What do you guys think of this map
African civs
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Some blanks to fill in. Or is that it?
Fake History
Kill yourself stormnigger
Just some ancient ones
If Nok qualifies then so does Old Europe.
Did they have iron working or just farming ?
Not bad but Europe had more ancient civilizations
They did by 1300 bc in some places in Southern Europe
The had a larger population then west and Central africa not mention more outside contact
Pick one
With outside contact
both of these are European terms. It's wrong to think of these as actual empires or civilizations
There is no such thing as a black civilization they were tribal confederations at best.
Ah yes Europeans didn't independently develope agriculture
more like arab slave trade civilizations
Europeans descend from there people who did so yes
Europe is different, Africa has an extreme topography.
Estimation : they will talk about human sacrifice and cannibalism in less than 10 minutes...
Not bad
When do you plan to add the Azanian cities?
Arabs were confined to their peninsula at this point in history
i know and is at that point when a pseudocivilizations start ,no building your finocorean empire in the middle of the sand
How many times a day do you even need to try to force your shit negroid?
i can blame them they have been empowered by the jews as a pawn to desligitimate us ,the funny part is that thy are starting to believe their own lies
this subhumans think they have any power to control their destiny
Since when did Veeky Forums become /pol/
What? The question should be: "when did normal people start thinking Africans had any form of notable civilizations"
>Nok Civilization
Nig Nog "civilization"
The had agriculture and iron working
they were one step higher than barbarism? Good job I suppose
Europeans are Arabs now?
They were
Why is it forced why are you triggered?
also no writing and social stratification
I bet you don't have a problem with 50 MUD HUTS LOL NIGGERS threads a day
africa has a great a unique history and im not sure why people constantly compare it with europe.
it is it's own culture and history.
that's enough, right?
You must think everything was a 1950’s Tarzan movie or you’re a fugging niggat
They had social stratification
The Incas didn't have writing either
No they didn't
It's still uncertain whether or not Quipu could be used for writing
Don't compare the Incas with niggers!
there is less topography in nothern and Mediterranean Africa.
I'm tired of Veeky Forums, that's the last time I discuss Africa here.
Go on back to believing the Jews then faggot
Nok is older than the Incas
Nubia and Ethiopia are really the only proper Kingdoms
the Benin had artefacts with some cool aesthetics, would've been cool if they had created an architecture style based around it but oh well
Why are they the only ones ?
Here he comes
When will this meme die
I'm not OP I'm this guy
I was referring to out of the pictured civilizations. Nubia/Ethiopia are the only ones comparable to what could traditionally be called a Kingdom/Empire. From what I understand Ghana was a city-state that controlled other city states similar to the Aztecs
Ghana was a United empire ruled by and emperor Mali and Songhai were too en.m.wikipedia.org
That's an empire a king who rules over other Kings and kingdom's
>Reposting a wikipedia link
KYS, African kangdumbs were large, glorified city-states with surrounding tributary city-states
When I think "Kingdom" I think France, Aragon, Castille, Muscovy, etc
>loose confederation of cannibal tribes
> There is no such thing as a black civilization they were tribal confederations at best.
The threads here highly exaggerated these tribes.
For example there images showing Benin as some kind of great Egyptian-like city, while we actually have photographs of how it looked like and it was just collection of straw huts and some wooden buildings among fields of rotten corpses and leftover bones from ritual victims.
Apparently he counts the existence of small stone huts as a civilization, if we follow that logic prehistoric Europe had at least 50 different civilizations
>the Benin had artefacts with some cool aesthetics, would've been cool if they had created an architecture style based around it
Yeah, like skulls bored in primitive way.
AGAIN. Read ACTUAL accounts from 19th century how this hell hole looked like
nah their metallurgy was pretty good
This guy again hun
Benin end in the 18th century now your just making shit up
Benin had developed a reputation for sending strong messages of resistance. But the way Benin treated its slaves and the public display of large quantities of human remains hardened British attitudes towards Benin's rulers. Since 1863, the British had been trying to force the King to stop selling slaves to the Arab traders who had replaced the Portuguese after 1836 and to stop the practice of human sacrificial crucifixion.[7][8][9] This had increased after the Atlantic trade ended as the leaders "supernatural rituals and large-scale human sacrifices to protect the state from further territorial encroachment."[10][11] The trader James Pinnock wrote that he saw 'a large number of men all handcuffed and chained' there, with 'their ears cut off with a razor'. T.B Auchterlonie described the approach to the capital through an avenue of trees hung with decomposing human remains. After the 'lane of horrors' came a grass common 'thickly stewn with the skulls and bones of sacrificed human beings.'[12]
Ghana empire Mali said nok Songhai
When did Ghana ever practice cannibalism ?
Are you actually copy pasting posts?
When the Portuguese first “discovered” the city in 1485, they were stunned to find this vast kingdom made of hundreds of interlocked cities and villages in the middle of the African jungle. They called it the “Great City of Benin”, at a time when there were hardly any other places in Africa the Europeans acknowledged as a city. Indeed, they classified Benin City as one of the most beautiful and best planned cities in the world.
In 1691, the Portuguese ship captain Lourenco Pinto observed: “Great Benin, where the king resides, is larger than Lisbon; all the streets run straight and as far as the eye can see. The houses are large, especially that of the king, which is richly decorated and has fine columns. The city is wealthy and industrious. It is so well governed that theft is unknown and the people live in such security that they have no doors to their houses.”
In contrast, London at the same time is described by Bruce Holsinger, professor of English at the University of Virginia, as being a city of “thievery, prostitution, murder, bribery and a thriving black market made the medieval city ripe for exploitation by those with a skill for the quick blade or picking a pocket”.
African fractals
Benin City’s planning and design was done according to careful rules of symmetry, proportionality and repetition now known as fractal design. The mathematician Ron Eglash, author of African Fractals – which examines the patterns underpinning architecture, art and design in many parts of Africa – notes that the city and its surrounding villages were purposely laid out to form perfect fractals, with similar shapes repeated in the rooms of each house, and the house itself, and the clusters of houses in the village in mathematically predictable patterns.
Mali was larger than both those kingdoms during it's existence
source and would like to see some ruins
Uh oh the pol tards are triggered
>When did Ghana ever practice cannibalism ?
Mad man butchers, cooks, eats 14-yr-old girl in Ghana
Meanwhile the reality. Sketch on how this "magnificent city" looked like in real life.
Some wooden huts, straw huts and earth ramparts.
>Mali's sphere of influence was larger than both those kingdoms during its existence
FTFY; let me be clear, I'm not trying to downplay Africa's history or the influential states therein, but calling them Empires when they aren't is disingenuous
Tbf that's pretty impressive by African standards. The White Man's folly is holding every single population on Earth to European standards
They we do not know what an empire is it's not based on size
>implying the Poortuguese weren't jacking up claims to get a colonial charter to try and rival other countries
And here's is the "Royal Palace" of Benin, basically wooden hut with three small towers.
>The White Man's folly is holding every single population on Earth to European standards
I actually love threads about Incas,Aztecs and other civilizations on American continent. You can see that they really achieved something unique on their own, even if they were behind in certain(many) areas.
But Africa? Sure, they didn't all live in straw huts, had some weapons and metallurgy, but otherwise everything was terribly savage and brutishly cruel to degree not seen on any other continent.
So are you implicitly admitting that Africans are stupid
Not just them
Mr. C. Punch had to make a closer acquaintance with one of these bone reposit-
ories than was pleasant : " Outside the compounds running through the city, was a
broad common, or avenue. When I was there this was littered with bones and skulls,
as I well remember, on the occasion when I went with Consul Annesley. We did not
like our treatment, and to show we were annoyed refused to enter a house. We put
our beds down in this open compound and made a camp. We had to remove bones
and skulls for the purpose. When we first arrived at Guato we found on the side of
the path the remains of a man, tied up between trees and disembowelled. Excepting
the isolated cases of victims tied up in trees near the king's house, which it was im-
possible to ignore, I absolutely refused to be a witness to any executions, and so I
can only speak by hearsay.
>Hey, this piece of African history is interesting
Who is the real subhuman here?
Off to start another africa thread
First I would like to know the source of this passage, and keep in mind the Benin city people rave about was around in the middle ages. Also that expedition you noted was came about when the Benin empire was in it's death throws. It literally died that year of course it's going to be a shithole.
Maybe all these africa threads are being made to trigger pol and his
Facing the principal entrance to
the king's compounds, stood a large sacrificial tree on which two bodies were crucified,
and scattered in all directions around its base, lay numbers of decapitated and dis-
embowelled sacrifices, in various stages of decomposition, amongst which were the
decapitated remains of three Europeans, w^ho had evidently been gagged and their
hands bound behind their back before execution. A few hundred yards to the south
of the main entrance, already alluded to, stood another sacrificial tree, on which was
crucified the body of a woman, and at its base three other eviscerated bodies, also
women, were found. Continuing my way to the south I came upon the large plain
leading to the Gw^ato path, and there witnessed one of the most horrible sights that
it is possible for the human mind to conceive, i.e. one hundred and seventy six newly
decapitated and mutilated human sacrifices strewn about in all directions, besides
countless numbers of skeletons — truly, a most gruesome sight, and one not to be
easily forgotten. I will not describe any more of these horrible details; suffice it to
say that sacrifices were found in nearly every portion of the city, some of the bodies
being most brutally and cruelly mutilated. Before closing this tale of blood I may, how-
ever, give a brief sketch of the huge pits, seventeen in number, found principally in the
vicinity of the regal palace. These pits were of enormous dimensions — 12 feet in
diameter and 40 feet deep. Seven of these contained human sacrifices, from fifteen
to twenty in each pit; out of these 'foulsome pits' the stench emitted being intoler-
able, we rescued with great difficulty seven unfortunate captives, who for several
days afterwards could hardly realise what had happened; two of -them were carriers
on Mr. Phillips' ill-fated expedition."
The palace was burnt down during the punnitive expedition so what is your source
>the Benin had artefacts with some cool aesthetics
There you go, photos of Benin and its "cool aesthethics"
>The palace was burnt down during the punnitive expedition so what is your source
You dumb fuck, that's the account of the expedition and survivors of earlier Europeans who were massacred there
>"Rome had great artefacts with cool aesthetics"
>There you go, photos of Rome and its "cool aesthetics"
What an argument.
>the Benin had artefacts with some cool aesthetics
>e cool aesthetics
>what appears to be sticks are human entrails
>photography in Roman Empire
>the absolute state of Afrocentrists
what part of artifacts do you not understand?
the Aztecs made up for it doe
More photos from slaughterhouse of Benin
How the built pyramids just for sacrifice
"Architecture" of Benin
I still don't understand you.
He said "Benin had cool artefacts"
Then you showed an image of a Benin cruxifiction.
And then me I made a comparison : that's like talking about Rome artifacts and then show a photo of a Crucifixion, which as NOTHING to do with the artifacts he is talking about and is just a tactic to downplay Rome(here Benin), and then you call me an Afrocentrist.