What price can we expect bitcoin now?
>durr 0
>durr 10k
be realistic
What price can we expect bitcoin now?
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Back to 5k probably, not all at once, but gradually, in a few weeks time
You MIGHT get back to 6K as private weakhands sell out, but institutional money that just bought in and is currently buying in wont well. They know where this is going, because they control the price. You will see them conducting a bull trap $500 swing once every 1.5 weeks, like they just did. But every time they let the price rise just a little more. They are not going o kill The Golden Goose.
durr $6500
take the average of what's expected
Won't sell*
End of November: 10k+
I buy at < 7k
At worse this. 5K
Probably this 6K
If we are lucky and there isn't to much correction 7K stable. A lot of "normies" are finally getting into BTC, so I'd even say keep holding.
Between 5500 and 6000. That's its real price.
$8.5K by christmas
Likely pessimistic case: slow decline to mid 6k, then back to crazy growth we're used to, 8k by the end of the year
Optimistic: trade sideways the next few days, then thrusters reengage to 10k by EOY.
I can't see BTC going below 6k without new, devastating news/events.
>institutional money
this fucking meme
Crypto likes to retrace 50% of the last bull run. I don't look at bitcoin, but I'm guessing 6800.
You need to think how the huge investors think. Now they're safe due to fork being gone, and it's easy to manipulate the value of their investment for their easy profit.
Buy at 5k on the 21st/22nd this month.
I also shilled to buy at 3k at the last low, but nobody wanted to believe me, every single one of you fucks was in overdrive pink wojak mode.
No idea but I'm covered no matter what. Maybe even slightly autisticly
>>institutional money
Yes, this. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if institutional money was behind the deciscion not to fork. A deal to keep price at a certain level with almost guaranteed moon when they start buying. CME group may have played a part in this also.
**This is my own thinking. I have no information, just speculating based on a little bit of buzz.
Woah, genius.
Does anyone have Official Source on the Fork being gone? Or is this just another Bitcoin fud scam trick?
You can also check their twitter
Thanks. Going all in with my next $100,000 purchase of Bitcoin.
$8k within two weeks. This craziness needs to stabilize first (and will probably go down again to lets say around $6.7k first
Transferring $250,000 for tonights buys. Hopefully it clears quickly, and bitcoin stays down around 7k until then.
Smart move. Institutional investors I know are chomping at the bit, waiting for a strong BTC that they can hedge with derivatives. (CME Group) This just happened.SegwithX2 cancelled. Safe and strong BTC for all of the institutional money to flood the market.
I don't doubt that some sort of deal was made. Even a couple of months ago any normie mentioned bitcoin looked at me like I had two heads. Now they tell me how they have invested in BTC.
why is 10k not realistic?
Unironically expecting it to breach 8.5k within a week
This whole pump was because of the CME futures thing, nobody cares about irrelevant forks and this fork had no free gibsmedat coins anyways. So we're still going up.
Yup and we will go up signigicantly from here. BTC will fluctuate of course but they can't let it fail. It is mainstreaming now.