche, a.k.a Gods gift to man
top kek
these internet LARPing nerds have zero dosh AND shit taste
I have a 2016 Sti right now and it’s a lot of fun. I don’t sweat the small paint chips or wheel rash. Big mod market and community. The super car community just seems like a money throwing contest and super anal.
> Porsche
Kanker kakker
>looks fresh af
>under 50k, cheap to drive
>wow factor
I made my choice, fuck a lambo
Yeah coming through a crowd of people because nobody whith a mustang knows how to drive.
>wow factor
is that a kia?
proletariër gedetecteerd
>"Wow, there's another one"
vo voor de leden
The good thing about Porsche is all the models pretty much look the same so you can get the 718 Cayman Model for $55,000 and girls will think it's the same as a $160,000 911 Turbo. So the Cayman probably has a high Pussy per dollar ratio. They should put that as a rating right next to Miles per gallon.
One rich faggot that I know (he bought Aventador in 2012, no joke, im from Balkans, so that's kind of a big deal as we don't live on eternal debt like jew-slaves from Jew.S.A.) told me one thing about his expensive cars after I asked him how good is his business going when he managed to buy such car.
He said this;
- if you buy a car and don't have at least 4 of those cars in your bank account, you're an idiot
I hope you understand. If you're a burger, you may not understand though, you've been jewed, circumcised and put in eternal debt by default. Good luck. Hope you chipped in for the daily 10 million dollar tip for your greatest ally.
As long as you have a house paid for, 1 million is enough. Insurance only covers like under 5,000 miles a year typically on a car like that, so just drive it on nice days and special occasions. Don't be stingy with your money. Enjoy it.
well at least the jews keep the muslins like u contained in the middle east
Park a model 3 anywhere and hordes of sweaty middle aged men will approach you ready to suck a mean dick for a test drive
Go buy a Lambo on a lease, jewslave faggot.
Only because they're barely out yet. It's like having a Nintendo 64 before all your friends get theirs.
According to Grant Cardone, over $100M. He says reinvest everything until you’re super rich.
this, I have one and can confirm zero bitches
Nah, 100M is jew-greed type of idiocy. The faggot from my neighborhood gave a good advice, I believe.
Aventador is what, 200K? 300K? Let's say 200K for easy calc. So 4 more Lambs in the bank, means you can get a Lambo when you have 1.2M in the bank. Buy a Lambo, you have a milly.
If you have a milly you probably have enough "know" to make use of that money...so you're kinda set.
That's the "realistic" take on it. Please anons continue to larp your "I watched Wolf of Wall Street and DiCaprio on my phone wallpaper" bullshit.
$1M is nothing. Your car shouldn’t be $25% of your net worth. Enjoy poverty.
Speak for yourself, that's probably correct if your country of origin is Jew.S.A where jews enslaved you and put you into tax-hell, so yeah to fund jews and their ethno-state you American idiots have to send 10 million bucks to Israel every single day, therefore I understand 1 milly might not suffice in USA.
Which is a statement in itself hahahahahahahhahaa.
>Enjoy poverty.
Top kek - back at you - but unironically.
This is unironically the most reddit post I've ever seen. I sincerely will be unhappy if we've invested in the same shitcoins and we both succeed, because the joy of my success pales in comparison to the joy of your failure.
This is retard tied advice, 1MM USD today is roughly 650k in 2001. I have a question, in 2001 if someone asked you how much money until a person 'makes it' would you have said 650k? You absolute retard. You psychologically cling to 1MM because its this magical round number you've heard in film and tv your whole life, but its not that much money. Buying ANY kind of sports car, fuck it buying any NON-used car before you own your home, is the height of retardation. The weird thing is I only ever have to explain this to Americans, it's like you really don't care about real financial independence.
Fucking cancer. One day I will organize a group that will hunt down you fucking insufferable Tesla faggots, and I mean this unironically, you will get justed.
Your communist faggot CEO succesfully memed MY CITY which is backyards in the middle of shit country Europe, to install 5 Tesla (!!!!) charging ports in the center of our town.
Subsidized like a true commie faggot, and then I see 2 Teslas roll during the year because nobody in their right mind buys that cancerous estrogen piece of shit. All that infrastructure for a private company? Pathetic.
Don't forget to put plebbit-tier vanity plates on that pathetic piece of shit. And don't try to race me on the road - I heard some pretty bad stories on that retarded battery longevity when it's pushed to the max.
What a fuckin faggots, I swear every Tesla driver deserves to be impaled to death. It's like a glowing sign that says "I'm a cuck fuck my wife rape my kid piss in my mouth just don't switch Colbert and don't take my reddit away from me".
>Status signaling consumerism is for fags.
My nigga.
Wow you are all fags
Maserati inc
I actually hate Elon Musk so god-damn much, and his army of 40 year old, Marvel t-shirt wearing, hipster burn out fan base. You can always spot a Tesla fanboy from about 65000 miles away, and they desperately try to convince themselves driving a Tesla is somehow cool and edgy. These are the kind of SOYBOYS who think shit like 'recycling' is sexy. God its actually raising my blood pressure just thinking of my interactions with these people.
Just go for something like this:
This is what I will buy... when my BTC are worth 1 million... after being raped by taxes. And I just hit around 150k€, so yeah, im still a poorfag.
Dont be an aspie.
400k for a nice condo
80k for an used gallardo
Put the rest in passive gain meme stocks for NEET income
thats all.
I'll admit I never researched him but from the things I picked up along the way and my "gut feeling" he comes across as politically backed (probably by some rich influential pedophile jews) mouthpiece. He checks out all the necessary traits for politically motivated ideologue.
- hair transplant (because looks are important when you give Buzzword Speech at TedX)
- mind-blown general
- reddit fan-favorite (one of the biggest red flags on the planet, if reddit loves you, you need to re-evaluate life or straight up kys)
- SpaceX - because we need rockets that can...wait for it...FUCKING BACK UP?????
- Tesla - because electricity is "better" (muh feelings tell me it's cleaner)
- don't mind the fact that our Vehicle Of The Future costs 10000000000 bucks
- I will build a tube-railroad
- my companies don't make profit
- my companies get massive government subsidies
He's one of the worst, part of the lefty establishment, just like they have their go-to "scientists" that serve their political propaganda, they have their "cool biznessmen" that blow minds and inspire stories storytelling content future disruptive love that memory overlooking Rome.
Fucking FAGGOT.
Sounds like you had a stroke at the very end there dude, but I couldn't agree more. He and Bill Gates are absolute cuck tier and it genuinely disheartens me to see people like them become rich. Honestly I prefer the idea of the self centred, J Paul Getty type billionaires, or hell even the austistic Zucc-types, over these self righteous holier than though types. Fuck em.
Here in Brasil, if you have a bmw you made it.